Vol 18, No 4 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/278
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v18i4
Universal tendencies in manufacture of railway rails are directed on increase in length of rails, increase of their hardness, decrease in level of internal residual pressure, maintenance of the profile of level of properties differentiated on section, and also application of technologies of thermal processing saving up resources with use of non-polluting cooling environments and use is economical - the alloyed marks of steels. For the purpose of maintenance of let out production to modern requirements in 2012-2013 on joint-stock company “EVRAZ ZSMK” radical reconstruction of rail manufacture with development of technology of the differentiated heat hardening of railway rails with use of heat of rolling heating is spent. During development of new technology a number scientifically-research works on revealing of an optimum chemical composition and modes of thermal processing of rails has been spent. In the given work results of research by means of electronic microscopy of a microstructure of rail steels of four various chemical compounds on the basis of a perlitic steel of mark Э76ХФ in accordance with GOST R 51685 carbon different by the maintenance, manganese, silicon, chrome, vanadium are presented. Besides, two skilled fusions in addition micro alloyed by niobium. Research spent on the samples who have been cut out from not heat strengthened rails of type Р65, rolled from continuously cast preparations of swimming trunks of a skilled chemical compound. Samples before research heated up to temperature 950 °С and subjected to the accelerated cooling in the air environment with a speed of 1-5 degrees a second. By results of research influence of the maintenance of the basic and microalloying chemical elements on parametres of a microstructure of rails is established. Rational speeds of cooling of a rail steel of the various chemical compound, providing formation of optimum parametres of structure of metal are defined. It is established that the most homogeneous microstructure Small disperse a perlite in wider range of speeds of cooling (to 3 degrees a second) is formed in a rail steel with the moderate maintenance of chrome (0,46%), manganese (0,78%), the raised maintenance of silicon (0,55%), the carbon maintenance close to eutectoid to structure (0,79%) and microalloyed by vanadium in number of 0,07%.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):7-20
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Features of control precision machining machine parts
In the article the peculiarities of technological precision control of the manufacturing system. The structure of the combined management accuracy precision machining. Assessment of the accuracy of the technological manufacturing systems using nonlinear dynamics techniques. The definition of reliable short-term forecast horizon time series allows to make a conclusion about the possibility of predicting the behavior of the manufacturing systems that do not have strictly periodic dynamics. The work found that when precision machining transport vehicles from difficult to machine materials the signal generated by the manufacturing technological system is random. As the information signal for diagnostics of the technological processing system, the most promising is the use of an acoustic signal, directly accompanying the process of machining parts. To characterize chaotic processes, determine the degree of instability it is assumed the most optimal use of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. According to these values it is possible to judge the degree of sustainability of the processes occurring during the functioning of the technological system. We forecast the accuracy of processing for determining the frequency of measurements in terms of the control deviation. It is shown that in conditions of dynamical equilibrium the periodicity of measurements is 3-5 parts. When the system is in the unstable area of the forecast is impossible. It is concluded that the frequency of measurements should be reduced to a single part. The next step in the management of the precision of fine processing must be a correction of the processing modes to allow the system to steady state. The practical implementation of the developed tools combined control precision machining would reduce marriage to the level of accidental emissions and increase equipment productivity by 10-30%.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):21-33
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Features of formation of the flat grinding technological process by an end face of a circle with an elastic suspension grinding head
The article is devoted to experimental and theoretical analysis of the process of flat grinding by a wheel end face, taking into account the specifics of the elastic suspension of the grinding head. Difference between the power circuit of the kinematic and geometric chain “grinding wheel - machined surface” is shown. Feature of the power circuit of the kinematic chain is spontaneous formation depth of cutting during grinding process. The formation depth of cutting depends on such factors as contact pressure, the geometry and physic mechanical properties of the machined surface, cutting conditions, etc. A mathematical model for determining the depth of cutting at the power circuit of the kinematic chain of technological process is presented. The model showed quantitative correlation between the cutting depth of the grinding wheel and a complex of factors correlation The received correlation allows to use cutting depth as a controlled parameter of machining. The results of experimental verification of the mathematical model are given. The deviation between calculated and experimental results does not exceed 12%. The possibility of practical implementation of the research results, using example of the technological process of grinding rails by rail-grinding trains, is shown. The method of setting cutting conditions for rail grinding is offered. Industrial testing of method showed opportunity to raise the quality of rail grinding work in terms of increasing the accuracy of formation geometric shape of rails and provide required level of quality of machined surface. The results of research allowed to make the grinding technology by wheel end face using elastic suspension grinding head control to be implemented in the field of optimization of the abrasive tool and improve the efficiency of the operation as a whole abrasive treatment.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):34-47
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Determination of logarithmic compaction equation parameters for the description of a process of uniaxial compaction of powder body made of polymeric material
Investment patterns are extensively used in special types of casting. It is customary to produce them by pouring of liquid pattern material or pressing of paste-like one into a press die. It has been found experimentally that their manufacturing with the use of polymeric material pressing improves dimensional and geometrical accuracy of foundry goods. Technologically appropriate density of such compacts accounts for 88-92% of polymeric material density at molded state. In a number of circumstances the compacts produced by pressing are characterized by change in dimensions, which appears after unloading as a result of elastic aftereffect of their ingredients such as air contained in pores, and polymeric lost wax materials. In the present study T1 grade paraffin was used as polymeric compound. Elimination of negative impact of air is achieved by standing of compact under load. In this case the air leaves through the clearances of press die. During the experiments it was obtained the dependence of compact density on pressure under uniaxial loading in rigid cylindrical die. For the material under investigation the values of theoretical (i.e. maximum available) density and critical pressure, which leads to theoretical density attainment, were determined. Material density and porosity at molded state were found experimentally. It was obtained the approximation curve resulting from the experiment on polymeric material compacting. Logarithmic approximation of irreversible compaction equation under pressing was formulated. In this way it has been obtained the interval of pressure values, which provide technologically appropriate density of polymer material in the compact.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):48-59
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In recent years on the OJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" the leading enterprises of the Russia metallurgical industry the latest technology of production of modern and advanced types of cold-rolled products has been mastered. In rolling shop No. 11 in the head of the units of the second stage the consolidation of the rolls by laser welding method are carried out for the production of products for the automotive and construction industries, as well as for the production of consumer goods. The influence of the power of preheating and the final heating on microstructure and microhardness of welded joints at the integration of cold rolled products grade 10пс obtained by laser welding on Miebach laser machines in an environment of continuous process units in the new cold rolling complex are investigated. The description of the preheating and final heating are given. The features of these operations on the Miebach company welding machines are described. The description of research methods of welded joints made by laser welding are carried out in the framework of this work. Presented experimental welding modes for the welding of the cold-rolled stripes ends. The metallographic analysis results of the welded zone in the rolled low-carbon steel grade are shown. Based on a comparison of the experimental data revealed patterns of change in length of the welded joints structural zones according to the conducted heat treatment. Established that with increasing power of preheating and final heating the length of softening zone increases. Moreover by increasing the final heating power above 4,5 kW abruptly increases the recrystallization zone length and the length of softening zone, which leads to deterioration of the welded joints.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):60-73
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Hypotheses justifies the increase in the durability of DIAMOND-abrasive tool
The article explains the increase in the durability and increased performance diamond abrasive tools. It is proposed to increase the resistance due to the accounting forms grains, and further sorting of grains based on two hypotheses. The first hypothesis is based on the assumption that the greater the weight of the grain, the harder it is to bring it out of dormancy. To identify indicators of the mass of grains analyzed the most common and well-known forms. Diamond grains are considered the following forms: spherical, cubic, teardrop-shaped, ellipsoidal, such forms are contained in all groups grit diamond powder. For example, the analysis conducted for a group of grain 125/100 (D126 designation according to GOST 53922-2010), since this group is most common among grain diamond tools for the treatment of advanced polymer composite materials. After analysis, the first hypothesis, a ranking done forms of individual diamond grains by weight. According to the second hypothesis, the increase in the durability of the diamond tool is dependent on the contact area with a bunch of grain, as this depends on the strength of his hold. An assessment of the impact of forms of diamond grains in the tool life, using analytical and numerical methods. In the numerical simulation software used for engineering calculations NX Advanced Simulation. The analytical calculations showed, and modeling in NX Advanced Simulation confirmed that among the studied forms of resistance will have the greatest diamond tools with cubic or spherical grains of diamond. A cubic shape of a diamond, the most rational form of grains of diamond tools for the working layer to improve the durability and performance tool.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):74-91
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Mechanical properties of 38ХС steel after different conditions of the isothermal quenching in the bainite interval of temperatures and chrome-nickel-molybdenum-silicon steels with carbon content 0,18 and 0,27 % after slow continuous cooling in the bainitic temperature range with cooling rate v cool = = 5 °С/min were investigated. It was shown that after such heat treatments after such heat treatment the structure of carbide-free-bainite represented as two-phase mixture of carbon depleted bainitic ferrite and carbon enriched retained austenite with different morphology were formed in the investigated steels. The aim of this work was to research the influence of tempering at different temperatures on behavior of retained austenite and the mechanical properties of steels with the carbide-free-bainite formed during isothermal quenching and slow continuous cooling in the bainite range of temperatures. The main methods were electron-microscopic investigations of the peculiarities of bainite structure formed during isothermal heating of 38ХС steel and slow continuous cooling of chrome-nickel-molybdenum-silicon steels 18Х2Н2СМ and 27Х2Н2СМ mechanical tests and measuring of crystal lattice parameters of the retained austenite presented in steels structures after different heat treatments including tempering at various temperatures. Retained austenite in such carbide-free-bainite is substantially enriched with carbon and contain the considerable part of steel total carbon content. It was shown that tempering at a temperature of 300 °С during 1-2 hours raise the values of impact strength of isothermally quenched steel 38ХС and steels 18Х2Н2СМ and 27Х2Н2СМ after the slow continuous cooling, having in a structure different correlation of lower lath and upper globular bainite, retained austenite and martensite. It was found that at such tempering it happen the retained austenite stabilization by means of the noticeable increasing of carbon content in it.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):92-104
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Comparative analysis of different models of the insulating polymer flow in the extruder screw channel
To date, among insulating materials widely spread polymer compositions based on polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, which is the main processing way is an extrusion method. Using of extrusion machines in the modern cable manufacturing conditioned by their high technological parameters, the main ones being the continuity of the process and the relative simplicity of the design. Processed polymer has a nonlinear dependence of viscosity on shear rate and temperature, a result of which appearing some problems. One of the main, most commonly occurring in the processing of polymer materials, is the occurrence of local overheating caused by power dissipation in the screw channel of the extruder. These overheating negatively affect the quality of the finished product and can lead to deterioration of insulation electrical and mechanical parameters, and, as a result, to the failure of cable product. To solve the problem of reducing the volume of local overheating or their elimination is necessary to explore heat and mass transfer processes occurring in the extruder screw channel in view of the nonlinear material properties and complex geometry of the screw, based on mathematical modeling techniques. This article describes the processes of flow and heat transfer of polymer materials in the extruder screw channel of dosing area. Defined the algorithm of iterative procedures for solutions suggested by mathematical models such as: deployed and screw channels, reversed and not reversed movement. During the numerical investigation of the models were determined temperature field, the field of shear rate and viscosity at the outlet of the channel for each model. Also, recommendations are given for the use of mathematical models in practice contribute to obtaining the desired result, and allow to minimize expensive field tests.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):105-121
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Investigation low-carbon steel after electro-spark alloying and high-temperature heating
In this article the influence high-temperature heating on microstructure aluminum and titanium electro-spark deposits was considered. Electro-spark procedure was carried on conventional parameters by means of rotating electrode atop surfaces sheet - samples of low carbon steel in air environment. High-temperature Joule-heating was realize with use new device, based on welding transformer TSD-1000-3, with attachment analog-to-digital converter for voltage-, current- and temperature monitoring. Heating speed was maximum close to real welding heating speed. Was fixed, that after electro-spark alloying by means of both electrodes formed hard deposits contained cracks and heat affected zone below. For aluminum deposit, high-temperature heating perform it to whit more thick layer with low micro-hardness. In heat affected zone was appeared more rich ferrite partially decarburization zone. In place former titanium deposit was appeared local small volumes of melting with dendrite structure and middle micro-hardness. Below it located thin completely decarburization zone and large (about 1 mm) partially decarburization zone. Monitored temperature data was shown local melting for both deposits in range 500-650 °C, that was reason for observed structure changes. Equilibrium structural diagrams iron-aluminum and iron-titanium shows eutectic in same temperature range.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):122-133
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Analysis of transformation of subsurface layers structure of steels and their influences on process of hardening with AMD-methods
Steel have a wide circulation in military, industrial, scientific applications. One of important problems is the problem of calculation of control of structure and properties steels, especially their near-surface layers. Her decision is connected with an operating control of structure and strength characteristics. Therefore, in the real work, object of researches - steel of various brands, structure and properties of their near-surface layers. The purpose of researches - influence of parameters of external impacts on strength characteristics of near-surface layers steels, to the subjected processes of cementation and nitriding. For achievement of a goal it is offered to use innovative control devices of structure and properties of materials - AMD-methods. The main method is the method V ( Z )-curves, based on obtaining characteristic interferential dependences of an output signal of V from distance Z lens object in acoustic waves. Measurement of parameters V ( Z )-curves allows to count values of speeds of surface acoustic waves ( vR ) and to estimate the level of their attenuation in samples (D V / V %). These characteristics provide calculation of strength parameters and parameters of plasticity of materials. Application of the offered techniques has allowed to receive series V ( Z )-curves for a row staly, to calculate for concrete brands of value of speeds of superficial acoustic waves ( vR ) and levels of their attenuation in samples (D V / V %). Depths of diffusive layers in the steels at cementation and nitriding have been determined. Estimates of values of coefficients of diffusion for the studied materials are carried out. By means of AMD-methods elastic modules of materials and speed surfactant in them which comparison with tabular values has shown high extent of coincidence are calculated.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):134-146
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Monitoring of welding channel in the x-ray spectrum during the electron beam welding
Formation of the welding seam during the electron beam welding is a complex process. It’s a result of many factors (heat and mass interchange, gas liberation, dispersion and reflection of the elect- ron beam, etc.) working together and produced by the impact of the concentrated energy source - bunch of electrons on the welded materials. Complexity and multi-faceted nature of this welding type creates many issues that need to be solved during the process using technical tools to control welding seam formation to deliver the required quality of the welding seam. Visual observation can become one of these tools to study physical processes occurring in the welding channel and used to control formation of the welding seam. Concomitant breaking X-ray radiation is practically the only source of the information for this purpose. This paper provides research results for implementation of visual observation of the welding channel in the X-ray spectrum. We look at the method of creating a stereoscopic image of the welding channel by means of commutation on the screen of the two axonometric images of the channel and observing them with a binocular device which has the transparency of the left and right oculars commuting in sync with the commutation frequency of the axonometric image. Every axonometric image of the welding channel is received through a formed data array about the topography of the welding channel. For each axonometric image, signals about electron beam penetration into the material are captured from various points in the vicinity.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):147-156
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The development of modern industry, aimed at reducing the consumption of materials, improving the technological properties of products. Products made of expensive metals and alloys scarce it is advisable to make combined, the base consists of the cheapest materials, and on the working surface of fusing alloys with special properties. Such bimetallic structure is many times cheaper than structures made entirely of metal with the desired properties. A promising method of manufacture of such structures - the use of a multi-layer deposition. The use of highly concentrated heat sources to simplify the manufacture of such structures. A study of the technological possibilities of manufacturing laminates plasma welding current direct and reverse polarity. This paper presents the results of a study of corrosion resistance and wear resistance of the surface layer of composite metals received plasma welding. Plasma welding copper to steel in various modes of operation of the plasma torch got bimetal with different structures and properties of the deposited layer. The results of studies of the structure of the layered composite material obtained by using light microscopy. The effect of the polarity of the current on the corrosion resistance and wear resistance of the surface layer of the bimetal. The possibility of forming the surface layer of a composite structure with improved characteristics using a thin intermediate layer overlaying high alloy nickel-base. The paper found that the use of plasma deposition technology provides a bimetallic compositions steel-copper without internal defects and variation in deposition mode allows you to adjust the structure and chemical composition of the material that is beneficial to the performance properties of the material.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):157-168
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Review of modern methods of management of the electron beam when the electron-beam welding
The article deals with modern methods of controlling an electron beam in electron beam welding. By these methods include pulse modulation of the electron beam current leads to a change in heat input; vibrational impact beam focal plane displacement in the vertical (dynamic focus) weld formation in electron beam welding; oscillation beam with various scan directly on the junction of the weld joint leads to an increase in the area of the beam action area; multibeam (mnogovannovaya) welding, at which an electron beam is scanned over the surface of the article with a high frequency (about 5 kHz or more) to several points from one to the other and back, each located at a distance from each other; multifocal welding, resulting in a synchronous dynamic change in focus and deflection of the electron beam to a specific point. Application of these methods is aimed at eliminating specific defects in welds, such as root defects (Pointed depth of penetration, the presence of voids or poor fusion), extended cavity in the seam volume, the "middle" crack and seam deviation from the joint due to residual or induced magnetic fields. It is also possible carrying out welding in several treated areas, welding or welding to form a plurality of consecutive baths each other, or a combination of welding and heat treatment. Multipath technique can be successfully used in combination of dissimilar materials, such as bronze worm wheel rim to the hub of the cast iron or steel wheels to reduce the cost, as well as other compositions for welding, for example, copper or tungsten steel with aluminum through a copper gasket.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):169-187
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The features of structure formation, phases transformations and magnetic properties of multicomponent inhomogeneous concentration-based alloy of Fe-Cr-Co-Si-B (HK) system with a high content of cobalt are investigated. It is shown that the presence of ferrosilicon and ferroboron alloys additives in high content cobalt alloy contributes to the liquid-phase sintering and increase the density of sintered components to the level of wrought alloys. It is shown that for the 30H27KSR alloy, in the range of heating temperature 1300-1400 °C, the minimum number of undesirable phases distinguished by quenching from the temperature of 1350 °C. The dependences of magnetic flux density ( Br ) and coercive force ( Hc ) of thermal exposure parameters are given. The temperature range of spinodal decomposition of α-solid solution that provides the best combination of Hc and Br , as well as the corresponding structural state of the alloys are estimated. It is found that the lowest rate of the strongly magnetic α1-phase is at 645-655 °C aging in the temperature range 600-700 °C, which coincides with the interval of the fragmentation σ- and α1-phases. Due to the slowing σ-phase formation by alloying of high cobalt HK alloy and kinetic stability of the α-solid solution on the borders of the structural elements, the possibility of controlling the phase composition is presented. For example, in the range of aging temperatures of 600-700 °C the α→σ-transformation was fixed at speeds of more than 20 minutes. The possibility of magnetic induction increasing of Fe-Cr-Co-Si-B alloys to 30% is examine by anisotropic formation α1+α2-submicron structures under the thermomagnetic treatment.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(4):188-202
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