Vol 22, No 4 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/261
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v22i4
Admissible currents to tungsten arc electrode with multipolar current pulses
This article analysis works on permissible currents for tungsten electrodes at arc welding. Information on this issue is contradictory and non-systemic. The necessity of solving the problem about the calculation of permissible currents to a tungsten electrode in argon arc with bipolar current pulses has been substantiated. For this, we used experimental data on permissible currents of direct and reverse polarity arcs, and a sinusoidal alternating current, which was analyzed according to the developed procedure. It is shown that permissible currents of sinusoidal alternating current arc and direct current arc shall be compared according to its average value. Dependencies of the average value of recommended current densities on electrode diameter regarding all polarities are well described by a hyperbolic function. We obtained approximation dependence coefficients for three polarity types. It is supposed that data on permissible currents in a single-phase arc may be overestimated due to a constant component. It was found that when increasing the electrode diameter, the ratio of permissible currents on the direct and reverse polarity arc increases linearly, so the coefficients of this dependence are obtained. This dependence is used as the basis for the calculation method for determining permissible currents to the electrode when welding with bipolar current pulses depending on its diameter and polarity balance. The calculation method is compared with experimental data, and their satisfactory convergence is obtained. Permissible currents to the electrode in the arc with bipolar current pulses decrease sharply with an increase in the proportion of reverse polarity over 30 %. However, such a balance ensures qualitative oxide film destruction when welding aluminum alloys.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):5-12
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Influence of zirconium on specific heat capacity and changes in thermodynamic functions zinc alloy Zn55Al
Heat capacity is one of the most important physical properties of solids, which characterizes the change in the state of matter with temperature. The study of heat capacity is one of the main methods for studying structural and phase transformations in alloys. From the temperature dependence of the heat capacity, it is possible to determine other physical characteristics of a solid: temperature and type of phase transformation, Debye temperature, vacancy formation energy, coefficient of electronic heat capacity, etc. Experimental measurement of heat capacity for different temperature ranges - from extremely low to high - is the main method for determining the thermodynamic properties of substances. In this work, the heat capacity of the zinc alloy Zn55Al with zirconium was determined in the "cooling" mode from the known heat capacity of a reference copper sample. For this, polynomials describing their cooling rates were obtained by processing the curves of the cooling rate of samples made of zinc alloy Zn55Al with zirconium and the standard. Further, according to the experimentally found values of the cooling rates of the samples from the alloys and the standard, knowing their masses, the polynomials of the temperature dependence of the heat capacity of the alloys were established, which are described by a four-term equation. Using integrals of specific heat capacity, models of the temperature dependence of changes in enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy were established. The obtained dependences show that with an increase in temperature, the heat capacity, enthalpy, and entropy of alloys increase, while the Gibbs energy decreases. At the same time, zirconium additives increase the heat capacity, enthalpy and entropy of the initial Zn55Al alloy up to a temperature of 350K, then the additive decreases the heat capacity. In this case, the value of the Gibbs energy decreases.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):13-19
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Calorimetric effects during phase transformations in steel 38KH2MYUA
The differential Scanning Calorimetry allows the patterns of structural and phase transformations in metals and alloys in a wide range of heating temperatures and cooling, substantially in situ. Earlier have been described the advantages of the method of differential scanning calorimetry and the applicability of this method for a variety of materials and alloys. The accumulated experience in the use of DSC showed that many prevailing ideas about the laws of phase transformations sometimes need some adjustment. This, in particular, relates to structural-phase transformations in steels, the study of which by DSC methods is quite fragmented in nature. In support of these studies, in this work, we conducted a comparative study of the patterns of change in calorimetric effects during thermal cycling in the intercritical temperature interval of 38Kh2MYuA steel and the nitrided layer of 38Kh2MYuA steel after gas nitriding. The temperatures of the beginning and end of transformations in the intercritical temperature interval, the values of endo- and exothermic effects, etc., were determined. Changes in the course of the DSC curves of the nitrided layer were established both upon heating and upon cooling. During heating, a weight loss of the sample was recorded, which is associated with the release of nitrogen from steel. This allows you to indirectly determine the amount of nitrogen introduced during nitriding of steels. An unusually large exothermic effect was found when the nitrided layer was heated in the intercritical temperature interval, the nature of which can be associated with the decomposition of iron nitrides in the austenitic matrix. During heating of the nitrided layer, the temperature range of the reverse eutectoid transformation, which is present on the Fe-N state diagram, was revealed. Upon subsequent reheating of nitrided samples, the effect of nitrogen is retained. It should be noted that the sample mass loss during repeated heating is not observed.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):20-25
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Characteristics of synthesizing processes of cobalt-based nanopowders by chemical-metallurgy method
In this work, the characteristics of synthesizing processes of cobalt-based nanopowders (Co(OH)2, Co3O4, Co) by chemical-metallurgy method were studied. Co(OH)2 nanopowder was synthesized by chemical precipitation from aqueous solutions of cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2 (10 wt. %) and alkali NaOH (10 wt. %) under conditions of continuous stirring, temperature control T=25°C and pH=9. The synthesized Co(OH)2 precipitate was washed with distilled water using a Buchner funnel until the dissolved salt ions with a pH value were completely washed out over the precipitate was 7. Co3O4 and Co nanopowders were obtained by thermal decomposition and hydrogen reduction of Co(OH)2 hydroxide, respectively, in a tubular furnace “SNOL 0.2/1250”. The study of the crystal structure and phase composition of the powder samples was carried out by the method of XRD phase analysis. The specific surface area of the powder samples was determined using the BET method with adsorption of nitrogen in low temperature. The average particle size D was calculated from the measurement of the specific surface area. The size characteristics and morphology of the powder particles were studied by scanning electron microscopy. It has been established that the optimal temperatures for thermal decomposition and reduction processes are 180 and 280°C respectively, the holding time of the processes is about two hours. The obtained nanoparticles Co(OH)2 and Co3O4 mainly have an acicular shape, with a diameter up to a few tens of nm and the length up to 200-300 nm. Co nanoparticles mainly have a spherical shape, the size of which is also up until several tens of nm. They are in a sintered state, each of them is connected to several neighboring particles by isthmuses.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):26-32
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Comparative Study on Cavitation Resistance of deposited metal with metastable structure and stable austenite
Machine parts operating in moving fluids, such as hydraulic equipment, are subjected to cavitation erosion. Stable austenitic steels such as 316L with high ductility are used in manufacturing such type of equipment. This provides the possibility to resist the impact of fluid rupture near the surface region. Metastable austenite is a promising material for this application. It combines ductility with hardening in case of high external loads. In this study, the resistance to cavitation erosion of the deposited layer with metastable austenite the structure type 8.0Cr-0.6C-1.5Al-Ti and stable austenitic steel 18Cr10Ni2Mo (hereinafter AISI 316L) was evaluated using a developed ultrasonic testing apparatus. A flux-cored wire of 1.6 mm in diameter made of 8.0Cr-0.6C-1.5Al-Ti steel was deposited on a substrate made of AISI 316L steel by gas tungsten arc welding. The material weight loss criterion was used to evaluate the cavitation resistance of specimens. The results of the cavitation tests revealed that the specimen with the deposited layer was exhibited about 10 times higher resistance to cavitation erosion than the AISI 316L steel. Examination of the specimen's surface using an optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy showed that the deposited layer was significantly less damaged by cavitation compared to AISI 316L steel. The good resistance to cavitation of the deposited layer might be attributed to deformation martensitic transformation occurring during cavitation loading. Thus, applying the deposited layers of steel 8.0Cr-0.6C-1.5Al-Ti can effectively increase the resistance to cavitation erosion of parts made of AISI 316L steel.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):33-41
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Features of interaction between liquid aluminum and titanium in the formation of composite materials
Composite materials titanium-aluminum and titanium-foam aluminum are increasingly used in industry. Of the number of methods used to obtain composite materials titanium-aluminum and titanium-foam aluminum, the most universal and simple is liquid phase. The essence of the liquid-phase method is the formation of a composite by the interaction of molten aluminum and a solid titanium phase. methods of forming composite materials are liquid phase. In liquid-phase methods, as a result of the reaction diffusion of titanium and aluminum, a transitional intermetallic layer is formed at the phase boundary of the composite, the thickness and composition of which is determined by the temperature of the phases during the formation of the composite material, the time of their high-temperature interaction, and their chemical composition. The mechanical and operational properties of titanium and composite material will largely be determined by the parameters, composition and properties of this transition layer. Therefore, the aim of the work is to study the processes of interaction of titanium with liquid aluminum and the influence of these processes on its properties under the conditions of formation of composite materials. To achieve this goal, experimental studies of the formation of an intermetallic layer on titanium during liquid-phase aluminization of titanium were carried out. The alitizing temperature during the experiments varied in the range of 750-950 °С, and the alimination time was in the range of 3-60 s. Metallographic studies and X-ray microanalysis of aluminized titanium samples made it possible to establish the effect of temperature and exposure time of titanium samples on the thickness, chemical and phase composition of the intermetallic transition layer. The mechanical tests showed the influence of the temperature of the aluminum melt during interaction with titanium on the strength properties of titanium-aluminum bimetal.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):42-47
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Thermokinetic analysis of phase composition of welds aluminum alloy 1420 system Al-Mg-Li. Part 1. Thermokinetic analysis of phase composition of alloy 1420
Aluminum alloys of Al-Mg-Li system are promising to be used on industrial scale in different production areas. This is due to the fact that the alloys of this system have such unique properties as low density, the required strength and extremely high modulus of elasticity, compared to aluminum alloys of other groups. Research of this group of alloys in the modern scientific space is becoming quite interesting and relevant. In this paper we consider an alloy of grade 1420 of Al-Mg-Li system. The aim of the research is thermokinetic calculations of possible phase composition of aluminum alloy 1420 in equilibrium state, as well as the level of inclusions extraction in the alloy. The studies allowed to establish that the alloy contains inclusions of different types, shapes and compositions. The presence of phases Al3Fe, Al2ZrTi and Al2TiZr inclusions was found out, at the total content of more than 1 %, when, as before, inclusions in aluminum alloys were interpreted under the general name oxide films without dividing them by species. In addition, the possible phase composition of the alloy in equilibrium has been determined. It was found that after equilibrium crystallization in the alloy will be present Al2MgLi about 20 %, Al3Mg2 more than 5 %, Mg2Si about 1 %. Calculated data on mechanical properties show an increase in the cooling rate by exponential dependence. The initial and final crystallization temperature of the aluminum alloy has been determined, and the calculated data of the thermal and isothermal diagrams allowed to reveal the formation of metastable phases in the alloy, with their content of more than 0.5 %, which include Al-Mg-Zr-Ti, Al3Li, Al2MgLi.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):48-55
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Determination of the influence of the aluminum content and phase composition, structure and structure, thermal stresses in multilayer Zr1-xAlxN coatings on their tribological, heat-resistant, crack-resistant and adhesion properties
Zr1- x Al x N coatings are formed by pulsed magnetron sputtering in the range of technological parameters: pressure of the gas mixture P = 0.25…1.0 Pa and nitrogen content in the gas mixture N2 = 5…40 %. The phase and elemental composition, as well as tribological, heat-resistant, crack-resistant and adhesion properties were investigated for P = 0.75 Pa and N2 = 5…15 %. With a different combination of parameters, an X-ray amorphous coating is formed. In the investigated range, three-phase coatings Zr1- x Al x N are formed based on the phases: c -Zr3AlN, w -Zr3AlN, δ-Zr3N4. Phases h -ZrN0.28 and w-AlN are optional. Depending on the nitrogen content in the gas mixture, the Zr1- x Al x N coating is formed in three different states. Stoichiometric three-phase coating Zr1- х Al х N (20 at. % Al, 20 at. % Ti, 60 at. % N) based on c -Zr3AlN, w -Zr3AlN, δ-Zr3N4 phases is formed at N2 = 15 %. Maximum crack resistance K cr = S ref / S po = 0.1, microhardness H = 24 GPa, adhesion strength and ability to elastic recovery, as well as minimum friction force F fr = 4.1 N and friction coefficient µ = 0.06 corresponds to nanostructured coating Zr1- x Al x N with the maximum content of the w -Zr3AlN phase ( Vw -Zr3AlN = 27.56 %) and Al (55.44 at. %), minimum thermal stresses and surface defects. In the case of deposition of an X-ray amorphous three-phase coating Zr1- x Al x N, its microhardness sharply decreases with a significant deterioration of tribological properties. A decrease in the proportion of the thermally stable phase w -Zr3AlN in the Zr1- х Al х N coating has a greater effect on the deterioration of its tribological, heat-resistant, crack-resistant and adhesive properties. Stoichiometric three-phase coating Zr1- х Al х N (20 at. % Al, 20 at. % Ti, 60 at. % N) based on c -Zr3AlN, w -Zr3AlN, δ-Zr3N4 phases, formed at N2 = 15 %, has a minimum crack resistance. Maximum crack resistance K cr = = S coating peeling / S ∑ = 0.1, microhardness H = 24 GPa, adhesion strength and ability to elastic recovery, as well as minimum friction force F fr = 4.1 N and friction coefficient µ = 0.06 corresponds to nanostructured coating Zr1- x Al x N with the maximum content of the w -Zr3AlN phase ( = 27.56 %) and Al (55.44 at. %), minimum thermal stresses and surface defects. In the case of deposition of an X-ray amorphous three-phase coating Zr1- x Al x N, its microhardness sharply decreases with a significant deterioration of tribological properties. A decrease in the proportion of the thermally stable phase w -Zr3AlN in the Zr1- x Al x N coating has a greater effect on the deterioration of its tribological, heat-resistant, crack-resistant and adhesive properties.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):56-66
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Features of electrical discharge machining with a crust electrode-tool obtained by the technology of galvanic deposition
A The aim of the study is to increase the productivity of electrical discharge machining using an aluminum electrode-tool EDM with a copper coating by selecting rational processing parameters using a mathematical model obtained by the method of factorial experiment. In terms of electroerosive properties, aluminum ET with a copper coating obtained by the method of galvanic deposition are comparable to continuous EIs. However, the issue of predicting EDM performance using ET data has not been fully studied. The paper considers an empirical model obtained by the method of factorial experiment, which makes it possible to predict the performance of copy-piercing electrical discharge machining. The technique of experimental research is described, the equipment used is shown. The variable parameters of the regression analysis ( I , T on, U ) are given, the planning matrix is compiled, the regression coefficients are calculated, the significant coefficients are determined, and an empirical model is obtained, tested for adequacy. The reverse replacement of the matrix parameters is carried out, and the final model is obtained. The images of the response function hypersurface in the coordinate space with constant parameters I, Ton, U are given. The character of the response function Q changes when the parameters are changed are determined. The limiting values of productivity are revealed. An empirical model has been obtained that makes it possible to predict the performance of KEEDM using an aluminum ET with a copper coating, depending on the processing parameters.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):67-74
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Quality assessment of the surface layer of aluminum alloy after processing elastic polymer-abrasive wheels
The article examines the study of the processing modes influence on such indicators of the quality of the surface layer of parts made of aluminum alloys, such as surface roughness and residual stresses. During the experimental studies, we used 3M elastic polymer-abrasive wheels of the FS-WL, DB-WL, CF-FB brands. As a result of experimental studies, it was found that the transverse roughness in the parameter Ra increases with increasing deformation of the circle. This is due to the fact that with an increase in deformation, the vertical component of the force grows, and, consequently, the depth of penetration of single grains into the processed material increases. As the cutting speed increases, the Ra transverse roughness also increases. This is due to the fact that with increasing speed, the centrifugal component of the impact force of the abrasive grain on the treated surface increases. In the course of statistical processing of the experimental data, it was proved that the transverse roughness does not depend on the longitudinal feed. An analysis of variance of the experimental results proved that the longitudinal roughness in terms of the Ra parameter for all used elastic polymer-abrasive wheels does not depend on the specified processing modes. As a result of the research carried out, an empirical dependence was obtained, which allows predicting the expected roughness when designing a technological process for manufacturing a part. The study of the formation of residual stresses in the surface layer of parts made of aluminum alloy V95PchT2 during processing with elastic polymer-abrasive wheels. As a result, it was found that when the samples obtained by cylindrical and face milling with elastic polymer-abrasive wheels are processed, the residual stresses are completely re-formed. Considering that this processing process takes place on a very thin softened surface layer, it has been proven that compressive residual stresses arise in the processed material at a shallow depth of occurrence, which has a positive effect on the operational properties of parts. The analysis of the state of the surface layer was also carried out using metallographic and electron microscopy. Based on these studies, it was concluded that the cases of darkening of the workpiece made of aluminum alloy cannot prevent the introduction of surface cleaning with polymer-abrasive tools in the aviation industry, since all particles present on the surface are easily removed during preparation for anodizing.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(4):75-86
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