Vol 19, No 1 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/277
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v19i1
Nanoscale particles and feasibility of air purification by hidrofilter ECOVESTA
The subject of research is a dust participles (micro- and nano-sized), its interrelations in macro-gravitation conditions of the Earth's atmosphere., comparison its' behavior with its behavior in plasma state, researched in space macro-gravitation conditions or in a laboratory. It is showed that in macro-gravitation conditions of the studied dust participle is absorbed from polluted or open air in water environment more efficiently, during interactive process of the bubbled air, containing studied participles of diffused water substance in water filter ECOVESTA The mechanism of dust participles interworking with air and then interworking of the air, fulfilled with the studying dust, with water, being first on the bottom and then in the upper part of the water filter is being demonstrated. However, bubblering of the saveall water in the bottom part of the water filter by air, polluted by dust participles, leads to dispersion of air component and capsule development with solid pudding stones caused by the dust participles. Bubbling of the water curtain, made from disperse water in the upper part of the water filter polluted by studied air participles also leads to water capsule creation with micro bubbles with studied dust participles inside them. Also micro capsules, loaded by pudding stone made from the dust, are banded and goes down to the bottom part of the filter, that makes the problem solved-collection of the aggressive component of the dust, which is nano-sized, having extended surface and being everywhere, caught in the Earth open air (indoor/outdoor etc.). Pictures obtained in the end of researches showed that stratified water is able to catch any dust of any size. The same interrelations are being observed in micro-gravitation conditions in plasma. The pictures from the space and laboratories, made by astronauts and scientists, speak to themselves. It was approved that the most efficient method for catching the dust in the polluted air even if the size is too small, is in the water during the disperse process with water and air rotation component.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):7-24
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Railway wheel rim mechanical properties heterogeneity accounting in the problem of contact interaction between wheel and rail
The mechanical properties of the rim of a railway wheel depending on the distance from the tread surface were determined in the article. The results of the experiment, which determines the hard ness of the rim of railway wheel by the method of Vickers, was used as the initial data. This data was converted to hardness according to the Brinell scale and approximated using a monotone curve. Using known empirical equations ultimate strength and yield strength of the wheel rim depending on the distance from the tread surface were determined. It was determined that the ratio of the obtained values of ultimate strength and yield strength of the rim does not correspond to the ratio of the relevant values obtained experimentally. Using experimental data an additional expression relating the ultimate strength and yield strength for steel grade T was obtained. Finite element model of the wheel-rail system, which takes into account elastic-plastic material properties and contact interaction between wheel and rail, was created. The element size in the area of contact interaction is 0.5 mm, for the rest of the model it ranges from 2 to 15 mm. The entire model contains about 0.5 million nodes. The wheel-rail contact interaction problem considering both homogeneous and heterogeneous mechanical properties of the wheel rim was solved. Figures showing the dependence of equivalent stress, plastic, elastic and full deformation in the rim on the distance from the rolling surface are plotted. It is shown that heterogeneous properties are worth considering only in the aim of very accurate determination of the stress-strain state of the system wheel-rail in the contact zone.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):25-40
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The parameters of the particles of solid component of welding fumes are of interest in terms of assessing their toxicity and the nature of the influence on the human body. Statistical treatment of data on the size of fine particles is usually evaluated only fractional composition, without taking into account the morphology, composition and evaluation of the internal configuration. Whereas, these parameters and allow you to accurately assess their impact on the human body and that these parameters should be considered in the modeling parameters of the welding aerosol formation in the design of personal protective equipment on their impact and measures to reduce their negative impact on the human body. Relevant source of statistical evaluation of parameters of fractional composition of the particles of the welding aerosol based on morphology, chemical composition and their internal configuration, since these parameters are largely determined by the interaction of particles with living tissues. In the analysis of aerosol particles of welding images (SEM), information obtained particulate composition in the range from 100 nm to 150 microns based on morphology (spherical and non-spherical particles). It revealed that regardless of the type of electrode coating prevail spherical particles, spherical particles and the advantage is most pronounced in the range of 100 to 300 nm. The method of three-dimensional reconstruction of the surface of the particles can be obtained information about the height of the elements of the microrelief of the particles, the size of their active area and other parameters characterizing the interaction of particles with biological tissues. Demonstrated that image segmentation method in conjunction with the results of X-ray analysis allows to establish the phase composition of the individual particles.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):41-57
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Transformation of non-metallic inclusions in steels by the action of the plasma heat source
The article is devoted to an actual problem associated with the study of the morphology of nonmetallic inclusions (HB) located in the working surface layer at the surface layer of the modification of the plasma jet energy. We investigate the condition of non-metallic inclusions before and after plasma treatment methods of quantitative metallography and fractal parameterization, as well as the redistribution of non-metallic inclusions on the area of the plasma exposure. Quantitative metallographic analysis was performed on an automated complex image analysis and modeling of structures Videotest metal. For the study of phase formation during plasma processing implemented cellular variant of fractal algorithm using Mathcad, MATLAB software. stress distribution model in a metal matrix with inclusions developed in COMSOLMultiphysic program. Fixed a significant difference between the volume fraction of nonmetallic inclusions in the fusion zone and heat zone at the plasma-treated steel 16G2AF. 100% of the investigated samples overheating zone the total amount of non-metallic inclusions is 20-30% higher than the number of inclusions in the melting zone, and this difference increases with increasing heat input. It is found that by changing the polarity of the direct plasma treatment to increase the reverse volume fraction of inclusions observed in the melting zone, and the overheating zone. The use of nitrogen as a protective gas during plasma processing of steel results in the formation of a structure with a uniform distribution of nonmetallic inclusions, welding, obtained using carbon dioxide as the shielding have a structure with a fractal dimension of the inclusions is 20% less in every comparable area, indicating that less a uniform distribution of inclusions. reflow zones for all samples are characterized by small values of the fractal dimension, regardless of the type of shielding gas. Assess the level of stresses near the non-metallic inclusions, which occurs in the metal matrix during deformation. It was found that the non-metallic inclusions larger than 10 microns may yavlyatsya severe stress concentrators - the stress level near an inclusion can exceed the yield strength of steel, and even as high tensile strength.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):58-77
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Calculation of characteristics of metal materials with AMD-methods
One of the urgent issues of materials science - define the values of the characteristics of metallic materials, especially the strength. The accuracy and reliability of the obtained values is provided by the expansion of the range of methods used for their calculation. Therefore, the object of study in this work, piezoceramics produced by powder technology and a number of various grades of steel. The aim of this work is the development and application of innovative methods of calculation of physical characteristics of ceramic and metallic materials. These methods are based on the use of acoustic waves (AW) and allow it to obtain an acoustic image of the structure of objects at the micro- and nanolevels, once the personal depths from the surface. Presents the basic principles of the scanning acoustic microscope (SAM), the obtained expressions to calculate the local values of velocities ( vR ) of surface acoustic waves (SAW) in the objects, the degree of locality. The method of calculation of speeds vR based on geometric approach, and allowed us to calculated the values D ZN with V ( Z )-curves. At the stage of model experiments on single crystal and powder materials confirmed the efficiency of the proposed methods is the measured speed of surfactants in single crystals of silicon and germanium, in piezoceramic samples. The experiments yielded the following results: presented correlations SAW velocities and its attenuation coefficients PZT-piezoceramic from temperature synthesis and annealing, which allowed to optimize these parameters; for steels using the methods of acoustic imaging and V ( Z )-curves obtained correlation soon-scribed surfactant ( vR ) of the grain size ( dg ) in the samples; the proposed method of determining the values of the yield strength of AMD-methods; demonstrated sensitivity of these methods to degree of deformation of samples, and the anisotropy of their structure.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):78-97
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On the induction high-speed hardening dilatometer various modes of heat treatment of the alloy containing 0,29% of carbon and also chrome, manganese, silicon, molybdenum, vanadium are carried out. As a result of the analysis of dilatometric curves thermokinetic and isothermal diagrams of undercooled austenite decay are constructed. In article the microstructure of sparingly alloyed steel depending on the speed of continuous cooling from temperature of an austenitization and temperature of isothermal holding is analyzed. Comparison of a microstructure of alloy with values of the general microhardness when loading 100 grams on not etched microslice is given. The quantity of various microconstituents at continuous cooling and austempering is counted on dilatometric curves. Critical points of alloy which need to be known for purpose of more exact temperature of heating under quenching for obtaining the required mechanical properties are defined. It is revealed that in the process of three-hour isothermal holding bainitic transformation completely comes to an end, and the remained austenite quantity at further cooling either undergoes martensitic transformation or remains invariable. On the basis of the conducted research some assumptions that for obtaining maximum quantity of bainitic phase (or carbide-free bainite) necessary to apply isothermal holding slightly lower than temperature the beginning of martensitic transformation are made. The maximum strengthening characteristics can be received at a temperature of an isothermal holding, which is closest to temperature of the end of martensitic transformation as hardness of bainite in this case is maximum and the greatest quantity of a lath martensite is formed. Special attention is paid stability of retained austenite. After continuous cooling and austempering the quantity of austenite is insignificant that is confirmed by microstructure pictures.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):98-110
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Dispensing systems are used in various fields of technology, significantly affecting the quality and workability of the production process. In the article discusses the development of methods of calculation of dynamic systems volumetric dosing of liquid media on the example of the dispenser with a slider-crank drive of the executive body. Implementation of the method of calculation was carried out with the help of mathematical modeling plays an important role in the design of such systems. It formed a design scheme, and based on the mathematical model, the ratio of which take into account the dy- namic relationship of elements batching system in various operating modes. The proposed method and the simulation of the dynamics of the dosing process on the basis of numerical experiment. Selected factors and the response functions of the dosing system. The simulation performed using Matlab software package system Runge-Kutta 4 and 5 orders of magnitude. Presented the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the dispensing process in the form of the corresponding diagrams. Based on the results of the experiments were obtained equations describing the dependence of the response functions of the factors for one of the simulation options. According to the results of a numerical experiment obtained analytical modeling based on the performance of constructive-technological parameters of the system. Given graphical illustration of the dependences obtained in the coordinates natural values of the factors. To check the adequacy of the obtained polynomials selected intermediate points of plan, which carried out additional experiments. The estimation errors all of the objective functions in the control and intermediate points, showing an acceptable level of deviation of the response function values obtained by experiment and the decision of polynomials.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):111-121
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Numerical analysis of influence friction to parameters contact zone of spherical bearing
Friction properties of antifriction polymeric materials were obtained through a series of experiments, which were carried out in Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Professor A.A. Adamov. Numerical experiment program was based on the results of experiments to study the effect of frictional properties on the parameters of contact spherical bearing with a layer of modified PTFE. Two variants contact interaction of spherical bearing elements with an anti-friction layer are considered: without lubricant and with lubricant. The mathematical problem statement of contact interaction of elastic bodies through antifriction layertaking into account the friction on mating surfaces have been made through the work. The friction coefficient depends on load and decreases as the load increases, based on the results of experiments. The influence of the friction coefficient on the contact parameters spherical bearing with a antifriction interlayer of modified PTFE in axisymmetric investigated. Two variants of contact interaction is considered: without lubricant and with lubricant. The seven of options relations load- friction coefficient is considered for each contact options. The distribution of the relative contact pressure and the relative contact tangential stress is analyzed and the influence the frictional properties of the modified PTFE for all contact options investigated in the framework of a numerical experiment. The qualitative and quantitative changes in patterns the contact parameters identified. Dependence of the maximal values of parameters the contact zone on load quantity and friction coefficient were obtained. The trend of reducing adhesion area contact surface has been registered with increasing load and decreasing the friction coefficient.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):122-138
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OF NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONS IN THE WELDING BATH Nonmetallic inclusions, as well as in all welded connection, can serve in a welded seam as concentrators of tension. In a welded seam the formed inclusions have an endogenous origin. The form, the size, structure of inclusions depends on many factors. Formation of inclusions as a result of interaction of the components dissolved in metal is connected with process of formation of a new phase in initial. Process of formation of a new phase is defined by thermodynamics (a basic possibility of course of process) and kinetics (intensity, course speed) of process. In work process of formation of nonmetallic inclusions by means of the mathematical analysis is considered. Calculation of time of stay of metal of a welding bathtub in liquid state is executed, using the mathematical model describing a thermal cycle when heating a plate of limited thickness a normal and circular source of heat. The model of a thermal cycle when heating a plate of limited thickness a normal and circular source of heat is received on the basis of the theory of heat conductivity. Distribution of heat in any point of a body in each timepoint satisfies to the differential equation of heat conductivity which solution is found by means of Green's function. The analysis of comparison of results of the quantitative and mathematical analysis has shown that increase in time of stay of metal of a seam in liquid state leads to increase in a volume fraction of nonmetallic inclusions in a welded seam. At the same time when welding by electrodes with a rutilovy covering the volume fraction of both small, and average inclusions increases. When welding by electrodes with the main covering with increase in time of stay threw in liquid state there is an increase in a volume fraction of inclusions as large, and average, and small.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):139-154
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Numerical and experimental determination of the rheological properties of polymers
In case of development of mathematical models of the flow and heat exchange polymeric materials in the various channels, including the channel forming tool it is necessary to set the rheological characteristics of the polymers investigated. However, in some cases it is difficult to determine the properties, since the material properties are not determined, for example, graft polyethylene, because grafting takes place directly in the channel of the extruder. The paper has been considered the problem of numerical and experimental determination of rheological properties of polymeric materials. The experiments have been performed for the three extruders used for the simultaneous creation of three-layered cable insulation. As a result of the experiment were obtained by the value of the pressure in the channels, temperature, time and mass of the materials, used the last to determine the flow rate of materials for the three extruders. In this investigation was used a properties of three materials for creation insulations of cable. The Polyethylene Borealis LE 0592 was used for shield 1 (channel 1), Borealis LE 4205 for insulation (channel 2) and Borealis LE 0505 for shield 2 (Channel 3). The experimental results were taken as input for mathematical modeling processes of flow and heat transfer in the channels investigated extruders. A developed three-dimensional mathematical model of heat and mass transfer has been realized by using the finite element method in ANSYS software package. During the numerical research have been defined rheological characteristics that are included in the power law, and the temperature coefficient. The effect of each of the parameters on the material consumption for each of extruders was estimated. The conclusion about the significant influence of parameter anomalies and the initial viscosity for flow rate, and the small effect of the temperature coefficient for the considered flow regimes was made. The consumables-pressure characteristics of the cable heads on the basis of numerical and experimental investigations have been built, the comparison of which was showed a good consistency of the results.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):155-169
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A review of the schemes and analysis of the kinematics of the existing domestic and imported flat lapping machines has been made. Machines with rigid kinematic link and machines with fractional link between the workpieces and the tool (lap) were introduced. The most universal and widespread in the world are flat lapping machines with rotating tool (lap). In addition, a description of the machines with oscillatory movement of the lap has been introduced. Flat lapping machines of the Raster model developed and manufactured at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU, Russia) have been introduced. The kinematics of the machines makes it possible to steplessly adjust the parameters of the path of the lap (tool) movement. Due to the complexity of the greed and non-repeating nature of the line that constitutes the trajectory of the tool in the Raster machines, each cutting link all the time moves over a new location on the machined surface, and does not leave deep traces on it. Thus, the roughness of the surface decreases, and the accuracy of geometrical shape of the machined surfaces increases. The results of practical experiments have been shown, illustrating the influence of the type of tool (lap) trajectory on the surface roughness and the rate of material removal. The properties of cycloidal trajectories of the tool have been studied on an experimental installation for finishing surfaces, which makes it possible to adjust parameters of the cycloidal trajectory of lap working movement. It was found that by adjusting the speed of additional rotation of the lap, one can purposefully adjust the density of grid of cycloidal trajectories' traces of the tool, thus forming necessary exploitation properties in the micro-relief of the processed surface. The research performed on the experimental installation will become the basis for development and manufacturing of a precision flat lapping machine.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):170-187
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Modern approaches to the implementation of final qualifying work master
The paper presents recommendations for the implementation of final qualifying work towards a Master 22.04.01 “Materials Science and Technology of Materials”. It substantiates the importance of the student's ability to work independently. Modern approach to the work is that it is carried out on the basis of a systematic analysis of the set of research topics. And it must be done comprehensively, taking into account technological, economic and environmental factors. The role of the scientific director is in education a student abilities, based on the formed competences. These are: to conduct independent scientific research, formulate and solve professional problems, professionally express the specific information, to argue and defend their science point of view. The work addresses the following learning objectives: a) forming the skills of planning and carrying out scientific research; b) forming the skills of scientific information processing, analysis, interpretation and argumentation of the results of the study; c) develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in solving of tasks in the direction of the preparation; d) develop the ability to develop scientific recommendations and suggestions. The scientific director of the student is assigned from the department and oversees the work were done in time. To students are assigned counselors, who supervise the work on individual parts of the project (research, technology development, design, feasibility study for construction, heat treatment technology, etc.). The consultants are teachers of other departments, specialists of different enterprises and research institutes, post-graduate students. Final work is done in factories, research institutes or laboratories of the department. And he must comply with safety regulations and internal regulations of the organization, where does the job.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(1):188-198
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