Vol 16, No 4 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/109
The territory of Azerbaijan located in the central part of the Mediterranean mobile belt is characterized by high seismicity, mud volcanism, widespread slumps and contrast character of modern vertical and horizontal movements occurring in the sedimentary part of the geological section. The paper contains results of studies of the features of the connection of earthquakes and tectonic movements that cover the Mesozoic and Cenozoic intervals of the geological section. The work is carried out with a complex interpretation of data by the method of the common depth point (CDP) of seismic survey; well logging; vertical seismic profiling (VSP) performed on the study area and its periphery; observations of seismic for the period from 2003 to 2016. A comprehensive interpretation of the data allow to construct several seismogeological profiles in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the Caucasian mountain structures. Several profiles of a similar direction (SW-NE) were compiled along the Caspian Sea as well. The geological section is split into stratigraphic and lithologic-facies intervals based on CDP seismic data using VSP and well logging data. Analysis of dynamic and kinematic parameters of the seismic wave field recorded on the area of interest showed that a tectonic process began in the Mesozoic (possibly Paleozoic) period, continued to the end of the Cretaceous, somewhat decreased (unloaded) at the beginning of the Cenozoic and then continued in the Quaternary period. The seismic activity of the region confirms that the process continues nowadays. Based on the results of a joint interpretation of seismology and CDP seismic survey data it was established that shallow-focus earthquakes in the foothill regions of Azerbaijan occurred and occur under the influence of global tectonic processes that create a prolonged geodynamic tension in the upper part (to the depth of 12 km) of the sedimentary complex of deposits. Joint interpretation of CDP seismic survey data and seismology indicates the presence of a collision zone in the area of the junction of the South Caspian depression and Absheron-Pribalkhanskiy threshold, interpreted by some researchers as a subduction zone. The analysis of geological and geophysical data accumulated during the period from 1985 to 2015 tells about the need to revise the tectonic map of the oil and gas bearing regions of the republic and its connection with the seismic map of the territory.
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The paper is devoted to modeling of the processes of oil and gas deposits formation of the Vuktyl thrust development area, to which the largest in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province is associated with the same oil and gas condensate deposit. Oil and gas of deeply buried formations of the autochthon of the overthrust region remains poorly studied. Therefore, application of modern methods of basin modeling is relevant for oil and gas content estimation. In order to simulate the section, Schlumberger PetroMod software package was used. The package allows to determine the history of generation of hydrocarbons on the geological time scale, migration paths, amount and type of oil and gas accumulations in both surface and reservoir conditions. Using the 1D and 2D modeling of the Vuktylskaya-58 parametric well and the overthrust region models were obtained. The models reflect the modern geological section, its evolution during the geological time. The processes of formation of oil and gas were studied. As a result, it was shown that the parent rocks of the allochthonous section part could not participate in the formation of the main gas-condensate deposit of the Vuktyl deposit because they entered only the main oil formation zone. In deeply buried deposits of the autochthon starting from the Permian and Triassic formation of the Vuktylsky gas-condensate field and possibly the deposits in poorly studied deep formations could be caused by processes of generation of gases and gas condensates. That is proved by the discovery of a large number of gas emergences beyond the 4-5 km in a section of the only well drilled beyond the 6 km such as Vuktylskaya-58. Generation and accumulation of gas hydrocarbons occurred mainly after the appearance of thrust dislocations, when the main traps were formed both at ordinary and high depths.
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Physical and mechanical properties of polymer cement slurries and cement stone are studied. The goal of the work is to improve the quality of completion of productive formations by development of polymer cement mixtures with improved structural and mechanical characteristics of a cementing slurry and cement stone. During the completion a special attention is paid to the preservation of well cement stone quality. So, there is a brittle fracture of the cement stone occur because of the dynamic loads caused by cumulative and bullet perforation, as well as the torpedoing of casing strings. Using such methods of well completion a cement stone can be destroyed both in perforation intervals and in places of bridges that separate productive layers from aquifers. The consequence of that opening is the accelerated growgh of water cut of wells. Despite the high technical level of new types of perforators, they are not widely used in drilling of oil and gas wells because of the large time and metal consumption of the work performed and, consequently, high financial costs of their use. It is known that the integrity of the cement stone is ensured at perforation during the transition of the coagulation structure of a cement suspension to crystal one. For a normal cement slurry (water/cement = 0.5) that moment occurs relatively quickly (7-15 h), which is not enough for perforation operations. In order to modify the properties of a cement mixture the compositions of cation-active surfactant (catamine) and non-ionic polymer (polyvinylpyrrolidone) were chosen. Results of experimental studies show that the input of these agents into the composition of a cement mixture leads to an increase in spreadability of a cement slurry (more than 25 cm by the cone of Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute), time of its bondability, strength of a cement stone for compression (200 % after 28 days of hardening) and bending (250 %), adhesion of cement stone to metal (by 80 %) and time of coagulation structure setting. In addition, plastic properties of the developed cement slurry are retained for more than 19 hours. The influence of the agent (defoamer T-66) on the rate of cement stone strengthening is determined. It is shown that input of a nonionic high molecular polymer reduces the rate of the formation of crystal structure in a cementing mixture.
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The relationship between well electrometry data and wettability of Visean clastic reservoirs of the Solikamsk depression was studied. Results of lateral logging with conventional and special core analysis are compared. Theoretical aspects of the influence of reservoir properties, characteristics of the pore space structure and wettability on electrical conductivity is considered. Theoretical calculations of the range of variation of the specific electrical resistance in the conditions of clastic reservoirs of various types are performed. The significant influence of wettability index of surface rocks on the rock resistance is substantiated. The analysis and comparison of different methods for assessing the wettability of rocks from core data are performed. It was found that the greatest errors in rock wettability assessments are associated with hydrophilization of the surface due to core extraction. It is concluded that the X-ray core tomography as a direct method for visualization of pore space in assessing the wettability of operational objects is a perspective method. As a result of generalization of core studies and considered analysis of the development history the geological section with anomalously high specific electrical resistances (200 Ωm and above) is interpreted as predominantly hydrophobic. A section with standard resistance values for clastic reservoirs (less than 120 Ωm) is classified as a hydrophilic type As a result of generalization of core studies and considered analysis of the development history the geological section with anomalously high specific electric resistances (200 Ωm and above) is interpreted as predominantly hydrophobic. A section with standard resistance values for clastic reservoirs (less than 120 Ohm∙m) is classified as a hydrophilic type. For the Visean reservoirs (Tl, Bb, Ml) of the Shershnevskoye oil field zonation on distribution of reservoirs of various wettability types is carried out on the basis of resistance values. Schemes of distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic reservoirs for the Visean operational reservoirs of the Solikamsk depression can be used to develop design solutions for both production and injection wells.
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According to audit data about 75 % of residual oil reserves of Perm region fields are characterized by water cut of well production of more than 50 %. Development of the methods for reducing water inflow is one of the priority areas of research. The paper presents the results of an analysis of available sources for reasons of oil water cut and methods used to eliminate water inflow. A detailed classification of remedial cementing jobs is displayed. The review of chemical methods allowing to block the water inflow in the bottomhole and remote zone of the reservoir is given. It was established during the analysis that studying of polymeric materials for remedial cementing jobs is a relevant direction. An analysis of domestic and international experience shows that the use of polymeric materials to eliminate water inflows allows to increase oil recovery up to 85-90 %. Such parameters as structure (large caverns or cracks of small diameter) and localization of water inflow, temperature, reservoir pressure and formation permeability, characteristics of reservoir fluids dictate individual requirements for the polymer composition in terms of rheology, polymerization kinetics, strength characteristics and thermal stability. The most urgent task of waterproofing works in the Perm region is the elimination of watered intervals and redistribution of fluid flows into undeveloped less permeable sections of the geological section. In this regard, technology to reduce water inflow with the help of gels with a high penetrating power and high strength after the completion of polymerization are in demand at the deposits of the Perm region. Taking into account the analysis, the technology of polymeric blockage of water inflow using polyacrylamide (PAA) was adopted as the most suitable for conditions of reservoirs of Perm regions. Laboratory tests are carried out to study and select polymer compositions for remedial cementing jobs at the fields of the Perm regions, including the polymerization process depending on the composition pH. The change in viscosity of the polymer composition during the time with a PAA content of 0.75 % and chromium acetate of 0.02 % is studied. As a result of testing the polymer based on PAA, it was found that viscosity of a polymer composition increases with increasing temperature and concentration of the crosslinking agents.
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Results of a comprehensive study of coal dust obtained from the G-type coal of Vorgashorskoe field are presented. The main research methods used in the work are granulometric, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. The granulometric sieving carried out confirmed the heterogeneity of the sample with size of 0-200 μm fraction for a technical analysis. It is established that fractions of less than 100 μm size account for more than 50 % of the total sample mass. The results obtained suggested that result can be different depending on the content of a fraction in the overall technical sample sent for an analysis. However, this is probably acceptable in a technical analysis of coal dust samples but not for determination of explosive and fire hazard indicators. In order to study the effect of the dispersion composition of dust on a pyrolysis process in the air (oxidizing) medium for each of the fractions of 0-200 μm and additionally for larger fractions studies were carried out using thermogravimetry and a differential thermal analysis The thermogravimetric analysis confirmed the hypothesis about the ambiguous behavior of coal dust during its pyrolysis depending on the dispersion composition. Two fractions showed the same behaviont during the thermal pyrolysis. The fraction of 63-94 μm is the boundary one between 0-45 and 45-63 μm and remaining fractions of larger than 94 μm in size. That fact indicates that during determination of the explosive fire hazard properties it is necessary to investigate dust samples of dispersive composition from 0 to 100 μm, i.е. a narrower fraction than in the technical analysis of samples from 0 to 200 μm. Express analysis of the obtained data of differential thermal analysis showed a difference in thermal degradation between the fractions of interest at the initial stage (250-330 °C). The results obtained allowed to draw a conclusion about the expediency of the study of coal dust of dispersive composition from 0-100 μm. It also showed the necessity of using methods considered in the paper for a detailed study of physical and chemical parameters of coal dust and an assessment of its explosive and fire hazard properties.
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In the conditions of the Verkhnekamskoe field of potassium and magnesium salts unconventional in terms of thickness sylvinite seams are involved in the mining. That requires methodological support and new technological solutions. One of the possible directions in the excavation of sylvinite seams of unconventional thickness is the use of drilling and blasting. A method for calculating the safe geomechanical parameters of the chamber development pattern was developed in order to justify the possibility of drilling and blasting excavation of sylvinite seams of unconventional thickness. The paper presents theoretical calculations for determination of the parameters of a chamber development pattern taking into account the requirements of current regulatory documents. That ensures geomechanical safety during drilling and blasting mining of sylvinite seams of unconventional thickness as well as during mining of sylvinite seams of unconventional thickness in combination with mashinery mining of seams with conventional thickness. Two options of drilling and blasting mining of sylvinite layers depending on the mining and geological conditions of development, are considered in the paper. The first option considers drilling and blasting excavation by the chamber pattern of one sylvinite seam of unconventional thickness. The second option considers drilling and blasting mining of an unconventional sylvinite reservoir together with a machinery mining of adjacent sylvinite layers that have conventional thickness. Minimum allowable size of the production chamber in the drilling and blasting mining of sylvinite seams of unconventional thickness, design and actual parameters of chambers and inter-chamber blocks are justified according to the requirements of regulatory documents. The procedure for calculation of sizes of the cleaning chambers in drilling and blasting mining and inter-chamber blocks in the joint excavation of sylvinite layers of conventional and unconventional thickness. The method for determination of safe parameters of blasting operations providing the permissible value of the fracturing zone in the soil and roof of the cleaning chambers mined by the drilling and blasting method is presented. Calculations have been performed to determine the fracture radius based on the calculation of explosion pulse and dynamic strength of the salt rocks. Determination of the allowable weight of explosion is done using the value of the displacement speed of the particles in the array. As a result of the studies performed, the safe parameters of drilling and blasting mining of one sylvinite layer with unconventional thickness by the chamber pattern and the sylvinite formation of unconventional thickness together with longwall machinery mining of conventional formation at the mines of Verkhnekamskoe field of potassium and magnesium salts.
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The paper describes the possible failures in the automation ventilation system with partial return use of upcast air from a shaft or mine (during recirculation). Existing ventilation systems use recirculation in the main ventilation mining, through which air is delivered from an underground mining enterprise. It is proposed to install automatic ventilation doors (AVD). They allow to change the aerodynamic resistance of the mine, i.e. control flow rate of air discharged from a mine (shaft). If an AVD is damaged the dangerous case could arise even in a normal ventilation mode due to the fact that mentioned negative control means can block the main path of air movement. In this case air from the air-supplying barrels is directed to the ventilation barrel through the recirculation loop bypassing the mining sites dedicated for ventilation. At the time of accident, when the main fan unit (MFU) is reversed, such a failure makes the situation even more dangerous due to the unpredictable path of flue gases. In the method described it is proposed to install the AVD in the mines of the main directions and close them only during the period of the MFU reverse. When the closing AVD and forced draft fan of the main air heater work together and discharge air in the reverse mode, the time dedicated for switching of the main heater to the reverse mode is reduced. After the gradual opening of the AVD in the shaft (mine) a reversible mode of ventilation is installed. The method proposed allows energy and resource savings for ventilation and air preparation both in normal and emergency modes while meeting the safety requirements for mining operations.
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At the present stage of production enhancement it is impossible to create absolutely safe working conditions in the oil production mines of the Yaregskoe field, but ensuring acceptable working conditions in the workplace remains one of the most important tasks in the field of labor protection. Yaregskoe is unique oil field in terms of the shaft method of heavy oil mining. An oil shaft is rather a deviation from the general ideas about the mining industry of Russia and the world. The main idea of the thermoshaft method is a decrease in viscosity and increase in oil mobility due to the heating of a formation by coolant injection. The technology used to extract heavy oil has created special working conditions. The majority of workplaces in oil mines correspond to the 3rd class of working conditions (harmful), degrees 3.1-3.3, where the maximum permissible levels of exposure to harmful factors are exceeded in comparison with permissible values. Harmful working conditions entail a consistently high level of occupational disease. The variety of negative factors and possibility of their combined effects on the body with various combinations of the labor process determine the need for an integrated approach to assess the combined effects of negative factors. Today, the assessment of working conditions is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 426-FL "On a special assessment of working conditions" and Order No. 33n of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "On approving the methodology for conducting a special assessment of working condition classifier of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the form of a report on the special assessment of working conditions and instructions its filling". In a special assessment of working conditions the overall result is affected only by factors beginning with grades 3 and 4 of working conditions. The combined effect of production and labor process factors is represented only by a qualitative assessment. The analysis performed allowed to rank the probability of the impact of factors of a certain class of working conditions on workers of the Yaregskoe oil mines by structural subdivisions. To assess how labor conditions conform normative labor requirements and a degree of impact of deviations from normal values on human body a special point system (usually a six-point system) is used. There is a calculation of professional risks for the underground staff of the Yaregskoe oil mine made based on the "Point assessment of professional risk". Assessment of occupational diseases shows a high risk of obtaining occupational diseases for a group of underground workers of the Yaregskoe oil mine. There is a special risk for workers at mining and oil production sites. The risk is represented in three parameters such as increased noise, vibration and physical overload. An underground miner and road worker are the safest jobs.
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The dynamics of coal mining development in the world and Russian Federation is estimated. Incident rates in coal mining is analyzed. The subject of the study is the coal industry of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to identify possible ways to improve the safety of personnel working in the coal industry of the Russian Federation. The research objectives are as follows: to identify promising directions for development of the coal industry; to conduct an analysis of incidents in the coal industry of the Russian Federation; to conduct a comparative analysis of the level of safety in coal mining in the Russian Federation and other industrialized countries; to identify the main causes of injuries in the coal industry of the Russian Federation; to analyze the available means of protecting the personnel of the coal industry of the Russian Federation from electricity and identify opportunities for their improvement. The research methods are as follows: analysis of statistical information on coal mining in the Russian Federation and world; patent search for devices that protect workers of the coal industry from effects of electricity. The papers refers that the level of accidents in underground coal mining in the Russian Federation is significantly higher than in coal mining in coal sections. It is noted that the amount of underground coal mining in the Russian Federation have not changed in recent years, and the volume of open-pit coal mining is growing. The main causes of accidents in the coal industry of the Russian Federation are identified. The cases of accidents from electricity are considered in detail. The main technical means ensuring protection of a person from electric shock during coal mining in coal mines are analyzed. A patent search for existing devices for monitoring the continuity of the ground wire in electrical installations which are used for the extraction of coal by the open method is carried out. The results obtained can be used to improve devices for ensuring electrical safety in the coal industry.
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