Vol 20, No 1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/117
The Verkhnekamskoe field of potassium magnesium salts is located within the Pre-Ural foredeep in the territory of the Solikamsk depression. There are a salt deposit located in the upper part of the cross-section and a lot of oil and gas fields below. It is known that the gas factor plays a major role in the process of gas emission during drilling of exploration wells and the initiation of gas-dynamic phenomena during underground mining. For this, all the data given in archival data and reports on prospecting and evaluation work, on gas emissions recorded during the drilling of prospecting wells in the territory of the Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit were collected. They were generalized and used to build a probabilistic-statistical model for forecasting oil and gas potential. The paper considers 18 characteristics of 374 wells associated with the productive salt formations. The characteristics were compared using the Student t-test and the Pearson criterion χ2. At the first stage, individual one-dimensional probabilistic models for forecasting gas content were built. The obtained individual probabilities were the basis for the discriminant function ( Z м) for predicting gas content in the salt layer. The obtained values of the discriminant function Z м were used to build a regression model for predicting the oil and gas potential of Р н( Z м). According to this dependence, Р н( Z м) probability values were calculated for all the 856 wells under study that were drilled for prospecting and exploration. The average value (± standard deviation) of the probability for the class in the oil and gas potential was 0.510 ± 0.068. For the class outside the oil and gas potential, the average value was 0.490 ± 0.070. The obtained models allow to construct gas forecast schemes and a petroleum potential forecast scheme within the Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit.
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The article shows the relevance of improving the quality of oil and gas wells completion. The main issues while completion of wells are considered, in particular, there is presented an overview of consequences of poor-quality cementing - formation of filtration channels leading to interstrafal flows and increase of well water production, contract effect and incorrectly selected plugging mixtures affecting separation of formations and oil, gas and water penetration. Methods of repair and restoration works on well return to life are briefly presented. The existing technologies of well restoration during repair and insulation works, as well as the ways of improvement of well support quality at the stage of its construction, are shown. The developed technology of temporary isolation of aquifers at the stage of drilling is presented. The authors recommend to use promising VES to block aquifers during drilling. For increase in durability of a cement stone, and, as a result, fastenings of a well, are offered a way of further studying - improvement of quality of cement mixtures by addition of carbon modifications, for example, such as soot black, soot technical, graphite, graphite oxide, graphene, graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes.
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The design of a hydrocarbon reservoir engineering requires a detailed evaluation of oil and gas reserves and its production. The first stage of design is the construction of a geological model that allows you to determine the amount of hydrocarbon reserves. The second stage is hydrodynamic simulation. One of the goals of hydrodynamic simulation is the study of filtration processes, which depend on many factors. A correct description of these factors will ensure accurate calculations of the main development indicators. Filtration processes are closely related to the physical and mechanical properties of the reservoir rock. These parameters can be evaluated using various methods. One of these methods is measuring the speed of propagation of elastic waves. The article presents the results of laboratory studies that establish the relationship between some physical and mechanical properties of sandstone and the speed of the primary and secondary waves. Dynamic indicators (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) were determined based on ASTM D2845-08. The ultimate tensile strength of rocks under uniaxial compression was determined in accordance with GOST 21153.2-84. The tests were carried out on sandstone samples. The purpose of these studies was to evaluate the dependence of the primary and secondary wave velocity on the uniaxial compression strength, dynamic Young's modulus, and dynamic Poisson's ratio in sandstone reservoirs. As a result of laboratory studies, empirical dependences of the uniaxial compression tensile strength (σс), dynamic elastic modulus ( E ), Poisson's ratio (η) and the propagation velocity of primary ( Vp ) and secondary waves ( Vs ) were obtained, which will allow tracking their changes during the entire period of development of oil and gas fields. The obtained values are estimated over the entire measurement range.
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Workovers in conditions of increased fracturing is often accompanied by complications even at the stage of well killing operations. During the well killing process, significant gas breakthroughs and fluid loss are observed at this field, which requires significant usage of blocking compositions and increases the well service costs. It is necessary to conduct laboratory studies in order to develop a blocking composition for reliable isolation of highly permeable intervals of formations, which does not adversely affect the reservoir properties of the reservoir and satisfy the safety requirements for work. In this work, the physical, chemical and rheological properties of the carcass and gel forming compositions are studied, which are crosslinked systems prepared on the basis of soluble silicates. Well killing technology involves their sequential injection into the well. The compositions under consideration showed the manufacturability of their use in a wide range of reservoir temperatures, which consists in the possibility of their injection into a typical well and selling into the bottomhole formation zone due to the low viscosity and slowed down crosslinking speed. The use of a destructor allows almost completely eliminating the negative impact of this technology on the filtration characteristics of the bottomhole formation zone after well killing process. The studies carried out in this work showed the effectiveness of the use of blocking polymer compositions, and also opened up new areas for further research, namely, the need for a cycle of laboratory and field tests of the compositions considered, which will allow us to choose and justify the optimal technological and economic parameters of the operation. The results can be applied to increase the well killing efficiency of oil and gas wells in conditions of increased fracturing during well service operations.
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At various stages of the development of oil and gas fields, the formation experiences various stress-strain states. Changes in reservoir pressure during development lead to changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the reservoir. The properties of the host rocks are also influenced by the fluids themselves. The process of extracting formation fluid can cause not only clogging of the filtration channels with leached rock particles and precipitation of paraffins and salts, but also a decrease in the strength and elastic characteristics of the rock. The article provides a brief analysis of the works affecting the causes of changes in the physicomechanical and filtration-reservoir properties of reservoirs during drilling and development of oil fields. The technique of theoretical calculation of changes in porosity and permeability of formations is given. To establish the convergence of theoretical calculation methods with real data, tests were carried out to determine the tensile strength under uniaxial compression and filtration experiments on terrigenous samples of one of the fields in Western Siberia. In an experiment to determine the physicomechanical properties, water and kerosene in various proportions were used as saturation liquids. Based on the data obtained, the dependences of the elastic modulus and tensile strength under uniaxial compression on various types of saturation were derived, graphs and calculation formulas are presented. In the filtration experiment with volume compression, the effect of the effective pressure on the permeability of the samples was determined. The dependences of the decrease in permeability on the axial load on the sample are established. The obtained dependencies can be used in the preparation of geological and technical measures for stimulation of inflow and in the management of field development throughout the entire life cycle.
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Acid treatments are one of the most common methods used to increase productivity of wells in carbonate deposits. To perform the treatments on oil fields of LUKOIL-PERM LLC, which are subdivided into the South, North and Nozhovskaya groups depending on the location in the Perm region, following complicating factros have to be taken into account: geological structure of the deposits, difference in a mineralogical composition of rocks and properties of reservoir fluids. In order to determine the most relevant formulation for the acid treatment on the carbonate deposits of each group of fields, application of three most used compositions such as DN-9010, FLACSOKOR-210 and NPS-K is reviewed. Structural features of the reservoir void space are studied using X-ray tomography. The mineralogical composition of rocks is determined on the KM-04M carbonatemeter, the proportion of successful events with each acid composition was identified, and their effectiveness was estimated based on changes in well productivity and formation filtration parameters after treatments obtained in the interpretation of well test data. As a result of the field data analysis, it was found that the number of measures that reached the planned increase in oil production with FLUXOCORE-210 and NPS-K compositions in the carbonate deposits of the South, North and Nozhovskaya groups of fields slightly exceeds the number of successful acid treatments with DN-9010. That is confirmed by the well test data, which also highlighted the greatest effectiveness of the compositions NPS-K and FLUXOCORE-210 compared to DN-9010. The highest efficiency of the acid composition of NPS-K is noted in the carbonate fields of the South and Nozhovskaya groups of fields, while the composition FLUXOCORE-210 shows the best results in deposits of the Northern group of fields.
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The paper presents the experience in design of engineering of the field complicated by a high level of uncertainty in the geological structure, anomalous properties and composition of formation water and presence of halite in the pore space of the reservoir as well. Maintaining reservoir pressure is one of the prerequisites for ensuring the planned production levels, however, it is not always a trivial task to implement that. The problem of modeling the salinized reservoir in the field of Eastern Siberia with high heterogeneity of the reservoir, low permeability and salinization is considered. The experience of determining the optimal production pattern using modern methods of modeling, analysis and calculation is considered. Multivariate calculations are performed using the hydrodynamic model based on a probabilistic geological model. The technique of choosing the main options for the geological model corresponding to probability 10 was used; 50 and 90 %, taking into account two factors: initial geological reserves and reservoir connectivity. A qualitative and quantitative assessment of changes in the productivity of wells due to complications caused by the loss of organic and inorganic sediments in the bottomhole formation zone (PHFZ). Formation water and mineralogical composition of the rock are analyzed. The analysis data were used to model the formation of organic and inorganic deposits in the bottomhole formation zone due to changes in thermobaric conditions during production and injection of fluid into the formation. Modeling of the formation of a solid phase during fluid filtration in the BHFZ allowed to identify threshold values of the well’s operational characteristics and bottomhole pressure levels, as well as the dependence of the deterioration of the reservoir properties of the BHFZ on the amount of pumped fluid at the selected well operation mode.
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Engineering of oil, gas and gas-condensate fields with somewhere commingled production implemented is one of the features of hydrocarbon production in Perm region. Each fifth Perm region field contains deposits of free gas and gas caps. At the border of liquid and gas fluids there are prerequisites arised for the implementation of combined, multifunctional technologies. Moreover, effectiveness of hydrocarbon reserves engineering can be significantly increased by switching the pseudo-negative factor into a positive vector. The paper considers an integrated approach to the issue of effective engineering of oil and gas deosits. It took into account the geological and technological features of oil and gas deposits, such as the type of an oil-gas deposit, ratio of gas and oil reserves, reservoir type, mobility of oil reserves, coefficient of permeability anisotropy and aquifer energy. Considerable attention is paid to exposure agents. The authors analyzed various implemented technologies and technical solutions: pressure maintanance system (water, gas), water-gas mixture (WAG or fine gas-water mixture), gas lift and barrier flooding. The emphasis in this case is given to an active engineering system. As a result, proposals were made to improve the effectiveness of gas-oil reservoir engineering, taking into account geological and technological features. As an example of implementation of an integrated approach using active technologies for the use of gas energy, the oil-gas object of one of the Perm region fields. A present stage analysis is carried out, the main engineering problems are identified. Recommendations for commingled production of a gas cap and an oil rim in conditions of immobility of a gas-oil contact and application of the technology for pumping fine divided water-gas mixture are given.
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