Vol 13, No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/CG/issue/view/303
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/cg.v13i3
The article analyzes the results of geotechnical calculations of karst protection measure of a highway by laying geosynthetic material in the base, when karst deformations of 2 types are formed: karst failure in the base of road embankment and cavity in karst soils laying 5-20 m below the embankment base. When designing karst protection with installation of signalling system on geosynthetic material, the necessity to perform calculations of forces and deformations in geosynthetic material during formation of cavity in karst soils is justified, as they should report about cavity growth at depth for timely taking of protection measures. An analytical formula has been obtained for determining the tensile forces in the geosynthetic material depending on the diameter of the cavity in karst soils, the power of the cover stratum and the height of the road embankment.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):5-14
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Preparation of final qualifying works by undergraduates on the topics of geotechnical construction and reconstruction of buildings
The main provisions of the completion of final qualifying works (master's theses) by undergraduates studying in the field of training "Construction" at the Department of Bases and Foundations of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin are given. The duration of the master's degree is two years for full-time and two and a half years for part-time studies. Undergraduates should start their final qualification work (FQW) two to three months after their enrollment in the master's program. The preparation of the FQW provides for the independent work of the undergraduate student on solving the tasks under the guidance of experienced teachers (professors, associate professors) or leading specialists in the construction industry. The general organization of work on the FQW is entrusted to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the graduating department. The topics of the FQW (master's theses) are determined by the graduating department, which can be adjusted after the master's student performs research work (RW) and passes pre-graduate practice at the last stage of training. At the same time, for undergraduates, there are varieties of FQW (research and design), the type of which is determined by the supervisor. The article presents the composition of the department that trains undergraduates, sample topics of the department's FQW and their structure, the procedure for appointing scientific supervisors (consultants). Undergraduates are trained according to the master's program: "Architectural design, reconstruction and geotechnical construction". The main stages of the implementation of the FQW, the timing, the results of the verification of the FQW for anti-plagiarism and the procedure of public protection are given.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):15-27
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The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the features of the work of a stuffed pyramidal pile on a horizontal load are presented. On an experimental site composed of clay soils, 2 experimental piles were made and static tests were performed for the combined action of vertical, horizontal and moment loads. Based on the test results, it was found that the presence of a vertical load increases the resistance of a pyramidal pile to a horizontal load. Based on the analysis of the test results, a design scheme of a horizontally loaded pyramidal pile in a multilayer Winkler foundation was constructed, taking into account friction on the side faces. The bending rigidity of the pile shaft is assumed to be infinitely rigid. In accordance with the design scheme, an analytical method for calculating a pyramidal pile loaded with vertical and moment loads has been developed, taking into account the increase in bearing capacity under the action of a vertical load. Based on the results of the calculation, the horizontal displacement of the pile head in the level of the soil surface, the angle of rotation of the pile, as well as bending moments and transverse force along the length of the pile are determined. An example of calculating a pyramidal pile for a horizontal load with and without friction on the side surface of the pile is presented.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):28-39
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This article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the stress-strain state of the soil mass of the bottom of the mine and the presentation of an approach to assessing the values of the physico-mechanical properties of the fixed soil of the base, ensuring its strength and water resistance. To analyze the stress-strain state, a computer program was used in which the finite element method was formalized to determine stresses and displacements, and the Coulomb plasticity condition was used to determine areas of plastic deformations (regions of the limit state). Preliminary calculations have shown that the areas of plastic deformations are located directly under the upper boundary of the bottom, developed mainly in the horizontal direction, with a shaft width of d = 5 m, their thickness is approximately 25 % greater than at d = 4 m. The intensity of vertical movements at d = 5 m is also slightly greater than at d = 4 m. The vertical coordinates of the points of the arch of the "lifting" of the bottom of the shaft are defined as the difference between the vertical movements of the points of its surface and the point of its contact with the sheet pile. The vertical displacements of this "common" point are the same, since the condition of complete adhesion is fulfilled at this point in the finite element calculation. To determine the properties of the soil of the bottom of the mine, which, after strengthening, should ensure its strength and water resistance, we will use a technique that allows us to ensure the fulfillment of conditions under which there are no zones of tensile vertical stresses and areas of plastic deformation in the bottom of the mine. Using the method of reverse calculation, the well-known formula of V.A. Florin and the concept of reduced connectivity pressure, it was possible to establish numerical values of the angle of internal friction and specific adhesion, which must be given to the soil of the interspun space in the process of fixing it, so that the conditions stipulated above are provided.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):40-49
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Three common design filtration schemes are considered during earthworks under flooding conditions in urban construction, in which there are characteristic areas of artificial heterogeneities in the form of various fixtures or structures. The initial formulation of the corresponding filtration problems has been made. Boundary and initial conditions for groundwater filtration areas are set. The solution of the problems was found using the methods of conformal mappings, equivalent filtration resistances and integral Laplace transformations in a non-stationary formulation of the movement of groundwater. Quite convenient and not very complicated formulas have been found for calculating the real processes of groundwater filtration, which form water inflows into construction workings, limited by artificial barriers that create obstacles for the movement of groundwater. The dependences obtained for the flow rates and pressures of seepage flows during earthworks are estimated, that is, quite approximate, but they can be useful in the design of earthworks. Solutions are provided with specific practical examples. A comparison is made of the pressure behind the contour of a reinforced concrete wall in the ground in the initial period of drainage work during the first 10 days. The non-stationary filtration of underground waters and the behavior of their level near the construction working are considered. The study showed that the underestimation of the presence of artificial heterogeneity during excavation with drainage leads to an overly optimistic forecast of a decrease in groundwater pressure near construction workings. In fact, the pressure decreases much more slowly, which makes excavation conditions more difficult. The improved method of filtration calculations obtained is recommended for use in earthworks in urban construction.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):50-62
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of galvanizing method for corrosion protection of mounting welds of building structures
Galvanizing of welded seams is an effective method to prevent corrosion of building structures. As a rule, galvanic or electrolytic deposition of zinc coating on a metal surface for anti-corrosion protection is carried out at the factory using baths. Factory anti-corrosion coating is of high quality and durability. But in the conditions of a construction site, structures are assembled using welding, during which the factory anti-corrosion protection is destroyed. Therefore, it is necessary to provide additional high-quality anti-corrosion protection of assembly welds at the site of construction installation. Today, one of the most relevant materials for the protection of metal surfaces is zinc. Therefore, the article considers the possibility of using the galvanizing method for anticorrosive protection of field welds. On the basis of one of the patents, a mobile device was developed that makes it possible to perform anti-corrosion protection of assembly welds in the conditions of a construction site using the electrolytic method. The quality of the coating applied by the proposed device meets the requirements of regulatory documentation. Also, the article is a description of the testing of anti-corrosion coatings on metal samples with a welded seam, followed by a comparative analysis of methods for protecting field welds from corrosion: paint and varnish coatings for metal, galvanic zinc plating using the developed device; cold galvanizing. When conducting a comparative analysis of the types of anti-corrosion coatings, the method of galvanic or electrolytic zinc coating using the proposed mobile device turned out to be more effective than paint coatings and cold galvanizing based on a comparative analysis of types of anti-corrosion coatings. Also, the method of galvanic zinc coating is the most rational, since this method has a low consumption of zinc compared to other methods of galvanizing.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):63-71
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Construction information model
Despite the development of information modeling technology, its insufficient use in Russia is observed in comparison with a number of foreign countries. When implementing construction projects, the practice of forming design information models has already become widespread, which cannot be said about the practice of applying construction information models. The aim of the work is to substantiate the advantages of using a building information model in information modeling technology. Based on the analysis of the literature, the absence of a comprehensive effectiveness of regulatory documentation in terms of the organizational and technological system necessary for the production of construction and installation works was revealed. It has been established that in more than 90 % of cases, the organizational and technological solutions incorporated in the design documentation are subject to subsequent changes due to inconsistency in the decisions made by construction organizations. Incorrect decisions included in the construction organization project lead to financial and time losses directly during construction. It is shown that the formation of a construction information model will ensure the consistency and reliability of data from the planning stage to the completion of construction. The significance of the obtained results for the construction industry lies in the fact that causal relationships have been established for the imperfection of the current organizational and technological system in construction, which is characterized, among other things, by the lack of coordination of actions and fragmentation of decisions between the main participants in the construction project. These shortcomings can be eliminated by the formation of a construction information model that will overcome barriers between participants in a construction project, improve the efficiency of the organizational and technological system by timely accounting for predicted and emerging deviations during construction, increase the efficiency and rhythm of work, reduce non-production costs, ensure effective coordination works.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):72-84
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Finely dispersed bitumen emulsion for the modification of cement concrete for road use
The main task in the development of road concrete is to increase the strength of concrete in bending, which will increase the service life of the coating up to 50 years. This can be facilitated by new types of cement concrete, for example, compacted concrete with a reduced modulus of elasticity in the foundations of highways. Rolled concrete with the lowest possible content of water and binder has the maximum degree of compaction of the material, while ensuring the formation of a dense structure. Such concretes can be obtained using damping anionic bituminous emulsions with certain properties. Careful selection of an emulsifier plays an important role in obtaining anionic bitumen emulsions with the required properties. When obtaining bitumen emulsions, special requirements are imposed on emulsifiers, since they largely determine the structure and properties of the bitumen emulsion. The mechanism of action of the emulsifier is to reduce the surface tension at the interface between the bitumen and water phases and to form a protective shell around the bitumen particles. The use of flotation tar is proposed as an initial product for the production of an anionic emulsifier. In this work: the optimal formulation and technology of combined emulsification for the preparation of a finely dispersed bitumen emulsion are determined; The main operational properties of road concretes modified with a finely dispersed anionic bitumen emulsion have been studied. It was revealed that the bitumen emulsion with 2 % flotation tar, obtained by the combined method, is more structured and has a smaller size of bituminous particles. It has been proven that, in terms of uniformity, the bitumen emulsion obtained by combined emulsification is 5 times better than the bitumen emulsion prepared in the traditional way. Modification of rigid concrete, developed with an anionic bitumen emulsion, made it possible to increase the compressive strength of concrete by 30 %, bending strength by 40 %, and increase frost resistance by 2 times. The optimal concentration of the modifying additive was also determined, which is 5 % of the anionic bitumen emulsion by weight of cement for rigid concrete mixtures.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):85-97
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Experimental studies of physical and mechanical processes in seasonally frozen soils of constructions of automobile roads
Before the start of the experiments, the behavior of the soil during the manifestation of frost heaving processes in it and possible defects of buildings, structures and, in particular, highways were analyzed. The problem of assessing the regularity of frost heaving and heat transfer in the layers of the road structure is relevant due to insufficient knowledge and encourages the study of the parameters of this process and the determination of dependencies between the studied characteristics. The studies included small-scale model road sections with clay soils of disturbed (cover) and undisturbed (earthen) structures using a thermal insulation layer in road construction, which allowed us to obtain a qualitative picture of the study. For experimental studies, two sites were used on the sides of the highway in the Sverdlovsk Region and the Perm Region. During the tests, the parameters of the soil freezing of the embankment and earthworks were measured at the sites - humidity, soil temperature and the rate of soil freezing. Tests of models of road structures for the effect of vertical loading were carried out in loams from semi-solid to liquid-plastic consistency, covering almost the entire range of ground conditions encountered in road construction in the Ural region. During the experiment, samples were regularly taken to determine soil moisture and temperature measurements were carried out. The results of temperature changes in the road structure depending on the time of year and precipitation using a thermal infrared camera are presented. It is established that the amplitude of temperature fluctuations depends non-linearly on the depth.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2022;13(3):98-106
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