Issue Title
No 4 (2024) An Express Estimation of Fatigue Strength of Composite Flanges by Infrared Thermography
Abstract PDF
Nihamkin M.S., Solomonov D.G.
No 1 (2019) Comprehensive analysis of mechanical behavior and fracture processes of specimens of three-dimensional reinforced carbon fiber in tensile tests
Abstract PDF
Tretyakova T.V., Dushko A.N., Strungar E.M., Zubova E.M., Lobanov D.S.
No 2 (2013) Experimental study of fractal properties of fatigue crack growth and energy dissipation in crack tip
Abstract PDF
Bannikov M.V., Fedorova A.Y., Terekhina A.I., Plekhov O.A.
No 3 (2016) Normal and shear stresses estimation in deformed metals based on infrared thermography data
Abstract PDF
Terekhina A.I., Kostina A.A., Plekhov O.A.
No 1 (2016) Study of heat source evolution during elastic-plastic deformation of titanium alloy Ti-0.8Al-0.8Mn based on contact and non-contact measurements
Abstract PDF
Iziumova A.Y., Vshivkov A.N., Prokhorov A.E., Plekhov O.A., Venkatraman B.
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