Vol 15, No 2 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/CG/issue/view/413
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/cg.v15i2
Filtration calculations of technogenic top groundwater in urban construction
In the course of the construction development of urban areas, foundation soil arrays undergo technogenic changes. The demolition of existing buildings and structures during the redevelopment of development is accompanied by the appearance of buried structures and other artificial inclusions in the geological section. Such technogenic heterogeneities distort the natural pattern of groundwater movement. Filtration flows, formed before the reconstruction of urban development, begin to change their direction, costs and pressures. Drainage occurs in some places, but more often - flooding of the urban area due to violation of the established groundwater regime. The urban designer needs to anticipate and calculate such changes in the behavior of the underground hydrosphere in advance. One of the directions of such forecasting is filtration calculations of technogenic top groundwater, which can form and lead to flooding of buildings. This work is devoted to this issue. The formation of technogenic top groundwater is analyzed in the presence of additional moisture infiltration onto the surface of artificial inhomogeneities with reduced permeability. A review of the available solutions of previous researchers in our country and abroad is made. Two computational schemes for the formation of perched water on low-permeable lenses. In addition, the boundary condition for underground moisture runoff from artificial inclusions is substantiated. Further possible development of the research topic is discussed, directions for the development of a class of similar filtration problems are given. The obtained analytical studies are verified by numerical simulation with estimation of calculation errors. Engineering formulas are recommended for filtration calculations of technogenic top groundwater in the conditions of reconstructed urban development.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(2):5-17
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Strengthening of pile foundations by contour reinforcement with hard injection bodies
The article discusses a method of strengthening pile foundations with contour reinforcement. Armoelements are solid injection bodies formed by group high-pressure injection. To determine the effectiveness of various contour reinforcement schemes, the soil base stress-strain state numerical calculations were performed in the MIDAS GTS NX 2019 software package (v1.1). Several reinforcement schemes are considered: continuous and intermittent contour reinforcement along the entire perimeter of the pile bush; continuous and intermittent contour reinforcement along two opposite sides of the pile bush. For each case, variants with 8-, 6-, 4- and 2 levels of reinforcement are calculated: to a depth of l from the sole of the grillage, 0.75 l , 0.5 l and 0. 25l , where l is the length of the piles. It is concluded that any contour reinforcement scheme has a positive effect on the stress-strain state of the base, while the specific reinforcement efficiency decreases along with an increase in the number of reinforcement elements. The effectiveness of reinforcement is estimated by the coefficient of reduced material consumption KPRM , equal to the ratio of the volume of solids used in cubic meters to the difference between the foundation sediment with and without reinforcement, expressed in centimeters - that is, the required volume of reinforcement elements in cubic meters to reduce the foundation sediment by 1 centimeter. It is recommended to strengthen pile foundations in stages - increasing the number of reinforcement elements: from intermittent contour reinforcement to solid reinforcement or from reinforcement along two opposite sides to reinforcement along the entire perimeter of the grillage. At the same time, the need for subsequent work should be determined by the results of monitoring the development of deformations during and after the completion of each stage of work.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(2):18-30
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Prospects for the use of man-made rocks and crystalline seeds in LC3 binder technology
Solving the problems of increasing the production of cements and reducing the negative impact of their production on the environment requires, in particular, the use of various mineral additives in their production. One of the most researched cements with mineral additives to date is LC3 cement, i.e. a binder consisting of Portland cement clinker, calcined clay, limestone and gypsum. Such man-made rocks as waste from coal mining and coal processing can be considered as a clay component in the composition of LC3 cements. The possibility of using both non-burnt "black" coal gangues and burnt rocks - "red" coal gangues, significant reserves of which are available in Kizel district of Perm Krai has been considered in this article. The use of burnt man-made rocks is beneficial both from the point of view of binder production technology, since the process of thermal activation of the clay component is excluded from the technological chain and the grinding of the rock is facilitated due to the presence of many micro defects in the rock structure, and from the point of view of solving the environmental problem associated with the necessary disposing of the accumulated waste having the negative environmental impact. However, these binders have low strength in the early curing ages which limits the area of their application. Today among a great number of existing ways to solve this problem the most promising one is the method of accelerating the hardening of LC3 cements due to the introduction of additives - crystalline seeds based on calcium hydrosilicate nanoparticles. However, at the moment, the problem of seeds effect on the hydration of LC3 cements based on burnt rocks is not still investigated.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(2):31-48
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Studies of lightweight concrete strength at different temperature regimes
Lightweight concrete has recently interested researchers as an alternative structural material in the construction of buildings and structures. Due to its small own weight and a simple process of changing the structure, it was very interesting to customers and proved to be very popular in construction. The multicomponent composition of such concrete is constantly being improved and leads to the production of high-quality samples. Special attention is paid to the resistance of lightweight concrete to high temperatures and increased fire safety. A promising direction in the field of research is the determination of strength characteristics in the case of changes in structural components under different temperature conditions. The aim of the work was to conduct an experiment on samples using steel fibers and nano-silica. As part of the study, the processes of physical reactions of light concrete and general patterns of destruction of the tested samples were identified. The positive effect of nano-silica on the microstructure of concrete has been shown, which made it possible to increase the compressive strength and elastic modulus of the material. According to the research results, it was found that only a limited content of steel fibers leads to a decrease in the level of crack propagation and improves the tensile properties of concrete. Changing the composition by the complex inclusion of additives at different temperature conditions led to an improvement in the mechanical properties of the samples. Lightweight concrete has received an additional strength resource, which can be used in building structures under strong thermal influences in the event of a fire-hazardous situation. The research results are applied in nature and are aimed at developing a comprehensive methodology for improving the strength characteristics of lightweight concrete as a structural material of buildings and structures at high temperatures.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(2):49–59
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Laboratory studies of wave run-up in the shallow sea zone on slopes reinforced with flexible concrete slabs
The results of experimental laboratory studies of flexible concrete revetment of slopes aimed at protecting transport structures from the effects of sea waves have been presented in this article. The object of the study is the structures of protective wave-damping slopes - flexible concrete slabs (flexible concrete revetments) consisting of concrete blocks connected by flexible ties, manufactured in accordance with GOST R 58411-2019, constructed to protect bridge supports, roadbed and railways, etc., designed and operated under conditions of wave action on the seashores. The purpose of the work is to obtain experimental data for the development of regulations for determining the height of run-up under wave action on flexible concrete revetments to protect the slopes of transport structures on the seashores. The research was carried out using the method of physical modeling in a wave flume. On a scale of 1:10, models of slope structures with a sand core reinforced with flexible concrete paving in accordance with GOST R 58411-2019 were built in the wave flume. In the process of research the interaction of the design wave of sea storms with protective slopes reinforced with flexible concrete slabs was assessed. Using a physical model the effect of storm waves on elements of flexible revetment on bank protection slopes with different slope angles (1:2, 1:3 и 1:5) was studied. It was made the assessment of the height of the wave run-up on coastal protection slopes under the influence of breaking waves, as well as in the shallow sea zone. The research results are aimed at the development of the regulatory framework in the field of protection of the designed on the sea shores transport structures from washing out under the influence of a sea storm wave.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(2):60–72
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Analysis of the current state of the problem of civil engineering in the conditions of permafrost soils
The peculiarities of the Russian Federation geographical location predetermine the need to develop infrastructure in the territories composed of permafrost soils. At the same time, the construction of buildings and structures in the permafrost zone is associated with the presence of additional risk factors due to the development of deformation processes in the foundations under the condition of changes in their temperature regime. Thawing of permafrost soils is accompanied by the destruction of the natural structure of soil bases and leads to a sharp increase in deformations of buildings and structures erected in areas of permafrost soil distribution. The article is devoted to the determination of thawing deformations and represents an overview of existing methods for calculating the thawing settlement of permafrost soils. The basic principles of calculating thawing bases are considered and the factors influencing the complexity of predicting thawing deformations are revealed. On the basis of the existing mathematical dependencies, the main components of thawing deformations are identified. The existing analytical and numerical methods of calculation of thawing deformations have been analyzed, and the applicability of the existing calculation methods has been assessed. On the basis of existing studies the basic principles of stress-strain state changes of soil during thawing have been revealed. The physical and mechanical processes occurring in thawing foundations at the micro- and macro level have been considered. The influence of these processes on strength, deformation and filtration properties of soils during thawing has been analyzed. The main stages of development of thawing deformations in the soil mass have been identified. The prerequisites have been considered and the basic principles of solving the problems of foundations thawing by numerical methods have been described. The analysis of existing models of thawing of permafrost soils has been carried out. The basic principles of formation of computational models of freezing and thawing of soil foundations have been highlighted
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(2):73-91
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