Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/CG/issue/view/62
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/cg.v10i1
The article is proposed the increasing of pile foundations load-bearing capacity. In that work authors deal with problems of quantitative estimation of the transformed soil layer residual deformations and stresses, which are the result of additional vertical pressure applying on the soil base, prior to loading the pile foundation. Based on the results of analytical and numerical calculations of the single-layer and two-layer soil base vertical crimping, parameters of the bearing capacity growth are established. Two-layered soil base is more complex and more close to reality system. The article considers the stress-strain state generation and piles bearing capacity increments at different pressures of crimping in the range of basic building pressures from 50 to 150 kPa. It was considered in plane strain and spatial model. Research presents the results of the mechanical soil properties influence its preliminary crimping influence on the pile bearing capacity in various engineering and geological conditions. Increasing of pile bearing capacity depends mainly on the deformation soil base characteristics. The article discusses about the character of horizontal soil movements during and after crimping process and changes in the soil base stressed state along the pile stem, which affects their interaction. The article presents the pile bearing capacity increment in single-layer and double-layer soil base crimping cases. On the example a 12-storey building construction was established that the soil base crimping of combined foundation using could reduction the subterranean building part erection cost by 21 % in comparison with the traditional slab-pile foundation.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):5-16
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The article is devoted to variant design of the prefabricated building structures of the power transmission line portal in a seismically hazardous area with a calculated seismicity is 8 points. Three basic versions of the foundation are considered: a monolithic foundation of concrete of class B15, a prefabricated foundation according to a standard solution according to the working documentation of the YUZHENERGOSETPROEKT and a two-layer foundation construction consisting of a monolithic pillow of class B15 and elements with a prismatic base of class B30. As a result of the simulation by PC ANSYS, using finite element method to determine the stress-strain state on the surface of the model elements. 10 variants of loads have been considered, several basic and one particular combination of forces. Maximum sediment and sediment difference (the second limit state), stresses in concrete and in working reinforcement meshes (the first limit state) were determined. It was found that the maximum sedimentation of the foundations of the considered options is not significantly different (within 3 %), the difference in sediment differs by 40 %. Stresses in concrete differ by 17 %, but even in the worst case, 41 % of the calculated compressive strength of concrete. For each of the options for a special combination of efforts, the cross section of the working armature was selected. In the models, two grids were installed along the bottom of the basement. It is established that for the considered models of foundations, the grids with the same step, but of different diameters, are optimal. The effect from the application of the model of a two-layer foundation with a prismatic base of class B30 is 49 % in terms of the area of the working reinforcement, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion on the efficiency of using a two-layer foundation for the construction of power line portals.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):17-28
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Geosynthetic materials have become an integral part of modern construction. In addition to the well-known and widespread geonets, geogrids and other traditional geosynthetics, a relatively new material, geosynthetic shells, is being used. Geo-shells have been used for a long time exclusively in hydrotechnical construction, but thanks to a number of foreign studies that showed the possibilities and advantages of using geosynthetic casings in other construction sectors, they are beginning to be used and developed in other directions. In view of the significant differences between the hydraulic engineering and other geo-shells, their use in underground, transport and other types of construction requires further study. This article is devoted to planning a series of experiments to study the work of the base, reinforced by geosynthetic shells, under the action of applied loads. Due to the use of geosynthetic shells with different sizes of cross sections it is planned to determine the optimal parameters of geosynthetic shells for reinforcing the bases. Areas of application and main technologies of production of geosynthetic shells are considered. The results of the model experiments will be supplemented by the computed values of the tensile stresses in the geotextile. It is planned to conduct a control experiment with a test of a similar unreinforced base. After a series of tests, taking into account the scale of similarity and other assumptions, plots of the dependence "settlement-load" will be constructed and the conditional load-bearing capacity determined. Based on a comparison of the results obtained, conclusions will be drawn about the effectiveness of using geosynthetic shells as a reinforcing element of weak bases. A test program has been developed, the order of experiments has been described, and an experiment planning matrix has been shown. The materials and equipment required for testing are described in detail.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):29-37
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A preliminary geotechnical assessment of a site allows to make technical and economic analysis of the object of reconstruction or new construction. For the correct choice of the constructive solution of the structure underground part during geotechnical evaluation, it is necessary to know the existing bedding of soils at the construction site, soil physical and mechanical characteristics and the presence of anomalous inclusions (cavities, pipelines, other underground soil inclusions, etc.). This allow to perform the most correct feasibility study. Modern non-destructive techniques of wave analysis make it possible to quickly make velocity profiles of soil strata, with minimum labor costs, and evaluate soil physical and mechanical characteristics. One of these express techniques is Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW). The article presents testing results by means of express method of multichannel analysis of surface waves at the sites of Perm and the Perm krai for dispersed and semi-rock soils. A comparative analysis of wave profiles with geological profiles obtained by engineering-geological surveys was carried out to assess the effectiveness of application of wave analysis for a site preliminary geotechnical assessment. In general, MASW allowed to determine the layers boundaries in the upper section with sufficient accuracy. Also an error of soil unit weight empirical formula given in foreign literature relative to the soil unit weight values determined under laboratory conditions is estimated. Divergence between different soil types was no more than 18 %. As a result, MASW with relatively low labor costs allowed to obtain a fairly reliable profile of the soil low velocity upper section.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):38-48
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This article discusses the use of shell structures made of composite nanomaterials for the conditions of their use in permafrost regions, various sectors of the national economy, including when protecting the coastal shores of the Arctic zone, creating bioclimatic houses on shell types of foundations and piles with preservation indigenous traditions. They have increased strength, stability, flexibility to abrupt changes in the natural and climatic conditions of the Arctic. The main concepts of the sustainable development of the Arctic define the main aspects of their strategic role in the economic and environmental security of Russia, including the creation of modern infrastructure, including urban construction, the transportation system, and environmental principles when developing its territory, where about 2 people live. percent of the population and a significant natural resource. At the same time, the development of this area should take into account the planning of the master plan for cities and settlements, taking into account the bioclimatic architecture and production processes. Hypotheses, approaches and methods for technical solutions, technologies and technological processes for the manufacture of composite materials and shell structures are suggested taking into account the experimental and theoretical studies carried out on their behavior under various internal and external influences. The technological conditions for the manufacture of composites impose certain methods with the possibility of obtaining specified characteristics that will meet the requirements of: high stability under changing climatic conditions; high specific strength; ergonomics and preservation of the set parameters, etc.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):49-56
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This paper introduce results of survey of practice specialists in foundation engineering on frozen soils. The purposes of this research are getting data about frequency of use certain design decisions and determination of the most common causes of accidents of building foundations. The survey was designed in such a way that the analysis of the answers given to the questions presented in it contributed to the understanding of the current picture of the Russian practice of foundation engineering in areas characterized by spread of frozen soils. Presented questions were divided into thematic blocks. Distribution of construction projects by region and types of construction were fixed in first block. The ratio of objects by different parameters such as distribution of objects constructed according to the principle I and principle II of using frozen soils, type and material of foundation, type of piles for pile foundation and different ways of thermal stabilization of soils were evaluated in the second block. The ratio of general causes of occurrence the accident situations during exploitation of building foundations on frozen soils were needed to be evaluated in the third block. Used ways of struggle with the previously mentioned reasons were needed to be listed in the fourth block. The survey was conducted at the international scientific-practical conference "Modern technologies for the design and construction of foundations on frozen soils." The sample of respondents was formed randomly, regardless of age and gender. The criterion for the selection of respondents was the need to have experience in the design, construction and exploitation of foundations in areas with the spread of frozen soils. Thus, the survey conducted is fully consistent with the conditions of representativeness, and the data obtained can be easily approximated to the entire population.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):57-68
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We consider the settlements of foundations of an existing (reconstructed) building, with a life span of more than 20 years, on clay soils. In the immediate vicinity of the object under consideration, the construction of a new building was completed at a distance of 3 m in light. The foundations of both buildings are slabs of monolithic reinforced concrete. The grounds of the foundation are represented by two engineering-geological elements: fluid-plastic loam (EGE 1) 14 m thick and plastic sandy loam (EGE 2) more than 16 m thick. The calculation revealed additional settlements of the slab foundation of the existing (reconstructed) building from the pressure on the base transferred by the new neighboring building. To reduce the additional settlements of the foundations, the options for dividing line from injection piles between buildings with a different angle of inclination to the vertical are considered. Numerical calculations of the settlements of foundations buildings and their increments are performed in the Midas GTS NX software package; given an assessment of the results.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):69-79
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Natural gases are a highly efficient energy source and a valuable chemical raw material, so they are now widely used for gas supply to cities and industrial enterprises. Natural gas has a number of advantages over other fuels and raw materials: non-toxic; lighter than air; has a high calorific value; extraction, transportation and use is easier than other fuels. In the middle of the last century began an active gasification of the cities of the Russian Federation. The article presents information from the history of gasification in Russia and Perm. The article presents an analysis of the level and volume of financing of gasification in Russia and Perm. Currently, the growth rate of gasification in the country is stable, but in many Federal districts the level of gasification is quite low. The condition of priority allocation of investments for gasification of the region is the absence of debts to pay for current gas supplies; repayment of debts of previous years; economic efficiency of the proposed facilities; loading of gas pipelines and gas distribution stations; readiness of consumers to receive gas. In addition, one of the problems of the gas industry in Russia is the deterioration of existing gas pipelines. Taking into account the service life of steel gas pipelines, it is now necessary to make decisions on their reconstruction and replacement. According to estimates of reliability of gas supply to consumers, the gas supply system of the right Bank of Perm is considered reliable. The gas supply system of the left Bank of Perm does not meet all the requirements of reliability due to the lack of communication of gas sources, as well as the need for repair work on gas distribution networks of high pressure.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):80-90
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In the conditions of development of modern urban areas the complex tasks of modernization and improvement of engineering infrastructure are solved. Technical solutions of structural and technological transformation are implemented in systems of heat and gas supply, water supply (HGWS). Realization of technical solutions require in the framework of HGWS systems the implementation of the main tasks in terms of economic, social and technological interactions. First, it is question of reliable providing of the resources with the determinant technological, sanitary-hygienic parameters. Second, it is the economic interest of consumers and companies, which is reflected in the legislative and regulatory framework. Effective management of the city's infrastructure does not require separate technical solutions, but an integrated approach. For the successful implementation of projects taking into account high-tech equipment, the article describes the main types of innovation. The process of technology implementation is presented in the form of interrelated stages. Due to the analysis of modern mechanisms of innovation management, the process of implementation of technical solutions in HGWS systems is implemented with greater efficiency. In HGWS systems different innovative technologies are implemented, which originally have being used in other industries. Using of scientific-technical products in the HGWS systems has a different efficiency, which is related to natural climatic factors, the technical features of the object. This influence leads to the necessity of creating a database for forecasting and study from the wide range of specialists. Overall, these features of the control systems HGWS are closely connected by technical, economic, organizational, legal, and social issues.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):91-99
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Effect of oily liquids on deformation properties of concrete
One of the features for functioning of many industrial buildings is production or usage of oily liquids in the technological processes. These oily liquids such as vegetable or mineral oils and petroleum products can systematically fall onto the concrete and reinforced concrete structures and impregnate them. This leads to deterioration and changes in concrete’s and reinforced concrete’s physical and mechanical characteristics such as strength, material fatigue, endurance, deformability and some others. Despite the fact that many studies have already been carried out, the technical significance of the problem is extensive and still requires additional research. Influence of vegetable and mineral oils on the deformative properties of concrete has not been fully studied yet. The purpose of the research is to study the dependence of changes in the deformation of concrete and cement-sand mortar on the viscosity of the mineral oil (industrial oil I-30A) and vegetable oil (corn and olive oil). The currently available recommendations for the evaluation of these changes do not take into account the viscosity of oils and petroleum products. This holds out the possibility to solve the problems of assessing the reliability of the bearing concrete and reinforced concrete structures of industrial buildings where vegetable or mineral oils and petroleum products are produced or used. As a result of the research the influence of oily liquids with different viscosity on the deformative properties of concrete and cement-sand solution has been studied, and the laws of their changes have been established. Empirical mathematical models have been developed to predict deformations in concrete depending on the oil’s viscosity. The obtained results allow assessing the technical safety of the bearing concrete and reinforced concrete structures of industrial buildings in which vegetable or mineral oils are produced or used. The researches of physical and mechanical properties of concrete impregnated with oil are being continued.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):100-112
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Object of study - coatings based on sol silicate paints. The purpose of the study is to study the resistance of coatings in the process of cyclic freezing and thawing. Method for determining the interfacial surface tension of a liquid and the wetting angle of a liquid on the surface of coatings using the KRUSS Easy Drop installation, a frost resistance test method by alternately freezing and thawing colored mortar samples, thermodynamic method for estimating the surface energy of coatings. The results of the study - provides information on the resistance of coatings based on the sol of silicate paint in the process of freezing and thawing. It has been established that coatings based on sol silicate paints are characterized by a higher resistance of silicate coatings made on the basis of compositions using polysilicate binders. It is shown that the coatings withstood 50 cycles of alternate freezing and thawing. The determination of the energy state of the coatings was evaluated by the thermodynamic method. The wetting angle and the surface tension of the coatings were measured. The surface energy of the coatings was calculated using the critical surface tension of the fluid at the interface with the solid. The dispersion contribution to the intermolecular interaction between the particles of the coatings was estimated. The values of the surface tension of the coatings and the values of the dispersion component of the surface energy of the coatings - the complex Hamaker constant - are calculated. It was revealed that after testing a decrease in the values of the Hamaker constant is observed. It was established that after testing for frost resistance, the values of the Hamaker constant for coatings based on sol of silicate paint are higher compared to coatings based on silicate paint, which indicates a greater preservation of interparticle interaction in the coating.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):113-120
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The work is devoted to the feasibility study of the construction of motor roads with low traffic. The design solution proposed for comparison is a pavement design in which the role of a crushed stone base is played by an over compacted fine soil. In the Volgograd region, fine clay soils (sandy loam, loam) occupy a significant part of the area. In this regard, the feasibility study for the construction of agricultural roads with the use of repacked soils of this type in the construction is of extremely important socio-economic importance. The proposed method of technical and economic assessment is based on the determination of the actual strength resource of road structures based on the prediction of changes in the longitudinal evenness of the coatings. The prediction methodology is based on the improvement of the well-known linear multifactor model that predicts a change in the International Roughness Index (IRI), depending on the intensity of movement and the initial state of coverage, by including additional factors. As factors, it is proposed to use data on the qualitative composition of the traffic flow, namely, the level of impact of heavy goods vehicles, the level of weather and climate influences on the surface, as well as the level of road maintenance. As a data processing tool, a multivariate linear regression analysis is proposed implemented in Excel. Based on the results of calculations based on diagnostic data from an experimental section of the road of the proposed construction in the Bykovsky district of the Volgograd region, the authors concluded that the proposed design solution was technically and economically feasible.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):121-133
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The definition of the domed house is given. Its obvious advantages in comparison with the house in the form of a parallelepiped are revealed. It is shown that the domed house surpasses the usual parallelepiped house in almost all considered parameters: the internal volume of the house, strength, heat loss, construction materials consumption, construction speed, financial costs, natural lighting, air aeration inside the building, climate and seismic resistance, appearance. Comparison of the main types of domes of a dome house is made: geodesic, stratodesic and monolithic concrete, which determine the technology of erecting a domed house. The four main technologies for building domed houses that are used in construction are described: dome construction based on a geodetic sphere, erecting a house on the basis of a pneumoframe, domed house on the basis of fixed formwork and the technology of erecting a domed house, which is a prefabricated construction of the factory production of water. Comparative characteristics of the methods for erecting a domed house are given, advantages and disadvantages of each method of building a domed house are described. The negative moments in the construction and operation of the domed house are determined: the complexity of dome calculations, the lack of practice of dome construction, the large amount of building materials waste, the use of non-standard doors, windows, furniture, the unusualness and fear of owners of a domed house in a unique house. Practical recommendations for eliminating flaws in the domed house are indicated: purchase of finished projects, attraction to construction of a dome house of professional builder. Conclusions are made about the prospects of domed houses due to their capacity and stability, geometric symmetry of shapes and strength, speed of erection and uniqueness for any region of Russia.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2019;10(1):134-142
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