No 21 (2017)
The main advantages and shortcomings of modern networks Ethernet at their hardware realization in ACS of technological processes of various objects with the electrotechnical equipment are considered. The retrospective analysis of development of communication technologies of data transmission in networks at the field level, since the elementary onboard ACS and office local protocols to the open increased networks with standard speeds about 10 Gbps and more is carried out. On concrete examples it is shown that industrial Ethernet-networks have big benefits for the manufacturing and operational enterprises. Need of combination of the equipment and sensors of the lower level with the automated jobs of operators in uniform open management information network on the basis of universal transport protocols is proved. The possibilities of use for data transmission of fiber-optical communication channels on multimode optical cables are considered. It is shown that the choice of the protocol and speed of data exchange, the task of the Master-settings and Slave-devices, and also check of a condition of connections is carried out by means of the Web interface taking into account the given features of the protocol. Options of various data transmission networks of Ethernet-network of the Nizhny Novgorod subway, ACS by illumination of underground parking of shopping center, systems of scheduling and management of transformer substation, the sewer station and water reverse system with ventilator coolers are analyzed. Need of integration of all used electric equipment within universal protocols of Ethernet-network is proved. Results of design decisions and use of the equipment with a complete set in the standard network cases located directly at the operator are received. Universality of projects consists that all equipment of Ethernet networks (switchboards, routers, concentrators, locks, sockets, etc.) it is transferred to industrial execution and is capable to perceive the production loadings characteristic of various branches and technological processes.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):5-24
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In this paper the model of computation of global distributed computing cluster based on neuro-computers, which is a software implementation of a management system globally distributed computing cluster. Shows a generalized model of cluster computing cluster structure based neuroprocessors includes model of computing neuro-clasters structure, packet transmission network model, model download subtasks in the computing cluster structure of neuro-computers. The developed models allow to realize effective clustered parallel and distributed systems with the specified parameters of performance. The high level of parallelization allows the implementation of the "flexible", reconfigurable systems with different structures, that is to form the hardware basis for a given algorithm problem. There are two Prince pial approach to the formation of cluster computing structures: static and dynamic as before the direct distribution of the next sub-tasks for the next calculation module you must enter it in the computer structure, and then direct the task itself to it. To implement dynamic approach was chosen as the model of formation of the structure, according to which another compute node dynamically reserved by interviewing all the computers after the task the previous computing fashion-lem. The advantage of this is the ultra-fast computing cluster tasks. The downside of possible errors in routing and execution of programs box, received the task. The developed system uses the principle of dynamic provisioning of computing machines. Offered messaging model is based on the principle of packet switching for data transmission, but it should be noted that in this study are considered and modeled one-way communication.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):25-35
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This article describes the advantages of using multi-functional transformers of electro installations, including induction heating. In order to improve EMC conducted a comprehensive analysis of the magnetic semiconductor frequency converter for electrotechnology. Drives use today possible options for semiconductor frequency converters on the basis of the autonomous inverter voltage and current, as well as resonant inverters for electro-technological systems, including induction heating. These inverters can be performed on a component base thyristors and transistors. The possibility of application of amorphous steel in the magnetic multifunctional transformers to reduce losses in the frequency converter. The example provided by the developed simulation model of induction heating device, which is included in the multi-transformer, allows multiplication of the output voltage frequency of 2 to 4 and times, proved the feasibility of multi-functional transformers instead of matching transformers as electromagnetic compatibility of devices. Furthermore, by simulation confirmed the possibility of using a transformer as a multifunctional regulator output parameters electrotechnological installations comprising induction heating. In addition, all the advantages of galvanic decoupling networks are saved to all of the above benefits to converters with cascaded transformers. The practical significance of the research is to reduce electrical losses by reducing the hysteresis loss in the magnetic core of amorphous steel and switching losses in the semiconductor converter, and the possibility of adjusting the output parameters of the load during the induction heating.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):36-48
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The article deals with the current state of the Belarusian economy. In the Republic of Belarus, due to lack of own sources of energy, particular importance is attached to the efficient use of available energy resources. The paper deals with one of the most important ways to increase the energy efficiency of the economy - the creation of an energy management system. We studied the peculiarities of the implementation of energy management in industrial plants. Subsidiary factor in the rational energy consumption in industrial plants should become an energy audit. The article describes the purpose and types of energy audits. Energy audit as an example of industrial enterprises was conducted. As a result of the energy audit was proposed the following measures help to reduce the energy intensity of production in the enterprise: the introduction of metering systems, the use of variable frequency drive, upgrading lighting systems, the modernization of sections of pipelines water heating systems and condensate, Thermohenovation buildings by "Termoshuba". The analysis of the economic efficiency of the proposed measures. According to the results of calculations made conclusions about the cost-effectiveness of the implementation of all the activities in an industrial plant. Implementation of the planned measures will significantly modernize and ensure high reliability of the fixed production assets. Reducing the energy consumption of the enterprise will also enhance the competitiveness of products, increase enterprise profitability and the release of additional funds. For the Republic of Belarus in the overall implementation of energy management will help improve energy efficiency will reduce the costs of production, transportation and consumption of energy resources. And as a consequence will increase the energy security of the country.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):49-76
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In article approach to assessment of energy potential of thermal flows of system of water chilling of group of the compressors established in the shop on production and preparation of compressed air at the entity of JSC Perm Plant of Silicate Panels is considered. The heat carrier circulating in a cooling system has low-potential energy which at the moment isn't utilized. The simplified scheme of the existing system of water chilling of group of compressors on which places of possible thermal losses and installation of sensors for registration of temperature are shown is constructed. The technical implementation of an energy monitoring based on the device of remote telemetry and management of VIDA44M providing multichannel data collection, assignment of temporary tags to measurements, accumulating in the internal SD memory card in the file of the .csv format, access to the Internet for remote data collection is offered. For the controller the table with its key parameters and characteristics is constituted. The mathematical model of calculation of losses of heat energy in a cooling system of group of compressors considering results of monitoring of temperature of the heat carrier on an entrance and an exit in a cooling system and the set performance of recirculation pumps is constructed. Practical monitoring of low-potential thermal flows is carried out, temperature parameters of the environment, the heat carrier on entrance and output pipelines with use of the open software of OpenJEVis are provided. The conclusion is drawn on insignificant influence of ambient temperature on a difference of temperatures of the heat carrier in a cooling system, calculations of thermal losses are given. The table with key parameters of monitoring is constituted. Research has been completed under the PNRPU grant No.2016/PI-2 «Methodology development of monitoring and heat flow utilization as low potential company energy sources»
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):77-90
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Currently, robotics is a rapidly evolving field of knowledge, which has a large enough potential to significantly affect the nature of engineering and science education at all levels. One of the most relevant recent developments in this area are a group of robotics projects. These studies are closely related to the effect of the system behavior that can be observed in a variety of social insects is called swarm intelligence. This feature is that unambiguous and simple rules of the behavior of each member of the group to create a complex organized behavior of the entire group. The robots, interacting with each other and with their environment, form the desired group behavior. At the same time, a system of continuous feedback, consisting of co-operation of members of the group, and the objective function as a logic of behavior is not the individual but the whole group of robots. It should be noted technical focus of this field of science, which puts structural design tasks robots, the establishment of management systems, as well as algorithms and mechanisms of interaction. The fundamental factors that should guide the design of robotic systems group, are the tendency to decrease the cost of the robot unit in the group, as well as the tendency to reduce the overall size of the robot. Therefore, at the present time to create such systems we focus on the task of creating a simple robot design. Continuously changing the outside world and the current conditions dictate new trends, according to which the widespread use of large groups of simple and cheap robots with very limited data communication and processing processes of the feasibility of using a powerful, oversized, expensive robot in many non-deterministic, dynamic and dangerous for the human environment. The article deals with the problem of creating a robotic system of collective interaction, as well as the development of methods and algorithms of management of the system to maintain the movement tiering group regarding a robot master. The results of modeling mechatronic robotic system of collective interaction in the environment NI LabVIEW Robotics Environment Simulator.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):91-108
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Approach to definition of system model of knowledge on the basis of formalization of the relationships of cause and effect defining data domain is offered. Necessary conditions for creation of the terminal formalized language as main instrument of extraction and representation of knowledge are found. It is shown that if the dialectic properties of the category cause relationships in the studied subject domain to define as the relation of the essence and existential properties of objects, then these relations, first of all, will define rules of syntax and further an axiom of semantics of subject-oriented meta language. In syntax of such formal meta language it is necessary to introduce the rule of superposition and associativity of all variety of relationships of cause and effect in an object and in interaction of objects in the studied subject domain. Nonlinearity of communications between objects will be defined in the case under consideration by the functors connecting various aspects of representation of subject domain of As.1, As.2,…. The example for definition of structure of meta language in subject domain - information activities, including is given: Natural meta language (EYa); Graphic-analytical meta language of the theory of categories (GAYa); meta language of programming (PYa), etc. Submission of the description of business processes which structure represents system of the formalized relationships of cause and effect is considered in connection with subject-oriented terminal metalanguages according to Chomsky's hierarchy. Are allocated and described in an attributive form of the business rule of formation of criteria of structuring content and extraction of the business processes given from models. In the course of extraction of knowledge of subject domain and its interpretation as the main tools the subject-oriented terminal metalanguages formed on the basis of a natural language proceeding from a context of subject domain are presented. Transition between levels of hierarchy is carried out at the expense of the description of subject domain in the form of metadata and set of storages of data. Process of extraction of data of information space for the intellectual analysis is presented according to levels of hierarchy of Chomsky.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):109-126
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This paper describes discusses aspects of the organization of the automated monitoring of multiple compressors, designed for precise registration and correction parameter group of compressor units in order to improve the overall energy efficiency. It is proposed to organize the automated monitoring of energy parameters of the compressor with a portable remote telemetry VIDA350MC complex with the DataLogger function. VIDA350MS - a device controlling the energy and production data, complies with the requirements of the standard for energy management systems ISO 50001, provides input and long-term storage of analog and digital values with a large number of sensors and registration devices. Monitoring data are imported into the portal OpenJEVis, which held further analysis and visualization of the results. We consider the group of six piston direct drive compressors with high reliability, but without the means to regulate the amount of compressed air generated. The group consists of three compressor units operating from the high voltage of 6 kV, and three - working voltage of 0,4 kV. The dynamics of the compressed air consumption and found the following problems, such as large excess compressed air, pressure instability, the need for compressors and manual control valve reset excess compressed air. The most energy-efficient solutions are selected. The analysis and evaluation of the algorithm of the group compressors, found solutions to improve energy efficiency of screw compressors to the piston. The conclusion regarding the more efficient use of energy resources and the reduction of the excess with a demonstration of the proposed solutions. As a result of monitoring, a system of effective management of a group of compressors, consisting of a compressor unit with frequency control, set the remote control device, database and monitoring system.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):127-140
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In article the research of activity in detection threats and vulnerabilities is made. The consideration of statistics due to using the mobile operating systems is viewed in the last two quarters of 2015 and first two quarters of 2016. The emphasis is placed on researching the most commonly used mobile operating systems nowadays. The dynamics of declaration threats and vulnerabilities in past 5 years are analyzed. Similarly, the statistics of usage the instant messaging software (messengers) are considered in the world and in Russia. The most popular solutions are chosen. Also, the dynamics of viewed threats and vulnerabilities on mobile messaging programs are researched. Either mobile operating systems or mobile software for communicating are analyzed in public and private publication sources. For this purpose there are 9 sources are offered. The conclusion about software development is made. The dynamic of detecting vulnerabilities and threats is shown. There are dependencies between the dates of threats publications made by specialists in information security or hackers and the reaction of software developers. A comparison between the internal software in definite class is overviewed. The most secure OS and messengers are highlighted.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):141-151
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In this article modern approaches to calculation of costs in power industry of Republic of Belarus are considered. The features of the method of separate accounting of costs in the energy sector. Studied the classification of facilities for the production of electric and heat energy for cost accounting purposes. Considered article costing at energy facilities of the Republic of Belarus. The methods of cost accounting and cost calculation. For the purposes of separate accounting in the Belarusian energy company offers the use of regulatory cost accounting method. The models of regulatory cost accounting and selected to power the republic method accounting regulatory costs. The article suggests taking into account the cost to use poperedelny method to form a guild costing and cost semis. This method will allow the properly reflect all process steps and the cost center in the final cost of energy. A rough calculation of the energy cost of the scheme to the combined heat and power poperedelnym method. Using this method of calculation will give advantages for a more detailed account of the cost of each stage of production associated with the transformation of the coolant, as well as will allow to estimate the amount of loss that the company carries on every stage of production. The methods of cost-sharing for the production of electricity and thermal energy (physical method, exergy method, normative method, Wagner method, "the separate margins" method V.I. Denisov, economic methods: the method of outages; method of proportional energy cost; method proportional to the amount of energy produced). The advantages and disadvantages of these methods. Proposed by dividing the total costs associated with the complex use of fuel and heat, between the electricity and heat used by Wagner method that allow to obtain a more equitable cost of each type of energy.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):152-166
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The urgent issue of the quality increasing of specialists in information security training has been formulated. The features of development of educational-laboratory facilities useful for specialists have been revealed. The problem of security information means against unauthorized access has been analyzed; the necessity of skilled specialists training has been stipulated. The competences of graduated students in universities, based in compliance with FSES (Federal State Educational Standard) in the course 10.03.01 «Information security» and 10.05.01 «Information security of automatized systems». The current article offers a brief description of functional opportunities of information security computer appliance «Crypton». The distinctive features of the cryptographic security data device «Crypton», which software allows solving certain routine problems, have been introduced. The structure of a cryptographic security data device «Crypton» according to its kitting-up has been stated. The process of development of the educational-laboratory stand for the study, construction and research of information security systems based on the cryptographic encryption systems has been described. The execution example of a laboratory work on the organization of cryptographic network, which is based on the he cryptographic security data device «Crypton» and contains the goal of the work, the order, theoretical introduction, practical work and control questions, has been given. Theoretical introduction contains such basic notions as cryptographic network, settings, network key, network table, network kit, organization of cryptographic network, files encryption for transmission in the cryptographic network, settings. The developed educational-laboratory stand allows to apply it in the training course of students studying «Information security», «Information security of automatized systems» as well as to use it for the realization of additional professional education programs and for advanced training of information security specialists.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(21):167-181
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