Vol 24, No 1 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/402
Assessment of the Tectonic Factors Influence on the Deep Oil and Gas Source Rocks Formation at the Upper-Pechora Depression
The relevance of the work is due to the fact that in the coming years the oil and gas potential of deep deposits of the sedimentary cover, located at depths of more than 4 km, will have to be more fully studied. One of the methods that allows you to solve this problem most effectively is the construction of probabilistic statistical models. In this case, a comparison of average values and distribution densities (statistics - t and c2), correlation analysis, regression analysis, including stepwise, as well as discriminant analysis are used. As a result of these calculations, fundamental differences in the tectonic conditions of the formation of the organic carbon initial concentrations (Ciorg) before hydrocarbon (HC) generation processes were determined for the studied types of organic matter (OM) - sapropel, mixed and humus. Comparison of average Ciorg values made it possible to establish the presence of statistical differences between types of OM in deep sediments at the Upper-Pechora depression. Since this structure had an asymmetrical structure typical of marginal troughs, a comparison was made of two tectonic zones - western and eastern, corresponding to its outer and inner sides. Correlation analysis showed that between the studied indicators there were connections of varying degrees of closeness and direction. Using linear discriminant analysis based on a set of tectonic indicators, differentiation by types of OM and tectonic zones was established. The performed stepwise regression analysis confirmed a significant difference in the processes of accumulation of OM of sapropel and humus types, as well as in the western and eastern regions. Thus, statistical analysis showed the decisive role of tectonic factors in the processes of Ciorg concentrations formation. In addition, regression equations were constructed to describe the dependences on tectonic indicators that made it possible to predict this most important characteristic of oil and gas source rocks.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(1):2-9
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On the Issue of Dispersed Organic Matter Differentiation in the Upper Devonian-Tournaisian Strata at the Perm Krai
One of the aspects of the formation of the hydrocarbon potential of the main oil and gas source rock (OGSR) of Upper Devonian-Tournaisian age in the context of the sedimentary cover of the Perm Krai was considered. The subject of study was the basic chemical and bituminological characteristics of dispersed organic matter (DOM) of source rocks. The sample of parameters collected to study the thickness contained more than 4300 definitions. The main goal of the study was to differentiate the dispersed rocks organic matter depending on the distribution of bitumen coefficient values and the enrichment degree of strata with organic carbon. According to the conditions of formation, the Upper Devonian-Tournaisian rock was characterized by the maximum development in this territory of favorable geochemical facies, under the conditions of which the DOM transformation into petroleum hydrocarbons occurs. Statistical analysis of the average values of chemical and bituminological parameters confirmed the syngenetic nature of the DOM to the containing rock with a high degree of transformation and enrichment in migratory bitumens, which allowed considering this strata to generate oil and gas and ensured the formation of the oil and gas content. Further, based on fundamental research, in particular the Uspensky-Vassoevich relationship, the differentiation of DOM of the Devonian-Tournaisian formation into syngenetic, mixed and epigenetic was for the first time quantitatively substantiated. By studying the sample using regression and discriminant analysis methods, it was shown that the identified types of DOM were statistically different in the ratio of the parameters Corg and β, which proved their relationship to bitumen of different types. For each identified type of DOM within the stratigraphic units of the main OGSR, different types of relationships between the studied parameters Corg and β were also statistically established. As a result of the research, the author established the individual percentage distribution of DOM types for each horizon of the Upper Devonian-Tournaisian oil and gas source rock and statistically proved their difference in the ratio of Corg and β, which characterized the individual intensity and direction of converting bitumen into micro-oil. It was established that in this sequence the Domanik horizon itself was characterized by the widest development of epigenetic bitumen.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(1):10-17
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Analysis and Reduction of Permeability Parameter Uncertainty in Carbonate Reservoir Modeling
The problem of variability of the absolute permeability of a carbonate complex reservoir in the vertical and lateral directions was analyzed. As part of the work, a detailed analysis of all available core material of the studied carbonate object was carried out. Based on the results of full-size core studies, it was established that the absolute permeability variability depends on the carbonate rock type, which could be complicated by secondary changes, such as the presence of fracturing and vugginess. The methodological approach described in this work made it possible to typify a complex carbonate reservoir, identifying several types of dense, low-porosity, porous, cavernous-porous, and fractured rocks. It was revealed that each type of carbonate reservoir had a certain correlation with the permeability parameter and its variability in different directions of the formation. It was established that the proportion of carbonate reservoir types differed significantly from well to well, therefore, this fact affected filtration processes, the degree and uniformity of production, as well as the rate of well watering. The next stage of the work took into account the variability of the permeability parameter in the current geological-hydrodynamic model of the studied object by creating cubes of absolute permeability in the Y and Z directions through a system of multipliers according to the identified correlation dependencies. The effectiveness of the presented method for typing and accounting for permeability variability was assessed by comparing modeling results with actual field data. In total, two options for implementing the geological-hydrodynamic model of a productive carbonate reservoir were considered. The first version of the model implied a standard method of creation, the second option corresponded to the developed methodological approach. When compared, it was revealed that the geological and hydrodynamic model, created taking into account typification and the corresponding variability, reproduced actual production with higher accuracy.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(1):18-26
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Determination of Clayey Reservoir Rock Properties at Various Stages of Oil Field Development
The article describes the issue of determining the properties of rocks with different fluid saturation and the relationship between changes in these properties from the stage of oil field development. The mineral composition of the studied clayey samples of oil reservoir rocks was given. The process of changes in the strength and elastic properties of the rock due to different saturation with kerosene and water was described. The dependences of the ultimate strength under uniaxial compression, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio for rocks of different fluid saturation were presented. The decrease in the strength and elastic modulus of rock samples with complete replacement of kerosene with water reached 15-20%, and in comparison with the results obtained for a sample in an air-dry state, the decrease in these same properties reached 30-40%. Based on the theoretical and practical studies the need to determine the strength and elastic properties of rocks depending on saturation in real field conditions became obvious. The results of filtration studies for clay rock samples were presented. It was established that a decrease in reservoir pressure contributed to an irreversible decrease in the permeability of the studied clayey rocks. It followed that the introduction of systems for maintaining reservoir pressure must be carried out as early as possible. An example of calculating relative permeability, pressure distribution in the reservoir at a constant flow rate was given, graphs of the distribution of the water/oil displacement front were constructed by year of field development with a plane-radial inflow into the well. The dependences of the elastic capacity coefficient and piezoelectric conductivity of the rock on fluid saturation were presented. The obtained results and the established dependencies are recommended to be used when predicting changes in the strength, elasticity and filtration-capacitive properties of pore-type clay rocks at various stages of oil field development, including for planning well treatment.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(1):27-34
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Numerıcal Modellıng of Surfuctant-Polymer Floodıng Combıned wıth Law Salınıty Water Floodıng ın Matlab: Case Study ın Neft Dashları
The increasing global population has led to a surge in energy demand historically met by hydrocarbons. Despite the substantial investments made in the renewable energy sector, the oil industry still overs a predominant role to play in the contemporary world, and this trend is predicted to persist during the next few decades. However, considering the depletion of oil resources over time, new methods and technologies are being invented and developed to increase the efficiency of oil recovery. One of the methods applied to increase oil recovery is decreasing the salt fraction in the injection water used for the pressure maintenance in oil reservoir. Results of this research project indicate that at a mineralization level of 0.02%, oil recovery reached 26.1%, compared to 22.2% in the base case. Moreover, the oil recovery during polymer and polymer-surfactant flooding comprised 28.1 and 31.2% (the highest number), respectively.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(1):35-43
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Modern Methods of Using Machine Learning as a Tool for Oil Production Forecasting
Oil production forecasting plays an important role in efficient oil field development. This helps to adjust the current field development system. Detailed and accurate forecasting of oil production levels is necessary to assess the economic and technological efficiency of oil field development. Forecasting production levels can be done in various ways. One of these may be the use of special software (tNavigator, etc.). The use of this software sometimes involves lengthy calculations, so to quickly predict production levels, it is possible to use other tools, such as machine learning. The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry has become increasingly popular in recent years, as by using historical production data, it is possible to predict oil/liquid production levels. In addition, similar deposits with similar geological characteristics and exploitation history can be used for similar purposes. In addition to using machine learning and artificial intelligence as a forecasting tool, it is possible to use decline curve analysis. Given the importance of forecasting from a strategic planning perspective, a wide range of methods have been proposed to obtain accurate forecasts based on the nature of available data and computing power. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the tools used for long-term oil production forecasting, including machine learning algorithms and decline curve analysis (DCA), in particular. This article presents the results of applying the long- and short-term memory model and its practical applicability using the example of its use on a candidate well.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(1):44-50
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