Vol 15, No 21 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/113
Knowledge of the geological structure of the selected field allows to form a clear idea of the nature (geological and mineralogical composition and physico-chemical properties) of rocks, about the stability of rocks and their propensity to fracture under the influence of geological or technological reasons, etc. All this, in turn, largely determines the possibility of using rational method of drilling for specific conditions of the field. The possibility and feasibility of using drilling method is also determined by the presence of the aquifers. Aquifers play a very important role in choosing fields that are favorable for drilling by used method. Using of the device simplifies the design and optimize well because of the small drill diameter, reduced quantity of cement slurry and improved quality of cement job. Practically confirmed that the cementing with predetermined regimes there is no slugging, cement slurry evenly fit around columns. During the construction of technological wells with cementing through the interior of casing with collar device the well value changes significantly. The main factors affecting the change in value of the construction of wells, are time-consuming to plugging wells, the tripping and the waiting on cement. It was established experimentally that the use of the device for lip plugging a filter column reduces the time required to carry out mentioned types of technological operations. The calculation of economic efficiency, based on the saving of fixed costs in the implementation of the developed device, showed that the savings in the construction of wells is 177 663 tenge while the construction of a geotechnological well with 290 m depth.
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In the article an account of extensive investigations of a well with carbonate deposits operating over a period of 44 months in Perm Region is given. Two well production enhancement techniques were used, namely abrasive jet perforation and acid treatment. A detailed analysis of abrasive jet perforation and acid treatment results was carried out, where changes of productivity index depending on reservoir and bottomhole pressures after operations were evaluated. It was shown, that an incremental oil production can significantly decrease with decreasing reservoir and bottomhole pressures. It was found that during the abrasive jet perforation with acid treatment, an incremental oil production has increased for abrasive jet perforation and acid treatment to about 65 % and 35 % respectively. It was also shown, that the abrasive jet perforation helps to slightly increase a well rate and decrease a reservoir energy consumption for fluid communications in bottomhole formation zone. After the acid treatment taking place two years later, oil production was increased and it is understood that 15 % of this increase is due to acid attack, and on 85 % due to growth in bottomhole pressure and fracture permeability. There was revealed a complete exclusion of reservoir energy consumptions to overcome the additional filtration resistance immediately after conducting operations. The reservoir has an excellent intrinsic fracturing property, so bottomhole formation permeability and energy consumption significantly depend on the reservoir and bottomhole pressures. It is recommended to maintain reservoir and bottomhole pressures higher than lateral rock pressure to increase effectiveness of well operations in reservoirs with advanced natural fracturing.
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The problem of determining BHP in production wells not equipped with depth measuring systems, it is relevant for many of the oil fields of Perm Krai. In practice, the absence of special devices for downhole pump bottomhole pressure is determined by converting the dynamic level. With this approach, the main difficulty is the calculation of the density of the gas-liquid mixture, the accuracy of which is low due to the influence of numerous complicating factors. In this paper the fundamentally different approach to the definition of bottomhole pressure, considered on one of the well equipped with high-precision depth measurement system, of Tl-Bb layer of Yurchukskoe field. The initial data are direct measurements of downhole pressure, as well as a number of other indicators of its operation (flow rates of oil and liquid, water content, dynamic level, the pump depth below the dynamic level, the pressure of the annulus). The first stage analysis of the data led to the conclusion that the bottomhole pressure during the observation period varied, with different directions: the first is gradually reduced, then - increased. In this regard, the study of influence of operating parameters on the value of BHP held for three cases: for the entire period of observation, as well as separately for the period of its decline and the increase. Statistical analysis of the averages and distribution densities possible to identify the parameters that influence the bottomhole pressure, and found that the effect is mixed. At the final stage the multidimensional statistical models that take into account the effect of multidirectional operating indicators BHP have been built. "Functionality" verification of developed models was made on the example of three other wells of the same development object. This verification confirmed the feasibility of using developed models for determining the values of bottomhole pressure from known values of indicators for well operation and all the proposed approach in general.
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One of the important tasks of effective well operation in oil fields is to prevent clogging of bottomhole formation zone in the process of various geological and technical measures. As one of the most promising means to prevent reservoir productivity decreasing a technology using downhole shutoff valves has been proposed. Summary of the technology consists in application of a deep reservoir protection system, which is hermetically mounted in the well and dividing the productive formation area and pumping equipment placement. The analysis showed that the known shutoff valves configurations (systems with hydraulic, mechanical, electric drive) does not allow to carry out research on monitoring the development of operated object. Accordingly, none of the configurations has not been accepted for industrial use so far. The paper proposes a new mechanical reservoir protection system (including the bottomhole shutoff valve), providing a hermetic separation of productive reservoir and area of killing fluid injection when the differential pressure is up to 10 MPa. The basis of the shutoff valve construction is the principle of ball valve, in closed position the ball is pressed to valve seat by pressure, which creates a resistance to its opening. In order to achieve a high equipment`s operating time in design a special attention was paid to ensure device operation with the presence of well complications. To solve this problem a special sludge trap was included in the equipment and it was placed between the hollow plunger and the pump unit with a back pressure valve and a perforated pipe inside. Calculations of sludge trap filling were made according to the different number of stops and at various concentrations of mechanical impurities. As a result of calculations conclusions about the strength conditions fulfillment for geometric dimensions specified for pairs of steel-polyamide and steel-Zedex materials were made. Proposed device construction ensures a reliable isolation between under and above packer space, preventing ingress of killing fluid in the bottomhole formation zone. Universal equipment configuration extends its application area and the possibility of its use in combination with any pump unit depending on well conditions.
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Liquid lifting from low-rate oil wells is carried out with sucker rod pumping units (SRPU) with plunger`s electric drive from asynchronous electromechanical energy converters. Depending on the rotational speed of rotor shaft asynchronous power converters lift liquid from low-rate oil wells continuously or cyclically. There are some drawbacks of the cyclical operation mode of low-rate oil wells. When using pumping unit`s regular mechanical equipment to switch to a continuous mode liquid lifting from low-rate wells it is required to use asynchronous electromechanical energy converters with a low rotational speed. The article gives information about development of asynchronous energy converters with magnetic field rotation frequency 200 min-1, capacity 3 kW. It offers an innovative way to improve the energy efficiency of low-speed asynchronous energy converters, which is based on the idea of reactive magnetizing current`s internal compensation. The practical implementation of this idea provides a location in the stator slots the electromechanical energy converter of additional compensation winding and its connection to capacitors. The article describes a technique of selecting parameters of the compensation winding and capacitors, providing increase in power factor of electromechanical converter to a value of 1.0. The substantiation of the provisions that additional compensation winding`s location in stator slots of the asynchronous electromechanical power converter does not affect the value of efficiency coefficient. Serial production and widespread introduction in SRPU low-speed asynchronous energy converters, which carry reactive magnetizing current compensation, will significantly increase the volume of produced fluid from oil wells with low flow rate and raise energy efficiency of oil production.
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Article proposes a statistical approach in predicting the gas-dynamic danger in potash mines, which can significantly reduce the dependence of the final prediction results on subjective factors by introducing a model of informative strictly defined criteria. Obtaining the most appropriate forecasting models of reality is only possible through an integrated approach, displaying factors of generation, migration, accumulation and preservation for a long period of geological time gas clusters and centers of gas-dynamic phenomena in the salt rock mass. In the mathematical model development for of gas-dynamic phenomena`s prediction method on geological data a parametric mathematical model of forecasting method was used based on discriminant analysis, which is a powerful statistical method and in depth of data analysis and the results significance is among the most effective methods of statistical analysis. In case of compliance with conditions of multidimensional data normal distribution and equality of covariance matrices the parametric model leads to optimal results in forecasting. In case of non-compliance with these restrictions in the use of robust evaluation model allows to compensate the incorrect prediction`s probability growth. A statistical analysis of geological information in the field of gas-dynamic phenomena (GDP) in the potash mines was performed. Learning samples were formed, the mathematical model of forecasting method for zones dangerous because of GDP was developed based on multivariate discriminant analysis with classical and robust statistical procedures. Decision rules to predict the geological data of areas dangerous because of GDP were obtained for conditions of Verkhnekamskoie potash salt deposit. Forecast maps were created for zones dangerous because of GDP for the Ust-Yaivinskii mine field conditions on the base of PJSC "Uralkali" and Polovodovskii area of Verkhnekamskoie potash salt deposit. The adequacy estimation was given for the method of forecasting mining operations` practice on potash layers dangerous because of GDP in conditions of potash mine fields PJSC "Uralkali".
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Dynamic loads regularities in elastic elements of the load-lifting machines were analyzed, in conditions of actual use they should be minimized. An updated analysis of dynamic loads in crane ropes was conducted and conditions of loads minimization were determined. Modes of load movement on elastic rope of lifting crane were substantiated. In these modes dynamic factor KD minimizes and drive mechanism performs optimum movements. At the same time methods of classical variational calculus and apparatus of differential equations (ordinary) were used, and the calculations were carried out for two classic ways of load lifting ("hanging" and "with pickup"). The updated dynamic analysis was conducted and loads that arise in elastic elements (ropes) of lifting equipment were minimized within the two-mass model. At the same time methods of load lifting "hanging" and "with pickup" were considered for various possible modes of drive mechanism motion in the starting area. Models for load lifting "hanging" and "with pickup" which minimizes the dynamic loads in the rope of the crane in its launching period ( ) were justified. The results obtained can later be used to update and improve existing engineering methods for movement mode`s calculation of lifting cranes and their components (when lifting is "hanging" or "with pickup"), these modes minimize the rope load at optimal modes of drive motion as at the design (construction) stage of such systems, as well during their real operation.
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The growth in marble quarrying requires the implementation at mining enterprises new high-performance equipment. In this connection, it is advisable to consider the possibility of use in the development of marble deposits surface milling miners. To improve the efficiency of their operation it is necessary develop a technique of operational definition of surface miners` basic parameters according to conditions existing at marble mining enterprises. Experience shows that when choosing miner`s model the determination of its parameters can be carried out using regression dependences. As a result of processing initial information about technical characteristics of surface miners the dependences determining connection between milling width, engine power and operating weight were obtained. In the largest Russian Koelginskoe marble deposit during 2014-2015 chronometer monitoring the work of surface milling miner Wirtgen 2500SM were conducted in different modes and conditions. In the study miner`s speed was varied from 7 to 9 m/min and cutting depth from 0.1 to 0.15 m. Surface miner worked according to the shuttle scheme with a turn at the end of the site. Rock was loaded into dump trucks with carrying capacity of 25-30 tons. Processing of observational results allowed to get dependence for the operational definition of miner`s performance in marble deposits developing. A nomogram for determining the engine power, weight and miner`s operational performance with different milling widths was constructed. Dependences obtained during the study can be used when selecting miner for a particular deposit, as well as when forecasting engine power, operating weight and performance of surface miner`s perspective models.
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This article presents the study of transient processes occurring in the mine ventilation network of Usolskii potash plant during pit bottom`s construction after completion of sinking cross slit between shafts in the cold season. Parameters of aero- and thermodynamic processes that influence the organization of through stream in the construction of the mine with the central ventilation scheme are determined. Within the one-dimensional formulation based on Kirchhoff's laws a mathematical model of air flow based on time-varying effect of natural draft was constructed taking into account the inertia of the air. A comparison of data obtained in the one-dimensional formulation was conducted with the results of numerical modeling of three-dimensional air flow with different thermodynamic parameters in complex software ANSYS. The numerical calculation was made using the model of a perfect gas, k-ε-turbulence model with wall functions which had an additional term to account for the roughness of the walls. The comparative analysis showed solutions compliance in one-dimensional formulation and three-dimensional numerical simulation for an initial period of time and after the establishment of stationary air distribution. In the period of time characterized by the transition from the peak airflow to its steady-state value, there is a significant mismatch of studied variables over time. Predicting the time of transient processes in mine ventilation system after sinking cross slit between shafts should be implemented on the base of calculations carried out using methods of computational fluid and gas dynamics. Calculation of peak values and stationary parameters of aero- and thermodynamic processes for development of technical solutions for the organization of ventilation`s design schemes may be carried out in the framework of one-dimensional setting.
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The use of materials based on natural potassium salts is a known way to create a high-quality, up to healing, indoor air which is modified due to the effect of sylvinite, carnallite and halite aerosol particles. Facing or decorating protective surfaces of walls, floor or ceiling in special ground facilities - speleoclimatic chambers - can enrich the indoor air with a highly dispersed salt aerosol and aeroions of light mobility group. It is proposed to look over the interrelation between distribution of aerosol particles and concentration of light aeroions in sylvinite speleoclimatic chambers, considering the ionization and recombination equation of formation and disappearance of light aeroions. By extrapolation the main parameters of the highly dispersed salt aerosol were determined for size less than 0.3 microns based on the experimentally determined parameters of aerosol particles distribution by size (greater than 0.3 microns) taking into account possible solutions of the aeroionic balance equation and applying the superposition model of several logarithmically normal distributions. On example of Verkhnekamskoie potash deposit the article shows the main parameters of aerosol particles` size distribution in sylvinite speleoclimatic chambers with surfaces of different constructions made of sawn natural sylvinite blocks, panels and molded salt tiles with a high content of potassium chloride, a component of potash salts. Study results confirm high efficiency of sylvinite building materials application to create a high-quality medical or wellness air environment saturated with highly dispersed salt aerosol, and allow to optimally select special constructive and decorative materials on the basis of sylvinite, depending on required parameters of the aerosol distribution in order to create a high-quality indoor air.
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