Vol 19, No 3 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/274
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v19i3
Antifriction epoxy materials filled with activated wollastonite
Studies of the antifriction properties of composite materials based on epoxy binders have been carried out. To prepare the modified compositions, an epoxy diane resin ED-20 (GOST 10587-84) was used. As cross-linking agents for cold curing, aminoalkylphenol (AF-2) (TU 2494-052-00205423-2004) was used, and hexamethylenediamine (HMDA) (TU 6-09-36-73) for hot curing. As the filler, wollastonite Brand MiVoll 10-97 (TU 577-006-40705684-2003) of domestic production of CJSC Geokom with a characteristic ratio of length to grain diameter of 15:1. Surface-active substances (surfactants) were used to activate the surface of wollastonite. The influence of the amine hardener structure and the type of surfactants used to activate the surface of the mineral filler on the wear resistance, hardness, and static friction coefficient of epoxy polymers was studied. The tests were carried out on an automated friction machine "Tribometer, CSM Instruments" (Switzerland). The effect of the modification of epoxy como positions with surface-activated wollastonite on the hardness of epoxy polymers has been studied by the method of Barkol. The wear resistance of samples from the epoxy composition was measured on a vertical optical meter IZV-1 with an accuracy of ±0.001 mm. Thus, the compositions of antifriction materials based on epoxy resins modified with surface-activated wollastonite have been developed, the results of the study of the effect of surfactants on the modifying effects of wollastonite are presented. It was found that activation of the surface of natural wollastonite causes an improvement in the number of antifriction properties of epoxy materials filled with it. Moreover, a more significant increase in hardness and wear resistance is observed when cured with hexamentylenediamine, and when the AF-2 cures, the static friction coefficient also decreases. At the same time, it is more promising to use alkyltrimethylammonium chloride with a longer alkyl radical.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):7-18
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The work examines the problem of brake pads with the standard locomotive microstructure, are the main provisions of the physical modeling of tribological process paired “bondage wheel locomotive-brake locomotive cast iron block”, which is defined by the representation of material pad as soft metal basis based on perlite and solid abrasive inclusions on the basis of cementite. Justifying the impact graphite brake pad to wear brace. Based on the physical model of the process of wear in the specified friction pair reviewed options for wear depending on the structure of cast iron, which in terms of production, with a stable chemical composition, has great scatters on hardness. Cast iron microstructure is proposed on the basis of ferrite and graphite and process for obtaining it. Metallographic survey conducted of mikrogrindings brake pads with experimental and standard microstructure in terms of changes in the composition and shape of the graphite inclusions. As a result of research based on the Digital Photomicrography using modern program “CITO” for quantitative processing sizes graphite plates obtained comparative data sizes on length, thickness and square graphite plates. Studies have shown that thermal treatment of the standard brake pads allowed regardless of the original hardness of the get profitable, even distribution of graphite. Studies have shown that thermal treatment of the standard brake pads allowed regardless of the original hardness of the get profitable, even distribution of graphite. Thus the sizes of graphite plates experimental structure compared to the standard has increased significantly, which can enhance the process of separation film between friction surfaces and avoid scratches metal rims.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):19-33
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Investigations of powder alloys of the Fe-(30-36)% Ni system based on carbonyl powders are presented. The dependence of the austenite grain size and the concentration of components on the structural features and properties of powder Fe-Ni alloys is shown. To carry out the experiment and studies, the metallographic analysis, the method for measuring the austenite and martensite grains, X-ray phase analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, spectral analysis, and magnetometric method were used to determine the temperatures of the α-α transformation. When studying the microstructure of Fe-(30-36)%Ni alloys, it was found that an increase in the concentration of nickel promotes the coarsening of the average grain size of the austenite, and the grain coarsening promotes the acceleration of the austenitic-martensitic transformation. In alloys with nickel content in the range of 30-32%, the phase transformation temperature increased with increasing minimum grain size of martensite in direct proportion to the nickel content, the critical austenite grain size was 1-3.5 microns. It is established that the transformation in alloys with 30.3-31.93% nickel occurs in a wide range of temperatures (70-120 degrees), and in alloys with 34.35-36.33% nickel - in a narrow (1-2 degrees). It is shown that as the nickel content increases from 30 to 36%, the grain size increases and the temperature of the phase g-α transformation increases by 75 K, and the fraction of martensite formed increases by a factor of 5. It was found that the decomposition of austenite in iron nickel alloys (30-32% Ni) was in the range 70-92%, with a Ni content of 33-36%; the decomposition of austenite was insignificant: 2-15%. It was established that when the samples were cooled to 5 K in a field with a strength of 5 kЕ, the value of the magnetization increased to 113-189 emu/g. It was found that a decrease in the critical grain size provokes the transformation into iron of nickel alloys.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):34-48
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Creation of thermal models at electron beam welding by method of functions of Green
Development of new control systems of an electronic beam and programming of the modes of welding has allowed to expand considerably possibilities of improvement of the processing methods of electron beam welding providing almost unlimited variety of the modes of impact of a beam on a surface of the processed detail. On the basis of it, there is a need for development of the generalized system approach for the solution of thermal tasks at electron beam welding. The differential equation of heat conductivity presented in work, is mathematical model of the whole class of the phenomena of heat conductivity and has an infinite set of decisions. For receiving from a set of decisions of one private, characterizing concrete process, the additional data of of a condition of unambiguity containing body geometry, boundary and entry conditions are necessary. Thermal processes at electron beam welding are simulated and expression which is initial for creation of the thermal models considering different types of dynamic positioning of an electronic beam is received. The possibility of application of a method of functions of Green as one of universal ways of creation of thermal models at electron beam welding with various dynamic positioning of a beam is presented. On the basis of the provided analysis of the physical processes happening at electron beam welding the conclusion is made that formation of deep pro-melting represents a number of elementary cycles, each of which includes evaporation of a layer of metal and the subsequent shielding of an electronic beam. It is established that at the solution of a thermal task the form of a source of heat has to imitate a “screened” condition of the steam-gas channel that will allow to transfer more precisely when calculating a “dagger” form of pro-melting On the offered model calculation of geometry of a welded seam in cross section for steel 38H2NMYuA is made. Calculation has shown that the offered heat source model for electron beam welding by a static beam and the solution of a thermal task received on its basis, allow to describe geometry of a welded seam most precisely.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):49-74
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The equilibrium of the system gas-liquid for alloy Pb-Sb in vacuum distillation
The article is devoted to the creation of environmentally friendly, technologically efficient and cost-effective high-performance integrated circuits for the processing of lead-containing industrial products and wastes, in particular, silicate slag (SS), formed by melting electrolytic copper sludge, with commercial production of single products. Among the possible ways of the recovery school stands out vacuum distillation, which is considered one of the most effective and environmentally friendly methods for the separation and purification, processing and refining of various metals. To analyze the behavior of multicomponent alloy processing, pre-selection of temperature and pressure of the system, evaluate the effectiveness of component separation in a vacuum distillation using phase diagrams temperature - composition “ T-x ”, pressure - composition “ p-x ”. The aim of the work is calculation of the equilibrium “gas-liquid” VLE (vapor liquid equilibrium), including the dependence of phase composition on temperature ( T-x ) and pressure ( p-x ) for Pb-Sb alloy with vacuum distillation based on the model MIVM (мolecular interaction volume model), as well as determination of thermodynamic parameters of the process. calculation of the activity coefficients of components of Pb-Sb alloy was performed using three-dimensional model of molecular interaction мolecular interaction volume model. the calculation of VLE diagrams using the model MIVM. In the temperature range 823-1073 K the calculated saturated vapor pressure (Pa) Pb (0.0263-14.9)·10-2 and Sb (3.954-273.66). High values of the ratio = (15.04-1.83)·103 and the separation factor logβSb = 3.18-4.27 create a theoretical background for the selective separation of these metals by vacuum distillation, when the antimony is enriched in the gas phase (βSb > 1), and lead in liquid. The mole fraction of lead in the gas phase у Pb = (6-5855)·10-6 increases with increasing temperature 823-1073 K and the molar fraction of the metal in the alloy х Pb = 0.1-0.9. Using the MIVM model calculated activity coefficients of antimony γSb = 0.771-0.998 and lead γPb = 0.811-0.998 for Pb-Sb alloy with different composition in the investigated temperature range. For phase diagrams VLE can be used by the lever rule (rule lines) to help predict quantities of substances, residues and sublimates at a predetermined temperature. For the phase boundary “liquid-gas” Pb-Sb alloy the values of the excess Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy: QUOTE = -(0.145-0.44) kJ/mol; = -(0.156-0.427) kJ/mol; QUOTE = 0.0100-0.0565 J/mol·K.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):75-99
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The comparison research of plasma surface hardening of 34CrNiMo6 steel produced on direct polarity and reversed polarity current
The development of modern industry is aimed at improving the technological properties of products. Many product parameters basically determine the state of the surface layer of the material from which it is made. Increasing the hardness of the surface layer with unique core characteristics will significantly improve the performance characteristics of products and expand the field of application of 34CrNiMo6 steel. The paper presents the results of a study of the surface plasma hardening of 34CrNiMo6 steel on direct and reverse polarity currents. The modes of quenching are selected, which exclude fusion of the surface to be treated. Four studies of plasma surface quenching, including processing with scanning and processing in closed arc mode, were carried out. The results of measuring the geometric characteristics and hardness of the hardened layers obtained are given. The possibility of obtaining hardened layers with a hardness of up to 52 HRC is shown. The macro- and microstructure of the hardened layers obtained using light microscopy was studied. The features of structure formation in layers hardened in different variants are analyzed. It is established that when processing on a direct polarity current without scanning, a bainite structure is formed both in the hardened and in the transition zones. When processing on a reverse polarity current, a martensitic structure of different dispersity is formed in the hardened zone, the structure of the transition zone is sorbitol or release troposite, depending on the treatment option. It is shown that there is no cast structure in the surface layer when processing according to the presented variants. It is shown that it is possible to obtain hardened layers with a depth of 1.7 mm and a width of up to 24 mm in the finish plasma treatment without significant changes in the surface roughness.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):100-113
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In the article the brief review of scientific researches of process of stress corrosion cracking of welded joints of high-alloyed chromium-nickel steels is given. Welded joints, from the standpoint of the general theory of corrosion fatigue of metals, are among the most complex objects. During their operation, a number of problems arise related to the heterogeneity of the material properties, the complexity of the structure, the presence of structural and technological stress concentrators, residual stresses, etc. The characteristic features of corrosion cracking, cited in the studies of Russian and foreign scientific schools, are noted. The main types of corrosion damage at various sections of the welded joint are examined, namely corrosion of the weld metal, damage to the zones of thermal influence, knife damage occurring at the boundary between the joint and the base metal. The models of nucleation and development of cracks in the mechanism of intercrystalline corrosion are analyzed. The article provides information on the causes that cause the steel's propensity to intercrystalline corrosion. The data on the effect of heat treatment on the tendency of the weld metal to intercrystalline corrosion are systematized. The main regularities of corrosion-resistant alloying are noted. The data on the methods for preventing intercrystalline corrosion and reducing the tendency of the weld metal to stress corrosion cracking are given. Methods for estimating the tendency of weld metal to stress corrosion cracking are classified. The analysis of methods for preventing the tendency of welded joints to stress corrosion is given: metallurgical methods related to the effect on the chemical composition of the weld and the structure of the welded joint, and technological methods associated with controlling the parameters of the welding and heat treatment regime.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):114-138
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Investigation of liquid-phase reduction of steelmaking slag in the laboratory
The object of the study is the dump slag of steelmaking, the need for recycling and processing is predetermined by their harmful impact on the environment and the deterioration of the ecological situation. The aim of the work is to study the processes of liquid-phase recovery of the dump slag of the steelmaking plant of JSC “Zlatoust Electrometallurgical Plant” under laboratory conditions using an induction heating plant. In this paper, we propose and test a scheme for the processing of slags in steelmaking, a distinctive feature of which is the realization of a two-stage “recovery-melting” method. The method is based on a phased separation of the initial slags into magnetic and non-magnetic components with intermediate reduction of slags before their liquid-phase reduction to increase the degree of metallization of the processed product. As a result, it is possible to obtain a metallic intermediate, used as a charge material in the smelting of low-alloy steels. Experiments with the original slag material were carried out under laboratory conditions (a branch of SUSU in Zlatoust), chemical, structural and phase analysis was studied using scanning electron microscopes JEOL JSM-7001 and JOEL JSM-6460 LV. Magnetic separation of slag was carried out with the help of a magnetic separator, designed and created at the department of Engineering and Technology of Materials of the branch of SUSU in Zlatoust. The separated magnetic component of the slag was approximately 40%, from the starting material. To carry out the operation of liquid-phase reduction of metal from samples of prepared slag, the laboratory induction furnace UPI-60-2 was used by placing a prepared mixture of coke and slag in it. 12 experienced swimming trunks were conducted. The optimum recovery time of the starting material is not more than 30 minutes. Samples of the resulting metal and residual slag were examined for chemical and phase composition. It is established that highly magnetized slags can be reduced with carbon of coke without preliminary solid-phase reduction until a metal phase corresponding to the composition of the alloyed cast iron is obtained. At the same time, the yield of the usable metal from the initial amount of slag material can reach 40% or more. This process of liquid-phase reduction is expedient to be carried out at a temperature of 1450 ± 20 °С.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):139-150
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Increase of efficiency Electrical discharge machining of details of hydraulic cylinders and products of special purpose by application of electrodes with the raised Electrical discharge machining properties
The purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the еlectrical discharge machining (EDM) of details of hydraulic cylinders and special-purpose products (hereinafter referred to as GC and ISN) by using electrodes (hereinafter EI) with increased EDM properties. All materials used for the manufacture of GZ and ISN parts is the presence of chromium steels in the chemical composition. The presence of chromium improves the EDM resistance of the material, in connection with this, the processing of these details is accompanied by intense wear of the EI. Increasing the wear resistance of EI is an urgent task. It is known that in EDM of hard and refractory alloys, EIs made of composite materials are widely used. At present, composite materials based on copper have been developed, which make it possible to improve the operational properties of the tool electrode. In spite of this, the use of such EI for EDM treatment of chromium-containing steels is not widely used. This is due to the fact that there are no practical recommendations on the use of these electrodes and the influence of the percentage content of the components of the composite material on the productivity and resistance of the EI in the treatment of chromium-containing steels has not been fully studied. To determine the influence of the percentage content of the components of the composite material on the performance properties of the EI, an experiment was conducted on the EDM treatment of chromium-containing steel X12F EI from the composite materials of the systems: copper-chromium; Copper-tungsten; Copper-molybdenum; Copper-graphite, with a different content of constituent components. According to the carried out experiment, and the subsequent analysis, it was established that the electrode of the copper-graphite system with 0.2% graphite content had the most optimal parameters. The received data allow show the expediency of the use of EI from the composite material of the copper-graphite system for machining the parts of the GC and ISN.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):151-162
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Comparative analysis of different models of the insulating polymer flow in the extruder screw channel
Today, polymeric materials, which include a large number of plasticizers and fillers, which give the finished product the necessary mechanical and electrical properties, are found a wide application in the cable industry. The most commonly used method for the processing of such materials is extrusion, which has high technological parameters. The main advantage of extrusion machines is the simplicity of the design and the possibility of continuously maintaining the process of applying electrical insulation. Polymeric compositions are characterized by non-linear dependence of viscosity on shear rate and temperature, which causes a number of problems associated with the choice of the temperature regime for their processing. At the same time, for some materials, exceeding the allowable temperature by several degrees leads to thermal destruction and, as a result, to a significant decrease in the mechanical and electrical properties of the finished product. Since the study of the heat and mass transfer processes in the working channels of an extruder using field experiments entails large time and material costs, the problem solution of minimizing local overheating, caused by energy dissipation, was carried out using mathematical modeling methods. The purpose of this work was to study the processes of flow and heat transfer in the working channels of extrusion machines. In this paper, we propose a spatial model that allows us to study the processes of heat and mass transfer simultaneously in the dosing zone of a plasticizing extruder and a forming tool. As a result of numerical investigation, the fields of temperature, viscosity and shear rate distribution were obtained, both in the extruder channel and in the forming tool. Comparative analyses of the effect of the output adapter geometric parameters on the polymeric materials processing by extrusion were done. Recommendations on the choice of optimal geometric parameters of the adapter to achieve a homogeneous melt flow with a uniform temperature distribution in the flow are given.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):163-178
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Investigation of the structure and relative erosion resistance of electrodes-tools made from powder materials based on copper and carbide, carbonitride, tungsten carbosilicide of titanium
The purpose of the research was to study the physical, mechanical and operational properties of electrode tools made from composite materials based on copper with the addition of carbide, carbonitride, titanium carbosilicide in the erosion of tool steel. Composite materials based on copper with different contents of the refractory phase were made by powder metallurgy. During the sintering of the systems “copper-titanium carbide” and “copper titanium carbonitride” chemical interaction was not observed, in the copper-crab-silicate titanium system, dissociation of the compound was established de-siliconization from titanium carbosilicide grains, part of titanium carbosilicide grains was converted to a solid solution of carbon based on Titanium silicide Ti5Si3(C) and small amounts of titanium carbide, silicon carbide and titanium silicide TiSi2. It was found that with an increase in the concentration of the refractory additive from 12.5 to 80 vol.% increases the hardness and strength of composite materials, as well as the electrical resistivity. The lowest porosity (6%) was in materials containing titanium carbosilicide, regardless of its content. The flexural strength was 2 times higher in systems with titanium carbosilicide in comparison with carbide and titanium carbonitride. When investigating the relative wear of the EI during the piercing of tool steel on draft modes, it was established that all the systems studied have better wear resistance than pure copper and copper-tungsten carbide material. The accuracy of the treatment with copper-carbolicidal titanium was higher than with pure copper and other materials studied. The least relative wear during titanium insertion was observed when using an electrode “copper-12 vol.% Titanium carbide”.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):179-192
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On the connection between the energy parameters of secondary emission signals from the laser beam welding zone in vacuum with the parameters of metal penetration
Currently, laser beam welding is widely used in engineering, especially in the production of responsible appointment. The implementation process of laser beam welding in the production gives such advantages as a high concentration of thermal effects, high growth rate and reducing the temperature in the processing zone, and the possibility of rapid formation of a welded bath in in a given volume. In recent years, active development in laser beam technologies in the manufacture of general and special machine building products has been obtained by welding with a concentrated laser beam in a vacuum, which allows producing defect-free welds with a high seam depth to width ratio. Previously, these quality indicators could be observed only with the use of electron beam welding. Studies of physical processes during laser beam welding in a vacuum, in order to create efficient welding technology, is now just beginning. One of the research areas is the possibility of operative control of the process of formation of a welded seam, in order to ensure the absence of defects and high reproducibility of the quality of welded joints. The proposed method is based on registration of secondary emission signals of the welding zone with the use of a collector of charged particles. The amplitude-time characteristics obtained for the given registration can be used to estimate the value of the specific power introduced into the article to be welded. The change in the specific power was recorded during the experiments with a change in the focus of the laser beam relative to the surface being treated, which makes it possible to conclude that the emissivity has changed from the weld pool. The use of this technique for recording the secondary emission current recorded in the plasma over the laser welding zone in a vacuum provides the possibility of an operative control of the geometry of the penetration zone during laser welding in vacuum.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(3):193-206
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