Issue |
Title |
No 4 (2018) |
Generalized dynamic theory of a solid particle grinding by pulse-force compression with two non-deformable balls |
Abdeev B.M., Baigereyev S.R., Guryanov G.A. |
No 3 (2014) |
Avdeenko A.M., Krupin Y.A., Pimenova N.A. |
No 3 (2015) |
Analysis of fragmentation of plates of synthetic mineral alloys under impact of ball high velocity by visualization technique |
Ignatova A.M., Nikhamkin M.A., Voronov V.L., Ignatov M.N. |
No 1 (2016) |
Fractal analysis of deformation curves of fiber-reinforced fine-grained concretes under compression |
Selyaev V.P., Nizina T.A., Balykov A.S., Nizin D.R., Balbalin A.V. |
No 1 (2018) |
Applied grinding model of a solid particle with a simple shape on impact with a hard surface |
Guryanov G.A., Abdeev B.M., Klimenko Y.A. |
No 1 (2018) |
Modelling the formation of new material surfaces during adhesive delamination of a composite |
Glagolev V.V., Markin A.A., Fursaev A.A. |
No 5 (2024) |
Analysis of Deformation and Destruction of Layered-Fibrous Composite Materials under Complex Loading |
Gurdjiev A.V., Tretiakov M.P., Vildeman V.E. |
No 4 (2020) |
Inelastic behavior and destruction of materials under isothermal and non-isothermal, simple and complex loads |
Bondar V.S., Abashev D.R. |
No 3 (2020) |
Models of hydrogen influence on the mechanical properties of metals and alloys |
Yakovlev Y.A., Polyanskiy V.A., Sedova Y.S., Belyaev A.K. |
No 1 (2020) |
The Applied model of grinding a spherical solid particle with a direct impact on a non-deformable flat surface |
Guryanov G.A., Abdeev B.M. |
No 2 (2019) |
Research methods of structural and phase transformations in nanomaterials deformed under pressure |
Vasil’ev L.S., Lomaev S.L. |
1 - 11 of 11 Items |