Issue |
Title |
No 3 (2016) |
Stress-strain state near the wedge top with rigidly fastened sides |
Pestrenin V.M., Pestrenina I.V., Landik L.V. |
No 4 (2019) |
Identification of crack-like defect and investigation of stress concentration in coated bar |
Sobol B.V., Soloviev A.N., Rashidova E.V., Vasiliev P.V. |
No 1 (2014) |
Study of the stress state in composite plate near the connecting line edge depending on the thickness and material parameters of the connecting interlayer |
Pestrenin V.M., Pestrenina I.V., Landik L.V., Polyanina E.A. |
No 1 (2014) |
Superposition of power-logarithmic and power singular solutions in two-dimensional elasticity problems |
Andreev A.V. |
No 4 (2017) |
Stability of heated orthotropic geometrically irregular plate in a supersonic gas flow |
Myltcina O.A., Belostochny G.N. |
1 - 5 of 5 Items |