Vol 24, No 3 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/421
Development of Geological and Statistical Models for Forecasting the Confirmability of Structures in the Territory of the South of Perm Krai
Today, 3D seismic surveys carried out in the south of Perm Krai are increasingly focused on identifying and preparing for deep drilling local geological structures, the amplitude of which is often comparable to the accuracy of structural constructions. Based on this, there is a need to develop a new geological and statistical approach that allows assessing the risks associated with the problem of unconfirmability of prepared objects by deep drilling. Minimizing such risks would reduce the number of negative results of exploration and appraisal drilling, which would directly affect the efficiency of the oil and gas producing enterprise in the field of geological exploration for oil and gas. This article proposes one of the options for developing a geological-statistical approach to assessing the accuracy of the structural constructions of the studied area, which allows drawing conclusions about the degree of exploration of the territory under consideration. Based on the results obtained, conclusions were drawn about the correspondence of the structural plans of the reflecting horizons of the southern part of the Perm region with each other. A comparison of the obtained boundary values of discrepancies with the errors of structural constructions estimated from the results of 3D CDP seismic surveys in the south of Perm Krai. This geological and statistical approach can be used to clarify the risks associated with the problem of unconfirmation of the geological and morphological characteristics of structures.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):102-111
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Application of Dispersed Organic Matter Characteristics of Rocks for Zonal Prediction of Oil and Gas Potential on the Northern Part of the Baskir Arch
The article is based on the example of the northern part of the Bashkir arch to make a zonal prediction of oil and gas potential based on the characteristics of dispersed organic matter (DOM). For this purpose, at the first stage of the study, the DOM was classified into types: syngenetic and epigenetic using various statistical methods. All this made it possible to construct individual and complex probability models for predicting epigenetic (the most migratory) dispersed organic matter. It was found that high values of complex probability correlate with discovered hydrocarbon deposits. This confirms the migration ability of bitumoids with the subsequent formation of commercial hydrocarbon deposits. Probabilistic DOM indicators that determine the complex probability of epigenetic DOM reliably control the oil and gas potential of sediments. The values of bitumen coefficient and insoluble residue have the maximum influence on the value of complex probability and on the differentiation of DOM. The insoluble residue has a high holding capacity and almost completely controls the process of differentiation of the organic matter up to the value of the complex probability equal to 0.55-0.6, then, as the complex probability increases, the influence of the insoluble residue weakens. The bitumen coefficient, in this case, affects the DOM differentiation in the whole range of complex probability change.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):112-119
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Ecological Biodegradable Additives for Improving Rheological and Filtration Characteristics of Water-Based Drilling Mud
Solutions used in well drilling must have a number of properties that ensure their functionality. Along with cleaning the bottomhole, removing drilling mud, cleaning and cooling the drill bit, they must maintain hydrodynamic pressures in the well to prevent formation fluids from entering the wellbore and absorption of the drilling mud, as well as regulate the formation of a thin filter cake that covers the pores in the rocks being drilled, which prevents them from crumbling. In drilling practice, drilling muds on water, hydrocarbon and aerated basis are used. From the point of view of environmental safety, water-based solutions are preferable. But to ensure the necessary properties of water-based drilling muds, a number of special chemical additives are used, which, being toxic products of long action, have a negative impact on the environment. Currently, the task is to develop new drilling muds that not only ensure the drilling process in any, including difficult conditions, but also do not harm the environment. The economic component of the issue should also be taken into account. In order to obtain new environmentally friendly drilling fluids, as well as to solve the problem of accumulation of food waste, it is proposed to use biodegradable additives obtained from plants or agro-industrial waste. The article presents studies of the effect of bioadditives on the rheological and filtration characteristics of water-based drilling fluids. The effect of plant additives on the viscosity, density, yield point, filtration of drilling fluids, as well as on the formation and thickness of the clay cake is shown. In addition, the possibility of using agro-industrial waste, such as orange and tangerine peel, sunflower seeds, rice and peanut husks, eggshells, as an alternative to polymers currently used to reduce and prevent absorption of drilling fluids is shown. The possibility of using biodegradable additives as potential environmentally friendly and inexpensive additives to drilling fluids is considered.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):120-130
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The Influence of Tectonic Faults on the Wells Productivity in the Fault-Block Structure Field of the Komi Republic
The influence of disjunctive tectonics on field development is of an exploratory nature and requires further study. Development design that involves drilling production wells at poorly studied sites without a reliable geological model involving faults is a high-risk undertaking. Many researchers of fault-block structure sites have encountered the problem of significant unevenness in productivity distribution, well operation patterns, and waterlogging dynamics across the field area. After establishing the presence of a tectonic factor, attention was focused on the dependence of the distance of wells to faults on productivity and other operating factors. In general, the dependence was designated as follows: increased well productivity was noted in fault zones; for some sites, the size of the increased productivity zone was determined quantitatively and was up to 2 km. A study of the influence of tectonic faults on well productivity for one of the fields in the Timan-Pechora Basin (TPB) has been conducted. For the Silurian deposits of the TPB, a relationship was established between well productivity and a tectonic disturbance, which was a normal fault. Increased well productivity was detected at a distance of 2 km from the fault. For the first time, a dependence was found for the influence of the distance from a normal fault to production wells on the efficiency of their operation for oil deposits of the Silurian deposits, which made it possible to predict the volume of production. Based on the results of optimization of drilling of project wells based on a new understanding of the geological structure of the field and the identification of a zone of increased productivity, the cumulative production of the project cluster increased by 1.5 times as a whole for the cluster over a 15-year forecast period. The total initial planned oil flow rate increased by 1.8 times.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):131-143
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Hydrophobization of the Reservoir Surface in the Processes of Impact on the Bottomhole Formation Zone
Reservoir rock almost never consists of a single mineral. Thus, terrigenous deposits contain carbonates, clays and other components in varying quantities along with quartz. True wettability also depends on the liquids contained in the pores, i.e. on the properties of oil and water. Formation oil contains surface-active and polar substances that can be adsorbed by the rock. In this case, the wetting ability of water decreases, and oil wetting ability increases. As a result, oil can behave as a wetting phase, especially in rocks with a high content of organic matter. Formation water can also be surface-active. The study of the wettability of the reservoir rocks surface has been and remains relevant. In the article, consisting of three parts, the role of wettability of the reservoir surface in the methods of influencing the bottomhole formation zone (BFZ) is considered from the standpoint of its general state, disturbed due to water saturation and the course of a number of colmatation processes. The fundamental principles of filtration of reservoir fluids through macro- and micro-open channels of oil and gas reservoirs indicate the preference for a hydrophilic state of their surface for the advanced inflow of oil along the curves of the relative permeability of oil and water. However, the incorrect idea that emerged in the early 1990s about the need for its hydrophobic state in order to reduce the water saturation of the BFZ and the hypertrophied role of capillary forces in this case attracted many specialists to its side and has proven to be stable to this day. The authors consistently outlined the formation of these ideas and the positioned "efficiency" of hydrophobization mainly due to hydrocarbon saturation of the BFZ.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):155-163
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Systematic Analysis of the Results of Studying a Technogenically Formed Spatially Heterogeneous Drainage Zone of Horizontal Wells
In this article, using a system analysis of the results of studying a technogenically formed spatially heterogeneous drainage zone of horizontal wells, its geological and physical features that determine design decisions and operational characteristics of wells are studied. A spatially heterogeneous zone arises as a result of the use of a system for maintaining reservoir pressure during waterflooding as a method of increasing oil recovery from fields. The use of a systems approach and a set of studies, including geophysical and hydrodynamic methods, modeling and numerical calculations, allowed us to conclude that during intensive development of a pore reservoir, fluid filtration is significantly determined by the formed technogenic fracture component and is characterized by nonlinear effects. The pore type of the reservoir changes and a dual environment is formed in the deposit. The use of a system approach is justified by the fact that instead of transforming the well arrangement system, superconductivity zones caused by disjunctive faults in the oil field area should be eliminated. The technogenically formed drainage zone of horizontal wells should be taken into account when developing design solutions at the last stage of exploitation of the productive formation. The results of this research article can be used to improve the efficiency of oil production by increasing the profitable period of operation of horizontal wells in terrigenous reservoirs, in which zones of superconductivity of the interwell space are formed.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):144-154
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Development of a Statistical Model for Predicting the Oil Production Rate after Fracking by Geological and Technological Indicators
An increase in the productivity of wells at operational facilities is achieved through the use of various geological and technical measures. Hydraulic fracturing (HF) in production and injection wells is one of the effective methods for increasing oil recovery, involving low-permeability zones and interlayers in the development, a mechanism for a wider coverage of productive zones by waterflooding, which makes it possible to convert part of off-balance reserves into commercial ones. According to experts, the use of hydraulic fracturing can increase the oil and gas recovery factor by 10-15%. The Perm Territory belongs to the old oil-producing region of the Russian Federation. To date, more than 60% of the remaining recoverable oil reserves of the fields of the Perm region are concentrated in carbonate deposits. Most of the fields are currently in the late stages of development. These fields, as a rule, are characterized by the presence of undrained zones with residual reserves and low well flow rates. Most of the remaining reserves of the fields are concentrated in low-permeability reservoirs with a high degree of heterogeneity and difficult fluid filtration. Unfortunately, the results obtained in practice do not always correspond to preliminary calculations and do not reach the planned oil production rates. In connection with the above, the problem arises of predicting the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing operations using mathematical methods of analysis. The effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing is undoubtedly influenced by both geological and technological parameters. In this paper, for the carbonate Kashirsky (K) and Podolsky (Pd) productive deposits of one of the oil fields in the Perm region, using step-by-step regression analysis based on geological and technological parameters, a forecast of the initial oil production rate after hydraulic fracturing was made. Good agreement between model and experimental results is obtained.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):164-168
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Validation of the Heat and Mass Transfer Model in the Atmosphere of a Horizontal Mine Working in the Presence of an Intense Heating Source
The paper describes a laboratory setup developed by the authors, which is a reduced physical model of a mine working and is intended to study the patterns of heat and mass transfer in horizontal and inclined mine workings in the presence of intense heating sources (exogenous fires). The parameters of the setup were substantiated based on scaling according to the Froude similarity criterion. The experimental measurements of the air flow parameters on the setup under the action of an intense heat source were used to validate the mathematical model of heat and mass transfer in a mine working. The mathematical model was based on the Reynolds-averaged continuity equations, Navier-Stokes, energy balance, and ideal gas state. The Realizable k-epsilon turbulence model was used to close the system of equations. The numerical implementation of the model was carried out in the Ansys Fluent software package using the finite volume method and the Simple algorithm for linking the velocity and pressure fields. A comparative analysis of the theoretical calculation results using the proposed model and the obtained laboratory experiment data showed acceptable agreement both at the qualitative and quantitative levels. In addition, the paper provides a comparative analysis of the heat and mass transfer calculation results in a mine working using the Realizable k-epsilon turbulence model with the calculations performed using two other turbulence models based on Reynolds averaging of air flow characteristics - SST k-omega and Reynolds stress model (RSM). It is shown that the Realizable k-epsilon and SST k-omega models are equally applicable for the theoretical analysis of heat and mass transfer processes in the laboratory setup under consideration, while the more complex RSM model has significant differences from the calculation data using the Realizable k-epsilon and SST k-omega models, as well as from the laboratory experiment data.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2024;24(3):169-176
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