Vol 22, No 1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/264
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v22i1
Study of the transformation of supercooled austenite of steel using high-resolution dilatometry
The development of methods for experimental research of phase transformations, including high resolution dilatometry, allows to estimate fast processes in each moment of time, to determine the state of the test specimen with high accuracy and to detect relatively weak effects from processes in the investigated material. So requires the development of new approaches to the analysis of the data. The new method of analysis of the first derivative of the dilatogram showed good results in the analysis of processes in the intercritical temperature range during continuous heating of steels, which makes its application promising for the study of processes during cooling. Thus, the article is devoted to the study of the transformation of supercooled austenite in steel 30XGSA using high-resolution dilatometry and subsequent analysis of dilatometric data. Additionally, calorimetry, metallography and hardness testing were used in the current work. The proposed method of analysis of the dilatometric data of the transformation of supercooled austenite during continuous cooling, which consists in the analysis of the first derivative miltogramma with decomposition into components peaks, allows to separate volume effects from different phase transformations and to split the identified processes on the temperature scale. Using a new method of analysis of dilatometric data, the processes of decomposition of supercooled austenite in steel 30XGSA under cooling with velocities from 0.15 to 100 °C/s were studied and a new continuous cooling transformation diagram was constructed, where the regions of all noticed transformations were separated. A good agreement between the results obtained using the proposed approaches to dilatometry and the data of calorimetry, metallography and hardness testing results was established.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):5-14
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The mechanical properties of the material deposited on a plate of steel with high carbon equivalent
The development and application of resource-saving technologies aimed at obtaining metal products and structures with high strength and operational characteristics allows enterprises to obtain a number of competitive advantages. The achievement of such advantages, to a large extent, is facilitated by the possibility of expanding the range of metals and alloys used, as well as the return of materials to the technological cycle. The implementation of these tasks is aimed at using the technology developed at the IMiM FEB RAS for producing durable material deposited on structural elements made of steels with a high carbon equivalent. The strength characteristics of such steels, as a rule, are significantly superior to materials widely used for welding and surfacing, but their use is limited by additional technological requirements. So, for example, for surfacing on steel 45, the use of an arc process with heating and subsequent heat treatment is required. In addition, due to the tendency of this steel to form cracks and pores in the heat affected zone, its traditional use is limited to lightly loaded structures. The essence of the process being developed is to combine the effects of an electric arc and an aluminothermic process on a steel surface. The technical solution is implemented through the use of an automatic arc welding machine under the flux layer of the electrode, made in the form of a flux-cored wire with aluminothermic filler. The filler is a mixture of reducing agent and scale, which is a waste of mechanical engineering. The combined process creates the conditions for introducing additional heat of the exothermic reaction, and also allows to improve the thermal insulation of the deposition zone due to the forming slag. The possibility of using the potential of carbon steels to obtain a strong permanent connection determines the relevance of research in this direction. The influence of the thermal regime on the formation of the strength characteristics of the material deposited on a plate of steel 45 is considered.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):15-24
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Effect of spark plasma sintering temperature on “inconel 625” alloy structure
An important strategy in achieving the necessary properties of superalloys is to control the structure without changing the chemical composition, including through thermomechanical processing. Spark plasma sintering has significant advantages in comparison with traditional methods of sintering, hot isostatic pressing, etc., due to the one-stage SPS cycle with a short compaction time and low sintering temperature. This paper presents the results of studies of the influence of the spark plasma sintering temperature on the structure of the heat-resistant Inconel 625 alloy. Laser diffraction, metallography, scanning electron microscopy and XRD methods are used to analyze atomized Inconel 625 powders and sintered materials. It is shown that powders have a deviation from sphericity, particles have satellites and in some cases "amorphous armor". The average particle size corresponds to 38 mm, the particle structure is dendritic-cellular. Consolidation of powders is carried out at the Dr. Sinter SPS-1050b (SPS Syntex Inc.) at temperatures 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 °C, holding time 5 min, pressure 30 MPa, heating speed 100 °C/min. The stepwise consolidation of powders in the SPS process is shown, the pore structure is preserved up to 950 deg.C. The maximum dense material is obtained at T = 1000 °C. The structure of the samples sintered at all the above temperatures is represented by the matrix FCC g-phase, Ni3Nb (d-phase) separation phases and matrix carbides of type (Nb, Mo) C. The SPS temperature does not significantly affect the elemental composition of the material. The obtained research results will further optimize the conditions of IPS in the production of high-temperature functionally gradient materials.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):25-32
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Development of recommendations to improve the melting of the melchior alloy mark MN19
Melchior is an alloy of copper and nickel; small amounts of iron and manganese are added to change some properties of this alloy. This alloy is quite well processed in cold and hot conditions, and also has a high corrosion resistance. The color of cupronickel is silver, it is visually difficult to distinguish from silver, due to such a feature of cupronickel, the alloy has been widely used in jewelry de le. It is also used in the manufacture of medical instruments, high-quality parts of marine boats and in precision mechanical products. The strength and corrosion resistance of this alloy increases with increasing nickel content. In the current conditions of industrial production, improvement of the technological and service properties of alloys is possible with the expansion of fundamental scientific research and the development of new technological conclusions based on them. The novelty of the research lies in the development of the original applied direction of materials science in mechanical engineering: the development of recommendations on the temperature-time regime for melting nickel silver MH19 based on the ideas about bringing the melt into a state of kinetic and thermodynamic equilibrium in order to improve and stabilize product quality. The temperature dependences of the structurally sensitive properties of a copper-based liquid alloy are investigated. On polytherms identified special points and sites. New experimental data on the physical properties of nickel silver brand MH19 are obtained. Kinematic viscosity, surface tension, density and electrical resistivity were measured in the temperature range from liquidus with an excess of 300-400 ºС. The polytherms obtained by measuring the kinematic viscosity, electrical resistivity, surface tension and density are constructed and presented. Based on the obtained experimental data, the following recommendations are proposed: minimum heating to a temperature of 1400 ºС, exposure ≈5 min for homogenization of the melt.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):33-39
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Metallographic investigations of welded Joints of aluminium alloy of Al-Mg-Li System, subjected to Thermal Vacuum treatment
Alloy of Al-Mg-Li system is widely known as an alloy with a reduced specific weight and used in various fields of mechanical engineering. Al-Mg-Li system includes 1420 alloy characterized by high corrosion resistance and thermal stability. However, alloy 1420, like other Al-Mg-Li alloys, is insufficiently technological in metallurgical production: very strong oxidation of the alloy during melting (associated with the presence of lithium), reduced ductility in hot and especially in cold condition. There are a number of features associated with the increased tendency of alloy 1420 to pores formation in the welding process, which is one of the main difficulties in obtaining quality welded joints. Of the gases and products of their interaction, hydrogen and metal oxides have the greatest influence on the properties of the alloy. The interaction of aluminum with hydrogen begins at relatively low temperatures. Therefore as one of the basic measures of prevention of occurrence of porosity in welded seams of system Al-Mg-Li thermal vacuum processing of half-finished products before welding, with the purpose of change of structure of connections, and decrease in hydrogen concentration in the basic metal is offered, therefore research of influence of thermal vacuum processing on quality of the welded connection of the aluminum alloy of mark 1420 received by argon-arc welding, is actual. The carried out researches have allowed to establish, that the welded seams from alloy 1420 received by argon-arc welding with application of wire АМг6 and preliminary subjected to thermo-vacuum processing before welding, have the raised maintenance of silicates and inclusions of at least three kinds, unlike welded seams not subjected to thermo-vacuum processing. The defects are mainly formed in the near seam zone, namely the fusion line. Thermovacuum treatment aimed at reducing the hydrogen concentration in alloy 1420 has practically no effect on improving the quality of the welded connection, but on the contrary contributes to the formation and coalescence of inclusions, different complex composition, as well as pores, both in the welded seam and the near-suture zone.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):40-53
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Damping capacity, coercive force and structure of Fe-Cr-Al alloys depending on the temperature of thermomagnetic treatment
An important characteristic that determines the performance properties of a material is the damping. Damping is responsible for noise dampening and vibration dampening occurring in a particular equipment. At the same time the damping properties can be changed using both standard methods of heat treatment and more promising methods - methods of thermomagnetic treatment. This paper studied the effects of the thermomagnetic treatment temperature on the damping capacity, coercive force and the structure of high damping Fe-Cr-Al alloys with a content Cr = 5.2-19.9 %, Al = 0.4-3.8 %, subjected to the pre-annealing. Thermomagnetic treatment was performed at the temperature range 300-850 °C with an alternating magnetic field strength 4A/cm. Damping properties were studied with a reverse torsional pendulum at the cylindrical samples. The used methods: amplitude-dependent internal friction, coercive force and X-ray diffraction analysis. It is shown that thermomagnetic treatment leads to both an increase and a decrease of the damping capacity; it depends on the temperature of the thermomagnetic treatment. It was determined the thermomagnetic treatment temperatures corresponding to the maximum damping alloy capacity, taking into account the influence of two alloying elements Cr and Al. It is shown that while study the damping and magnetic properties of Fe-Cr-Al alloys obtained as a result of thermomagnetic treatment, it is necessary to take into account the processes of phase transformations that affect the formation of the magnetocrystalline structure. The processes depending on the chemical composition of the alloy are the processes of α«γ transformation, formation and dissolution of carbides, segregation of chromium atoms, Fe3Al phases. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of overlapping these processes.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):54-60
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The quality of edges when finishing parts on robotic complex
The necessity to replace manual labor with mechanized and automated is an urgent problem for native mechanical engineering. The article discusses the possibility of using the industrial robot to perform finish processing of the detail edges. The dependences of the quality indicators of the machined edge in geometric accuracy (deviation of the location) and surface roughness from operating parameters during processing with solid-end polymer-abrasive brushes of the company 3M (USA) are investigated. Empirical dependences of the edge size and roughness of the treated surface on the deformation of the brush, the cutting speed and feed are obtained. The use of polymer-abrasive brushes for edge processing provides all the requirements for the quality of the processed edges. It is proved that the processing of edges on an industrial robot can be successfully performed by polymer-abrasive end brushes, while the lowered (compared with other metal-cutting equipment) stiffness and increased sensitivity of the robotic complex to oscillatory phenomena does not significantly affect the productivity of the processing process and the quality of the processed edges. It has been established that the robotic complex (with appropriate instrument balancing) can be successfully used in production conditions. The obtained regression equations for the size and quality of the machined edge for end brushes allow you to effectively control the process productivity and roughness of the machined edge using the processing parameters. In addition to the polymer-abrasive tools discussed in this article, other tools can also be used on the robotic complex, for example: tools from grinding skins and abrasive-containing cloths; circles with abrasive coating: covered with sandpaper; circles coated with a layer of abrasive; petal circles of various designs; abrasive wheels.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):61-69
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Ratio of polymer temperature at the end of FFF/FDM 3D-printer nozzle to length of active (hot) part for various linear print speeds definition
This article describes the basic problems of FFF / FDM 3D-printing relates to the behavior of plastic melt in the hot part of the extruder. A more mobile and easily accessible technology for printing plastic products of complex geometric shapes based on FDM technology of 3D-printing developed by the scientific team of Perm National Research Polytechnic University is represented. A comparison of a standard extruder developed by the authors of the article is given. It is concluded that FDM technology has not fully revealed its potential due to a wide range of technical problems. The range of issues to be solved for the successful manufacture of plastic products using this technology is considered. Hypotheses and ways of solving problems are being put forward. Prospects of this technology are considered, as well as an assessment of its utility in production and for society. The methodology and results of modeling the behavior of the polymer melt inside the FFF/FDM 3D printer special shape nozzle are presented. SolidWorksSimulation was used as a modeling environment for determining the eveness of heating of the hot-end of a standard extruder and a new type extruder. To calculate the maximum polymer passage through the nozzle of the developed extruder under the condition of even heating of the hot-end (nozzle), an multi-physical axisymmetric mathematical model was constructed in the ComsolMultiphysics package, which containing a thermal and electromagnetic tasks. The simulation results allow to determine the ratio of print speed, length and temperature of the heated part for 2 types of polymer. This dependence can be used to control the temperature of the nozzle and the feed rate of the polymer thread directly during printing. Such regulation will ensure a higher quality of manufactured objects.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):70-78
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Processing gears with prefabricated grinding and polishing wheels
This article presents the results of researching the technological capabilities of the satellite grinding operation with a combined worm wheel of various abrasive characteristics, ensuring: degree of accuracy of the gear rim 3-3-3 for a given degree of accuracy 5-4-4, roughness of the tooth profile Ra = 0.095 for a given roughness Ra ≤0.16. The objectives of the study is - to technologically ensure the requirements of accuracy and quality in the productive modes, to establish the regularities of changing the parameters of accuracy and roughness, to determine the rational modes of processing, to conduct laboratory studies of surface layer quality, to make a comparative analysis of the results obtained. Research of characteristics of a worm grinding-polishing wheel and surface layer quality parameters - roughness, residual stresses, microhardness and toothed crown microstructure are covered. The greatest compressive stresses are found on the left leg after tooth polishing and on the right leg after tooth polishing, and the smallest - during tooth polishing. The highest tensile stresses are found on the left leg after toothhoning and on the right leg after toothhoning. In general, the distribution of residual stresses on the specimens after tooth polishing is most favorable as it has the lowest tensile stresses at greater depths. It is concluded that the physical and mechanical parameters of the surface layer quality - residual stresses, microhardness and microstructure correspond to the given requirements and have a favorable character; the comparative analysis has shown that the operation of gear grinding by the combined worm wheel in comparison with toothoning reduces errors of manufacturing of a gear crown and roughness of a profile; the microstructure of the honed and polished surface does not differ, the values of residual stresses and microhardness are comparable; the application of these parameters is the same.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):79-87
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Ensuring the effectiveness of abrasive finishing of screw complex-profile shafts
The operational properties of gears are largely determined by the accuracy of the manufacture of gear parts and the quality of the working surfaces of the teeth. In order to ensure the operational characteristics of products, a significant place in the technology of manufacturing gears is given to finishing gear processing. The requirements listed above are especially important in the manufacture of a working pair of multi-screw helical gerotor mechanisms of hydraulic downhole motors. To select the optimal process of finishing processing in the manufacture of complex shafts, the classification and analysis of all existing methods and schemes of finishing gear processing, as well as an assessment of their technological capabilities for the accuracy and roughness of the working surfaces, have been performed. From the analysis, it was found that none of the well-known methods for finishing machining gear surfaces can be used to implement the finishing treatment of complex shafts, since a number of methods constructed according to the rolling pattern can be implemented only for involute surfaces, since the tool profile is based on a straight contour gear cutting slats. Finishing methods implemented according to the copying scheme do not provide high degrees of accuracy of gear surfaces. The tooth profile of the rotor of a helical downhole motor has the shape of a shortened epicycloid in the end section and cannot be implemented either according to the kinematic rolling scheme or according to the copying scheme due to the difficulties with the exact manufacturing, editing and control of the tool contour. It has been established that the method of abrasive globoid gear honing, which is easily implemented both according to the kinematic rolling scheme and the free rolling scheme, has the greatest versatility and ease of implementation in the production process. The method has a linear contact in the processing zone, which increases productivity and high processing accuracy due to the features of engagement and averaging of profile errors. With the right choice of characteristics of the abrasive layer of the globoid hone, the processing scheme is easily implemented using the kinematics of existing machines without designing special loading devices.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):88-94
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The choice of unit cell for modeling the structure of the ceramic foam filter
Currently, filtering elements are widely used in casting production processes to combat foaming in castings. Ceramic foam filters are used as filter elements. The structure of the filters consists of disordered and closed channels of arbitrary shape, which makes it difficult to assess the key parameters of pouring metal into the mold. The decrease in turbulence and the degree of metal purification when using a ceramic foam filter is evaluated empirically. The stability of the filtration process is quite low. Modeling of pouring processes through ceramic foam filters is difficult, which does not allow predicting the results of the experiment. The paper considers the geometric parameters of the material matrices, which are used in the production of highly porous ceramic foam filters by the duplication method. The geometric structure of the polyurethane foam cells PPU OST 6-05 407-75, PPU-EO-100 is described. The methodology of a full-scale experiment is presented to assess the effect of the filter on the flow when pouring the melt into molds. The results of calculating the cell structure parameters of highly porous permeable cellular materials are shown. The process of pouring metal through a designed filter with a regular structure, consisting of an array of tetrakis dodecahedron cells, was simulated. According to the simulation results, it was found that when using a filter with cells of the tetrakis dodecahedron type, the flow velocity decreases from 2.13 m / s at the exit of the gate channel to 0.21 m / s at the exit of the filter element body. The movement of the metal occurs through the lower part of the filter and has a gradual filling of the form, eliminating the erosion of the sand-clay form. It was determined that a decrease in the melt flow rate arises due to the collision of individual flows when passing through the filter mesh, which is confirmed by a change in the motion vectors.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2020;22(1):95-101
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