No 37 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 10
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Adaptive training complexes (ATC) are one of the effective tools for training personnel in normal and emergency situations and allow simulating situations, the implementation of which is impossible in real conditions due to the high cost or risk to human health and life. Purpose: automation of management processes, analysis and information processing, which will reduce the cost of their design and improve the quality characteristics of the ATC. Methods: methods operating on the basis of neural network technologies combined into a single concept of neural network architecture are considered as a tool for automating management processes, analysis and processing of information. Results: The paper presents the results of applying this architecture and neural network methods to solve the problem of structural-parametric synthesis and optimization of ATC. The classical and neural network architecture of the ATC is considered, the main components of the system and the connections between them, the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness are formalized. The problem of structural-parametric synthesis of ATC and an algorithm for its solution based on the modernization of the RAD methodology are formulated. The use of a neural network architecture made it possible to automate the processes of analysis and processing of information in the key ATC modules, to simplify the implementation of the procedure for managing the components of interaction with virtual reality. The positive effect of switching to a neural network architecture is to reduce economic costs (by 18,9 %), software implementation complexity (by 19,6 %), increase adaptability (by 20 %), system quality (by 12 %) and productivity (by 5,5 %). Practical relevance: the results obtained confirm the possibility of applying the outlined approaches to the implementation of ATC and automation of management processes, analysis and information processing in them.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):5-26
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Virtual analyzers (VA) are widely used in the tasks of quality control of technological processes. In many cases, there is a problem of the adequacy of the mathematical model used in the structure of VA on the entire space of states of the technological process. The work investigates the possibility of determining the existing stable states of the process (modes) based on historical data on technological parameters and choosing one of several models in the VA structure, depending on the current operating mode of the technological unit. Purpose: improving the accuracy of the virtual analyzer of residual moisture of KCl after the drying stage in a fluidized bed (FB) by introducing into its structure an algorithm for taking into account the operating mode of the technological unit. Results: the trends of technological parameters of the drying process were investigated, the parameters that determine the operating mode of the technological unit were identified, a cluster analysis of estimates of the mathematical expectations of the values of these parameters was carried out. As a result, two operating modes of the FB apparatus have been identified. For each of the found modes, a statistical model was trained, which determines the dependence of the humidity at the outlet of the FB apparatus on the values of the technological parameters of the process. A mode accounting algorithm has been developed, which identifies the mode depending on the current values of technological parameters and selects the model corresponding to the mode. A computational experiment has been carried out to evaluate and compare the operation of the VA without an algorithm for taking into account the mode in its structure and for the VA with the built-in algorithm for accounting for the mode and a number of statistical models. The use of the algorithm for accounting for the mode in the structure of the VA reduced the indicator of the mean square error of the result of the VA operation by 16 %, and, thus, significantly increased the accuracy of the VA operation. Practical significance: the results of the study were used in the development of a virtual analyzer of residual moisture KCl after the stage of drying in a FB dryer at a potash enterprise. They allow determining the operating modes of the FB apparatus and increasing the accuracy of determining the quality indicator of the drying process, which makes it possible to more accurately control the process. In the future, the developed approach can be used, for example, to determine the modes of the technological process, characterized by the need to take equipment for repair and optimize the maintenance schedule.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):27-47
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The quality of electrical energy related to modes of operation and a type of generator in the electric power system of water transport. For example, voltage parameters can go beyond the permissible values in parking modes of vessel with loading or in maneuvering modes. This leads to various negative consequences: a decrease in the performance of actuators and systems, the appearance of failures in the operation of control systems, and a reduction in a service life of electric machines etc. At present, in addition to a development of devices with adapt to instability of voltage parameters, research carried out of energy-saving solutions. One of a promising solution is the use of variable speed diesel generators in a ship power plant. This can reduce a specific consumption of fuel and lubricants as compared to internal combustion engines with a constant speed, when operating at shared loads. However, the main feature of such generator is the change in a voltage frequency at the output terminals of generator. The disadvantage of direct frequency converters is a dependence of the output voltage parameters on changes of voltage parameters of power source. Purpose: creating a simulation model of transformer-free direct frequency converter for analysis of the model output parameters while changing the parameters of power supply voltage. Methods: to research the proposed device a number of experiments performed base on a simulation model in the MatLab environment. Results: the transformer-free direct frequency converter provides connection of output terminals to the most appropriate voltage of power supply while forming the output voltage with the given values of voltage amplitude and frequency. The frequency of output voltage is independent of frequency voltage of power source. The output voltage provided in the range from 11 to 100 % of amplitude line voltage of the power source with a total harmonic distortion of not more than 25 %. Practical relevance: the results of the analysis showed the possibility of using a transformer-free direct frequency converter to power frequency-controlled AC drives in self-contained power plants with a variable speed generator drive in order to obtain a stable output voltage frequency.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):48-68
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Programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGA) are currently one of the main hardware bases for the implementation of digital devices and systems. As they developed from the 80s of the twentieth century, when they contained only hundreds of logical elements, to the present day, when the "top" FPGAs contain hundreds of thousands and even millions of logical elements, they gradually introduced means of scaling functionality, speed, power consumption. For example HyperFlex, Tri-Gate transistors, Voltage Reduction Technology (VRT), Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), Sleep modes, Power management. Concept of the energy modulated computing proposed by Alex Yakovlev. S.F. Tyurin is proposed the concept of scaling logical bases. Embedded diagnostic standards are being introduced. Now FPGAs are reaching an even higher level: they implement hardware accelerators for tasks traditionally solved in software. However, reliability scaling has not yet been fully achieved. Purpose development of the concept and theoretical foundations for scaling the reliability of FPGAs. Methods: analysis of the levels of ensuring the reliability of FPGAs, development of the concept of scaling the reliability of FPGAs, synthesis of a scalable architecture of FPGA logic. Results: the concept of scaling the reliability of the FPGA logic, the method of analyzing the levels of ensuring the reliability of the FPGA logic, the method of synthesizing the scalable redundancy of the FPGA logic. Practical significance: The developed theoretical foundations for scaling the reliability of the FPGA logic can provide the creation of a new, promising FPGA class.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):69-89
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Recently, research has intensified in the field of so-called reversible computing, especially in connection with the development of quantum computers and the development of energy-saving approaches in electronics. There are two main directions here. Within the framework of "billiard" computing, a certain number of energy quanta ("billiard" balls) are allocated for calculations, which move according to certain rules from the input of the circuit to the output, without "multiplying" or "disappearing". The rules are determined by special elements, for example, Fredkin's elements. “Balls” “pumped out” to the exit can be returned back according to the same rules, and this is the reversibility of calculations. There are a lot of publications devoted to these approaches, however, the issues of diagnostics of such schemes have not been fully considered. Purpose of the study: development of checking tests for the Fredkin binary element and construction of the corresponding checking tree. Methods: analysis of tables of failure functions of a given element, construction of an optimal test, according to the number of sets fed to an element, finding Boolean derivatives of logical functions that describe an element. Results: A table of functions of Fredkin's element failures was built, an optimal test set of four binary vectors, a control tree was built. The obtained test sets and the checking tree can be used to diagnose binary reversible circuits. Practical significance: The performed calculations, including the obtained Boolean derivatives, can be used in diagnostic support of quantum computers, as well as examples in practical classes in the disciplines "Circuitry", "Operations Research".
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):90-103
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The object of the presented research is the production process of the MK2000 utility vehicle in the conditions of the assembly shop of PJSC MZiK. The MK2000 is a technically complex product that is produced together with ten other types of technically complex products within the same workshop. The uncertainty factor in the production process is the unknown duration of the test cycle that each product is subjected to after the end of assembly. The purpose of the study: development of a method for calculating the duration of the production cycle of a product under conditions of uncertainty. Evaluation of the possibility of production planning and calculation of the annual schedule of shipment of finished products to the consumer by predicting the duration of the cycle. Methods: to solve the problem of predicting the duration of the production cycle, the dependence between the number of products of all types already in the process of testing at the time of the transfer of the product under consideration for testing, and the duration of the test of the transferred product is used. Since the production of various types of products is carried out at the same facilities, the regularity of the mutual influence of the production processes of various types of products is considered as the main one. The duration is calculated using a mathematical model obtained as a result of training the Random Forest algorithm. Results: a new method has been developed for calculating the duration of the production cycle of technically complex products for small-scale production enterprises based on statistical analysis of the results of the previous production activity of the enterprise. The pre-trained Random Forest machine learning algorithm was used for the calculation. Evaluation of the calculation results obtained using a mathematical model of the production process suggests that the prediction of the duration of the production cycle of products with an unknown duration of the test stage is possible using machine learning methods, and the accuracy of the forecast depends on the chosen method and the size of the training sample. Practical significance: the proposed method allows us to predict the duration of production and testing of technically complex products under conditions of uncertainty and can be used as a tool for calculating the annual schedule of product shipment to the consumer.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):104-120
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Currently, at mining enterprises, synchronous motors are used in the systems of electric drives for compressor, fan, pumping and other installations. During the operation of synchronous motors, emergency situations are possible due to a short-term loss of power, which affects the stability of the normal operation. One of the effective solutions to ensure the stability and reliability of the operation of electrical equipment with short-term power losses is the use of self-starting of electric motors. Purpose: investigation of the influence of different control systems for the excitation of a synchronous motor on it self-start with a short-term voltage loss for the conditions of power supply of mining enterprises. Methods: the study of transient processes was carried out by modeling blocks in the Simulink environment of the MatLab mathematical package. Results: it’s shown that with an increase in the protection response time and the length of the power transmission line from the substation to the synchronous motor, the time required for the motor to restore normal operation increases, which can lead to the synchronous motor falling out of synchronism. It was found that in the presence of a system for controlling excitation by reactive power, it takes more time to restore the normal operation of a synchronous motor in comparison with the case of using an excitation current control loop. In contrast to a synchronous electric motor with a field current control system, a synchronous electric motor with a reactive power control system does not fall out of synchronicity at the maximum power interruption time. Practical relevance: is the use of research results in the design of power supply systems and the ability to significantly reduce the uncertainty when deciding on the use of a synchronous electric motor for specific operating conditions.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):121-136
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Internationalization and international activities are one of the priority tasks of the functioning and development of modern universities. Internationalization strategies or roadmaps for the development of international activities now play an important role in many universities, as well as in the general context of higher education policy. The need to find methods for determining the level of internationalization of universities arises in connection with the increase in global budgets for academic international mobility and international projects. From another point of view, until today, this area has been shown to be barely measured using scientifically based and comparable indicators. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to improve the efficiency of the university internationalisation management, as well as to assess the dynamics of its development by considering the influence of internal and external factors, which will help to effectively manage the internationalization of the university and ensure its sustainable functioning. Methods: In the paper the methodology for assessing the dynamics of the development of the international activity of a university within a time period was proposed, consisting of three main steps: reducing the dimension of the initial data, building a regression model and building an adaptive approximation predictive model. As the initial data, a system of indicators for managing the internationalization of the university at the macro, meso and micro levels was used. Results: This article presents the results of a study of the dynamics of the development of international activities of universities using multivariate component analysis, which allows us to consider many different factors, taking into account the links between them, in addition to assessing the influence of these factors on the result. A methodology has been developed for assessing the dynamics of the development of the international activity of the university within the time period, this methodology allows making a current assessment of the international activity of the university, moving into the orthogonal space of the main components and predicting further dynamics of development by constructing an adaptive approximation of the forecast model. According to the results of the forecast, universities are divided into the following categories: forcing, where international activities are actively developing; stationary, whose international activity does not change significantly and fading, universities whose international activities are deteriorating every year. Practical relevance: The research results will make it possible to implement a decision support information system for managing and evaluating the international activities of the university.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):137-152
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Improving the reliability of digital equipment for many critical applications cannot be done without fault tolerance methods. This requirement is associated with the need to ensure resistance to failures and faults in real time that is without delays in diagnostics, reconfiguration and repair. One of the traditional approaches to providing fault tolerance is majority redundancy, for example, triple modular redundancy. However, it provides increased reliability parameters only at a minor interval. The transistor level redundancy method is more costly. This method involves redundancy of transistor chains, which significantly degrades the performance parameters, but at the same time significantly less increases power consumption. In addition, redundancy at the transistor level provides an increase in reliability parameters over a significantly longer time interval. However, the key issue is precisely how much it affects the basic characteristics of the device. This influence may vary depending on the semiconductor technology used, so despite general patterns, it is necessary to use circuitry simulation techniques to determine the redundancy efficiency at the transistor level in various technologies. The purpose of the work is to develop models and a library of fault-tolerant basic logic gates for the production technology of 180nm using the transistor level redundancy method. The results of design and modeling in the form of a library of fault-tolerant logic gates based on models of transistors 180nm are presented in the article. The practical relevance: the resulting library allows the development of fault-tolerant digital devices based on transistor-level redundancy for industries such as military, medical, aerospace and others. Discussion: Models that are more accurate can be obtained because of topological design, which is the next step after schematic design.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):153-167
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Numerous researches have established that one of the factors affecting the operational properties of mating parts is the shape error in the cross section. Modern mechanical engineering is characterized by an increasingly widespread use of numerically controlled machine tools and machining centers. A significant disadvantage of most CNC machines is that when using them, it is not guaranteed that the specified requirements for processing accuracy are obtained. The purpose of the research is to develop a system for automatic provision of non-circularity parameters during processing on a bench, including a lathe with numerical control. Research methods: Correlation analysis was used to investigate the cross-sectional profile. Carbide cutters were used. Structural steels and hard-alloy cutters were processed. The vibration signal was recorded using an accelerometer sensor. Results: It is shown that the use of a vibration signal makes it possible to evaluate the accuracy of the shape, and the use of models based on fuzzy logic and neural networks makes it possible to obtain the relationship between the parameters of the vibration signal and the accuracy of the shape in the cross section. A neuro-fuzzy system with a neural network database and an adaptive decision-making unit based on fuzzy logic is used as a device for active control (automatic provision) of shape accuracy parameters. In the course of the research, it was found that the use of such vibration signal parameters as power and correlation entropy makes it possible not only to assess tool wear, but also to implement active control of the output parameters of the processing process. The dependences of the parameters of the shape error, estimated by the coefficient of the correlation entropy and the power of the vibroacoustic signal, were obtained for different values of the wear of the cutting tool. Neuro-fuzzy models have been built to assess the state of a technological system. Practical significance: the use of neuro-fuzzy models makes it possible to determine the deviations of the shape with an error not exceeding 15%, and the use of the apparatus of fuzzy logic makes it possible to more effectively make decisions about the further use of the instrument. The results obtained were used as initial data for the development of a model of a system for automatic provision of shape accuracy parameters.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2021;(37):168-183
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