Vol 22, No 2 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/263
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v22i2
Effective power of direct polarity arc with non-consumable electrode
The determination of effective power qiof a welding arc is significant, because this value makes it easier to calculate temperatures in the welded products. Usually, effective efficiency factor η is used to determine qi of free welding arc. However, data of a number of studies dedicated to the values of this coefficient for direct polarity arc in argon with non-consumable electrode are η = 0.21…0.9, which is not enough at the up-to-date requirements to the calculation accuracy of thermal cycles of a weld and heat-affected zone that determine the structure of welding joints. To calculate qi of a free welding arc, we use the temperature formula from a heat point source fixed on the surface of a flat layer, and measured values of spot face sizes after welding them on a high-alloy steel plate of 3.7 mm thickness. The determination of qi by the spot size was carried out by solving of equation with a help of software programmed on С#. For calculation, the dichotomy method was used. As coefficients of a model equation, we use average values recommended in the list of references. The measured values of the effective power were determined by calorimetric study of the samples heated by the fixed welding arc at currents of 80 and 100 А. The comparison of designed and measured specific effective powers per 1 А of the arc current showed that the designed powers are 10-12 % less than the measured powers. It follows that the calculations of sizes of weld penetration with the use of calorimetric power need to be adjusted regarding volumetric heat capacity of the metal in comparison with the used average volumetric heat capacity, which is recommended in the list of references. This approach allows estimating the applicability of any math model of the process for the calculation of temperatures in a product.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):5-11
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Simulation of the microstructure of aluminum bronze CuAlFe 9-4 providing increased resistance to wear
The actual resource of the technological rig produced from aluminum bronze CuAlFe 9-4 is often unstable, which leads to an increase in the cost of maintenance of technological equipment and downtime of production lines. Literary data on the effect of heat treatment regimes on resistance to abrasive wear of thermally unstrengthened bronzes are incomplete and contradictory. The article is devoted to modeling a microstructure like samples with high resistance to wear. For this were carried out comparative metallographic and X-ray analysis of samples with high and low durability. It has been established that wear-resistant samples have a reduced hardness in reduced resistance to the shock bend. The main difference between wear-resistant samples is the presence of a two-phase base a + eutectoid (a + g2) in the amount about 7 %. The probability of forming a single-phase microstructure depending on the fluctuations of the chemical composition within the GOST 18175 has been analyzed. The dependence of phase composition and hardness on tempering temperature has been investigated. It is shown that when aluminum is about 8 % the two-phase microstructure is guaranteed to be cooled at a temperature of 750 º C or more. At the same time, the increasing in the share of b-phase correlates with increasing hardness. Efficiency of quantity growth b-phase with an increase in aluminum content, it decreases when heated over 850 °С. The modification in phase composition depending on low-temperature leave, modifications in mechanical properties and phase composition during the mid-temperature release process are estimated. Researched hardness variation твердости when alloy is soaked in interval a + g2, defined time needed to maximize hardening. At the same time, it is established that in the process of medium-temperature aging of the alloy in a single-phase state there is a consolidation of the high-dispersal phase. It has been established that in the presence of a single-phase structure it is advisable to temper bronze and then leave in the interval of existence g2-phase.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):12-22
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The effect of hydrophilic media on the characteristics of dispersible multi-walled carbon nanotubes
The paper presents the results of a study of the conditions for the deagglomeration of carbon-containing suspensions based on various hydrophilic media. As carbon raw materials, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) of the Taunit trademark (NanoTechCenter, Tambov) were used. The key technique of the presented experiments is liquid-phase exfoliation of carbon structures under the influence of ultrasound. The studies were performed by photon correlation spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force and scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis. It was established that the treatment of nanotubes in an ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes does not ensure their uniform dispersion in a hydrophilic medium. Agglomerates of various types are formed depending on the type of stabilizing additive. The best dispersion medium for introducing MWCNTs into ceramic matrices is an aqueous solution of nonionic surfactant (nonionic surfactant) Tween-80. When the suspension of a dispersed MWCNT suspension is kept for 7 days, the intensity of the peaks in the Raman spectra characteristic of carbon nanostructures increases. A suspension based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) can only be used in a freshly prepared state. The number of layers in a MWCNT corresponds to the starting material. Ultrasonic treatment in the environment of the oxidizing agent (NH4)2S2O8 for 30 min leads to the formation of a thin film on the surface, rather than agglomerates uniformly distributed in the dispersion medium. The crystallite size, interlayer distance, number of layers in MWCNTs, inner diameter, and average size of nanotubes after dispersion in an oxidizing medium were calculated using well-known formulas. Exposure of such suspensions for 7 days leads to a denser film of oxidized nanotubes on the surface.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):23-30
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Thermodynamic analysis of processes in gas and ion-plasma nitriding. mechanism and kinetics of nitriding in a glow discharge
Studies related to updating thermodynamic calculations during gas nitriding, as well as thermodynamic analyzes of the formation and existence of some active particles in a nitriding plasma and the associated processes of phase formation in a glow discharge, are relevant. The work is devoted to enriching the concepts of kinetics and the mechanism of formation of a nitrided layer upon saturation in a nitrogen-containing plasma. A thermodynamic analysis of the processes during gas and ion-plazma nitriding was carried out. The calculations of main possible reactions with gas nitriding led to conclusions, that: gas nitriding with molecular nitrogen - impossible; with nitrogen atoms - possible if nitrogen atoms are present in a wide temperature range; in undissociated ammonia - possible but in real conditions is unlikely. The equilibrium states are calculated for various processes occurring in a nitrogen-containing plasma and at the metal-plasma interface. It was established that nitriding in the "nitrogen" plasma is generally possible, but in the kinetic aspect the process is slower and the layers are much thinner compared to nitriding in ammonium or nitrogen-hydrogen plasma. The thermodynamic potential of all observed ionized atoms and groups was calculated as a function of temperature at constant pressure. It is shown that when using ammonia in a glow discharge, ionizing groups NH3+ and N2H+ are most likely to be present. They are characterized by a relatively low energy of formation. The role of hydrogen in a nitrogen medium as a supplier of a significant number of electrons for the facilitated flow of plasma reactions and as a component with a strong reducing effect in gas-metal boundary processes has been established. When using a nitrogen-hydrogen mixture, it was shown that in the entire temperature range studied, the thermodynamically most suitable nitrogen-containing groups are NH2+ and Н3+, since their formation is ensured by the minimum level of activating (ionizing) energy. Thermodynamic calculations showed that it is energetically most beneficial to obtain ferric nitrides in reactions of iron with atomic and molecular nitrogen ions, as well as with the N2H+ group, but with possible participation of hydrogen and electrons.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):31-39
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The evolution of thermophysical and physico-mechanical properties of Ti and Al cathodes in the electro arc evaporation of Ti1-xAlxN film
Multilayer films Ti1-х Al x N were deposited on carbide plates using cathodic arc evaporation of Ti and Al cathodes. Cathodes were cooled down by most often used industrial methods: by flowing or recirculated water. The results show that the aluminum evaporation at the temperature above melting and insufficient cathode cooling is accompanied by phase transformation: solid-liquid, stiffness loss and cathode spot volume increase, melt displacement from the craters with the formation of microjets and a large number of defective microdroplets on the surface and in the film body, a phase and elemental composition redistribution over the surface of a substrate and a cathode. Such phenomena are caused by a thermal conductivity decrease of Al in the cathode spot by 2.5 times, its density by 15 %, strength by 30 times, viscosity by 7 times, crystallographic anisotropy acceleration, a sharp decrease in shear modulus, a 2-fold increase in entropy and enhance in thermal expansion coefficient. A temperature increase of a Ti cathode spot with low thermal conductivity accelerates various dynamics of thermal expansion coefficient and Young's modulus and leads to the appearance of thermal and mechanical stresses. A model of the thermophysical and physicomechanical properties of cathode materials has been established to predict the behavior of cathodes during their evaporation.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):40-51
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The use of a metal insert in the core to control the solidification speed of the casting
Obtaining a dense fine-grained casting is an important task. The paper defines ways to obtain such a casting - to accelerate the process of heat removal from the melt and to ensure the principle of directional solidification. The use of cooling elements - chills - allows you to use both of these methods at the same time. An alternative to surface, internal, removable and fusible chill is the use of a metal insert in a sand core. Sand lining facilitates the removal of the core, the metal insert more efficiently absorbs and removes the heat of overheating. The paper shows the modeling of the solidification of a hollow cylindrical casting with a core with a metal insert and an all-sand core, and the same 3D-model was used for modeling. Solidification modeling was carried out in the ProCAST software package. Aluminum alloy AK12 was used at a temperature of 700 °C, a single sand form, a cast-iron and copper insert into the core at a temperature of 20 °C. The solidification time of castings using a hollow core, a sand core, a core with cast iron and copper inserts is given. A method for calculating a metal insert based on the heat balance equation is given, where its volume is determined that will absorb and remove all the heat of overheating of the melt, without causing defects associated with filling out the form. It was found that the use of a cast iron insert in the core allowed to reduce the solidification time by 16.78 % compared to a hollow core, and by 11.97 % compared to a solid sand core, which can positively affect the metal structure and contribute to the creation of directional solidification in casting. The degree and depth of heating of the rod when using a metal insert is much less.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):52-58
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On the issue of refining the form of the state diagram “Fe-N” at low-temperatures
The article is devoted to understanding the experimental results obtained on the basis of thermodynamic calculated phase diagrams of Fe-N for conclusions and prognostic estimates in the study of the interaction of nitrogen and pure iron at various temperatures. The previously considered α-γ' equilibrium model does not work well at temperatures below 200 °C. Apparently, when deriving the equations for the corresponding equilibrium, some features of the interaction of α-γ' were not evaluated correctly and accurately. In this study, the thermodynamic estimation of the iron - nitrogen diagram was given using the model of two sublattices for solid phases. A description of interstitial solid solutions with sufficient accuracy is possible by using the molar parts of occupied and unoccupied places in the lattice as concentration units. Free energy was considered as the sum of the free energies of hypothetical sections of filled and unfilled interstitial spaces. The equilibrium of the α-γ' system was calculated and the solubility of nitrogen in a-Fe was determined at temperatures of 100-600 °C. The data obtained led to a revision and refinement of the α-g 'equilibrium model. Based on the performed calculations, the tendency to increase the solubility of nitrogen in a-Fe with decreasing temperature to a level below 190 °C was confirmed. It has been suggested that there is a new phase obtained as a result of the peritectoid reaction (a-phase + g'-phase = b-phase) at a temperature in the range of 180-170°C. It has been shown that there are zones on the state diagram of Fe-N that are not adequately described in existing thermodynamic models, and much work remains to be done in this direction.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):59-63
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Modeling the drilling process of layered material in program LS-DYNA
The article discusses the modeling and study of the process of drilling layered material using the LS-DYNA multi-purpose engineering package in conjunction with the LS-PrePost prepost processor. The LS-DYNA program is designed to solve three-dimensional dynamic nonlinear problems in the mechanics of a deformable solid, as well as related problems. The study of the process was carried out on the basis of the finite element method. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for simulating the process of mechanical processing of layered materials in the microzone and obtain, as a result of calculations, information output characteristics of the drilling process. 3D models of cutting tools and workpieces with specified geometric parameters are built. The procurement of layered material is structurally represented by a set of many layers, each with its own properties. As a result of the simulation, a calculation file with a simulation was obtained, as a result of which a process of drilling layered material, as close as possible to the real situation, with chip removal, is visually shown. Also obtained are output indicators such as stresses arising in the cutting zone along various axes depending on the operating time of the introduction of the drill into the material being processed. The task is dynamic, very laborious. Solved in Russia for the first time. To solve it, significant computing power is required. The number of cells was 75,348 for the workpiece, and 35,048 cells for the drill. Moreover, the complexity of calculating the cutting microzone by the FEM method was not only in the number of calculation cells, but in the complexity of setting and solving the related dynamic problem in this package (setting conditions, setting properties, filling in mutually exclusive parameters in tabs and maps). With some assumptions, the problem was solved.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):64-74
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The influence of the microstructure of the electrode-tool on the efficiency of EDM materialsprocess
Ensuring a given performance of electrical discharge machining with minimal wear of the electrode tool is an urgent scientific and technical task that determines the efficiency of the process. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the structure of the electrode-tool on the efficiency of erosion treatment of materials. The technological process of processing workpieces by electroerosion methods is based on the physical effect of electric discharge pulses on the surface being treated. The output parameters of the processing process depend on the physicomechanical properties of the electrode-tool and the electrode-part. Based on the literature, it was found that ensuring a uniform structure of the material of the electrode-tool allows you to increase its operational characteristics. A more efficient electrical discharge machining of the metal can be carried out upon receipt of an electrode-tool with a given directional structure. One of the main parameters affecting the electrical discharge properties of an instrument is electrical conductivity. The electrical characteristics of the electroerosion process of material processing affect the productivity and quality of processing. The microstructure of the electrode-tool has an active influence on their change in electrical characteristics. The nature of its erosive destruction and the nature of erosive destruction of the processed material depend on the initial structure of the electrode-tool, however, these processes have fundamental differences. With an increase in the energy of a single pulse, the rate of erosive destruction of the electrode has a pronounced non-monotonic character, while the rate of volumetric removal of the processed material monotonously increases. In the work, to study the influence of the microstructure of the electrode material on the process of erosion treatment, three types of cast billets made of brass LC40S were obtained, two of which were obtained using refrigerators. According to the results of metallographic analysis, we can conclude that the use of refrigerators made it possible to obtain a microstructure with a predominant columnar structure. Three cuts were made with each electrode. As a result, the microstructure with a predominant columnar structure, obtained using refrigerators, allowed to obtain higher rates for the efficiency of the erosion treatment process. When using electrodes obtained by technology that provides higher electrical conductivity and higher microhardness, the technological time is reduced.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):75-81
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Calculation of TTT diagrams of isothermal austenite decomposition in structural steels
A quantitative model is constructed that allows to draw TTT diagrams of isothermal austenite decomposition in moderately alloy hypoeutectoid and eutectoid steels (up to 5 % of alloying elements) by means of calculation from their chemical composition. The method is based on the approach considering the work of critical nucleus formation as small compared to the activation energy of growth, which permits to simplify the calculation formulae significantly. They actually contain 5 parameters, viz. the Avrami exponent n , exponent of supercooling m , upper temperature limit of transformation Ts , activation energy of growth U and the C constant that determines the position of the C-curve on the time scale. These parameters were set up based on the theoretical models of transformations or determined from experimental TTT diagrams from the literature (87 diagrams for the austenite to ferrite, 59 for austenite to pearlite and 73 for the austenite to bainite transformation). After that the dependence of these parameters on the chemical composition of steel was determined by means of multiple linear regression. For the bainite transformation its incompleteness under isothermal conditions was additionally accounted for. The ultimate fraction of bainite fm was estimated using an equation analogous to the Koistinen - Marburger equation for martensite. Exponents n and m were taken up as constant ( n = 3 for ferrite and pearlite transformations and n = 2 for the bainite one; m = 3 in all three cases), and the other three parameters as composition dependent. Calculation results show sufficient agreement with experimental TTT diagrams of isothermal austenite transformation to ferrite, pearlite and bainite.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):82-89
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Elements of the internal system for assessing the quality of educational services of a university
The relevance of the study is due to modern trends in higher education and the ever-growing competition among national research universities in Russia. The assessment of the quality of higher education is presented in the provisions of State programmes and requires constant study at the university level. At present, there is no single (recommended) methodology for assessing the educational activities of the university for a number of reasons. Consequently, there is a need to develop a methodology for the internal evaluation of educational activities within a particular university, taking into account its organizational and process structure. In order to elaborate on this issue, the article considers the concept of quality from the point of view of the educational organization of higher education. Methods of analysis were used, including content analysis of sites, systematization, design and modeling, as well as visual presentation of data. The components of quality of educational activity of the university by levels: technical, technological, production, management, ethical and world. The main elements determining the quality of educational service in the university were analyzed. The peculiarities of the educational service from the point of view of consumers are defined. Elements of an internal system of assessment of the quality of educational activities characterizing educational services of the university for consumers and other interested parties have been developed. Based on the studies carried out, the scheme of internal and external factors and elements determining the quality of educational service in the university was modeled. The system of assessment of the quality of educational services of the university based on a process trip in the quality management system of the university is proposed, which is a set of criteria elements: the quality management system of the university; Performance of processes, educational program, competences of students, indicators of the department; Satisfaction of consumers of educational services and stakeholders, success of graduates. Objects and valuation levels are defined. An algorithms mic block diagram for assessing the quality of educational services has been developed.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(2):90-98
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