Vol 23, No 4 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/255
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v23i4
Relevance and goals: one of the possible ways to recover components from the Se-Al alloy formed during the processing of copper-electrolyte sludge is vacuum distillation. Object of research: Se-Al alloys of the composition, mol %: 0.01-99.99 Se; 99.99-0.01 Al, the formation of which is possible during the processing of copper-electrolyte sludge in the production of commercial selenium concentrate. The aim of the work: calculation of the gas-liquid equilibrium VLE (vapor liquid equilibrium), including the dependence of the phase composition on temperature ( T-x ) and pressure ( P-x ) for the Se-Al alloy during vacuum distillation. Methods and approaches: the activity coefficients of the Se-Al alloy components were calculated using a simplified version of the simple molecular interaction volume model (SMIVM). Phase diagrams of temperature ( T-x ) and pressure ( P-x ) are used to pre-select the system temperature and pressure, and to evaluate the efficiency of component separation during vacuum distillation. Novelty: calculation of activity coefficients using a simplified version of the SMIVM model. Main results: in the temperature range of 823-1073 K , the saturated vapor pressures for Se ( p Se* = 1.42.104…3.66.105 Pa) and Al ( p Al* = 1.33∙10-8 … 3.54∙10-4 Pa) are calculated. The high values of the p Se*/ p Al* ratio = 1.07∙1012…1.04∙109 and the separation coefficient logßSe = 8.45-12.83 create theoretical prerequisites for the selective separation of these metals by vacuum distillation, when selenium is enriched in the gas phase (βSe > 1), and aluminum - in the liquid phase. The molar fraction of aluminum in the gas phase yAl ≤ 2.6. 10-8…9.3.10-12 decreases with a decrease in the temperature of 1073-823 K and the molar fraction of the metal in the alloy x Al = 0.9-0.1. For the liquid-gas interface of the Se-Al alloy, the values of changes in the excess Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy are determined: ΔGm E = 0,97…3,51 kJ/mol; ΔНm E = 2,2…6,1 kJ/mol; ΔSm E = 1,1…3,2 J /mol.K. Practical relevance: reducing the number of time-consuming and expensive installation experiments in the processing of Se-Al compositions to optimize the temperature and pressure values of the vacuum distillation process in order to obtain Se-containing products of a given composition.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):5-14
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The study of the gradient structure arising at implantation by aluminum ions of VT1-0 alloy (technically pure titanium) in submicroscopic state was carried out. To form the submicroscopic state, a combined method of multiple uniaxial pressing (abc-pressing) followed by multi-step rolling in brook rolls at room temperature and subsequent annealing at 573 K, 1 hour was applied. Ion implantation was performed for 50 minutes at an irradiation dose of 1∙1017 ions/cm2 and a temperature of 623 K. The study was performed by transmission electron diffraction microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy on foils cut perpendicular to the treated surface of the sample. It has been established that the gradient structure formed by implantation consists of 5 layers: 1 - oxide layer; 2 - ion-implanted layer; 3 - layer with a destroyed grain structure; 4 - residual implantation effect layer; 5 - layer corresponding to the unimplanted state of the alloy. In each layer the phase composition, shape and location of the second phase particles have been determined, the size of a-Ti grains, the size, density of distribution and volume fractions of the separated particles have been measured, and the state of the solid solution has been analyzed. It was established that layer 1 is based on aluminum (Al2O3) and titanium (TiO, TiO2) oxides. The matrix of layer 2 is the a-Ti solid solution oversaturated with Al atoms, in layers 3-5 is the a-Ti solid solution. Implantation led to the formation of ordered phases: Ti3Al (superstructure D019) and TiAl3 (superstructure D022). The particles of Ti3Al phase in the layer 1 are present in the form of separately arranged nanograins, in layers 2 and 3 have a lamellar shape and are located inside, and in layer 4 along the grain boundaries a-Ti, in the layer 5 is absent. Particles of the TiAl3 phase in layer 1 are also present in the form of nanograins, in layers 2 and 3 they have a rounded shape and are arranged randomly, in layers 4-5 they are absent.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):15-23
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Experiments on the strain rate variation on Ni3Ge single crystals which have a pronounced temperature anomaly of the yield stress and flow stresses have been carried out. It is shown that in order to measure the activation volume (V *), it is necessary to take into account the superposition of the normal and anomalous responses of the flow stresses to the change in the strain rate: A scheme for dividing the stress jump into normal and anomalous components is proposed. The values of the effective activation volume V * are calculated using the component obtained from the total stress jump. Effective activation volumes of plastic deformation are obtained in a wide range of temperatures and flow stresses. The temperature dependence of the effective activation volume reveals two stages: the first is characterized by an increase in the activation volume, the second, by a decrease. An increase in the activation volume is observed in the temperature range 293-673 K, and at temperatures from 673 to 873 K the activation volume decreases sharply. The applied shear stress reduces the effective activation volume. The boundaries of the temperature intervals of the stages of the activation volume coincide with the boundaries of the stages of the temperature dependence of the flow stresses and the yield stress. The obtained dependences of the effective activation volume are compared with the evolution of the dislocation structure on temperature. It is shown that at the first stage, characterized by an increase in the activation volume, the increase in temperature leads to self-locking of screw dislocations due to the formation of Kear-Wilsdorf locks. The second stage of the temperature dependence of the activation volume is associated with the fact that an increase in temperature leads to activation of the mobility of point defects and self-locking of edge superdislocations.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):24-30
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The two-phase (α+β)-titanium alloy VT23 in the initial state after annealing at a temperature of 750 °C was used as the object of research. The heat treatment of annealed samples included quenching from temperatures of 800 and 860 °C in order to regulate the stability of the β-phase. In order to increase the strength properties, an additional aging of a part of the samples was carried out at a temperature of 500 °C. X-ray diffraction analysis, optical and electron microscopy (EBSD analysis) were used to study the structure and quantitative phase composition of the alloy after various heat treatment modes, and the features of phase transformations during quenching and subsequent aging were revealed. The results of mechanical tests at room temperature of samples processed according to various modes for uniaxial tension and impact bending are presented. When testing discontinuous samples hardened from a temperature of 860 ° C, the value of the trigger stress necessary for the beginning of the development of the martensitic transformation βm→α, initiated by tensile stresses, was determined. The role of β-phase stability in the development of phase and microstructural transformations during aging is determined. The morphology of the fracture surface of hardened and aged samples after impact bending tests was studied by the method of electronic fractography. The results of mechanical tests showed that an increase in the quenching temperature from 800 to 860 °C leads to an increase in the characteristics of strength and impact strength. The subsequent aging of samples hardened from a temperature of 800 ° C and, especially, from 860 ° C leads to the release of particulate of the α-phase in the β-matrix, which causes a significant with a decrease in the values of elongation and impact strength.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):31-39
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Carbon-carbon composite materials (CCCM) are materials that maintain their efficiency under intense heating in a wide temperature range (from 20 °C to 2500 °C). They have found their application in aviation and space technology. Composite materials (CM) are characterized by high specific strength and hardness, which persist indefinitely in inert area at elevated temperatures. The combination of high heat resistance and chemical resistance with high values of thermal conductivity with a small linear expansion make CCCM indispensable in the field of high-temperature applications. The work is devoted to the study of threaded fasteners from CCCM. The influence of the pitch of a threaded pair made of spatially reinforced CM with a 4DL reinforcement scheme on the possibility of approaching the condition of equal strength of a threaded joint made of composites is investigated. The optimization of the thread pitch for the studied ССCM was carried out. The results are obtained based on numerical calculations performed using the finite element method (FEM) in the ANSYS software package and field experiments conducted on a universal testing machine. The article presents the results of the bearing capacity of a thread made of CCCM when it is destroyed along the rod, and also presents the strength of the turns of the considered thread size in a threaded pair per cut. Based on the analysis of the results of numerical calculations and experimental results, conclusions are drawn about the need to increase the pitch for a threaded pair made of CM. An increase in the thread pitch, to a value other than those recommended by GOST, demonstrated an increase in the bearing capacity of the UUKM thread at normal temperatures by more than 2.5 times.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):40-47
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The phase composition and structure of an alloy based on Ni-Al-Co in three states have been studied by transmission diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods: 1) after directional crystallization (DC) - initial state; 2) DC + deformation at 1200°C to 70% compression and 3) DC + deformation at 1200°C to 20 % + annealing at 1280 °C for 1 hour + annealing at 950 °C for 24 hours. It was found that the main phases in all states are g- and g¢- phases. The γ-phase is a nickel-based solid solution. It has an fcc lattice and short-range atomic order in the arrangement of atoms. The g¢-phase is an ordered L12 phase. As a rule, these phases form the basic structure of the alloy in almost all superalloys. In the alloy under study, they are present in the form of g¢-phase quasi-cuboids separated by layers of the-phase. The measurements carried out in this work made it possible to classify particles of the g¢-phase into two scale levels: g¢-phase of the first level (g¢I) - large rounded particles with a size of 25-35 microns; the second scale level of the g¢-phase - the g¢-phase of the second level (g¢II) - quasi-cuboid particles ranging in size from 0.25 to 0.6 μm, located in a two-phase mixture g + g¢II, which surrounds large particles g¢I. Along with the main phases, the b-phase (ordered with B2 superstructure) and the e-phase (ordered with D024 superstructure) have been found. The effect of deformation and annealing on the volume fraction of phases, as well as on the size and shape of the quasi-cuboids g¢-phase, has been studied. It was found that the effect of deformation on the structure is different from the effect of deformation and annealing, namely, deformation and annealing cause a greater change in the morphology of the g¢-phase quasi-cuboids than deformation without annealing.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):48-55
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The results of the analysis of the processes of degradation of electrodes of lead-acid batteries are presented and modern technologies for preventing the destruction of electrodes and extending their service life are considered. The relationship between the reliability of storage batteries and their performance is shown. The technologies for producing electrodes by methods of powder metallurgy (cold and hot forming) are described, which ensure the production of consolidated powder composite materials with a homogeneous structure, an increased relative density of 0.9-0.98 for the mesh material and about 0.5-0.6 for the active mass. as well as crack resistance. The efficiency of the application of the spark plasma sintering technology, which ensures the production of electrodes of storage batteries, with the ability to set a wide range of operating properties with minimal time consumption, is considered. Also, the methods of spark plasma sintering make it possible to produce composite materials containing carbon or having a high oxidation state. The advantages of the porous structure of the material, which facilitates deep penetration of the electrolyte and active mass into the electrode grid, are considered. It was revealed that the introduction of acrylic fibers allows to increase the mechanical strength of the mesh material without increasing the cost of the finished product. The possibility of using various carbon-containing components has been studied, which makes it possible to increase the preservation, durability and reliability of storage batteries, as well as the possibility of using sintering processes under pressure on the processes of compaction of powder material. Based on the results of previous studies, the work carried out multicriteria optimization and established the content of 0.46-0.78 mass% of carbon-containing components in the charge, providing increased values of electrical conductivity of the Pb-C composite material of the battery grid, charge rate and capacity of the negative electrode.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):56-67
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A study of the process of granulation of coal particles in a planetary granulator has been carried out. The aim of the work is to determine the possibility of granulation of crushed coal, to study the effect of granulation parameters (particle size distribution, the proportion of liquid binder, planetary and relative rotation speed) on the example of coal on the efficiency of obtaining granules, to determine the stages of granulation. Sieve analysis was used to determine the particle size distribution. The surface of the agglomerates and granules was studied using optical microscopy. It has been established that there are two different ways to obtain coal granules. In the first method, coal particles, crushed to the required granule size, are used as a starting material. The particles are ground in a planetary granulator without adding liquid. The resulting granules are in the form of fragments with rounded edges and tops, as well as smooth compacted edges, the strength of the granules is equal to the strength of the initial material, the surface is not subject to destruction from friction, dusting, since it is compacted. In the second method, particles with a fraction of less than 1.25 microns are used, water is added as a binder, and the process of rolling with the formation of granules occurs. During granulation, the formation of plates on the end walls of the drum was found, consisting of dust obtained as a result of grinding large particles. Measurement of the particle size under an optical microscope showed that the maximum particle size in the composition of the plates is 1.25 microns. The study of the particle size distribution of the plate from the end surface of the drum is a new way to determine the required particle size of the starting material for granulation by rolling .
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):68-76
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The structural-phase state of ultrafine grained nickel obtained by equal-channel angular pressing deformation was investigated by the method of transmission electron microscopy. At equal-channel angular pressing the samples were subjected to shear deformation by compression along two intersecting 1200 channels of equal diameter at temperature T = 4000C without intermediate annealing. The number of passes corresponded to N = 4. The study of the grain structure was carried out. According to the dislocation structure, the grains were classified into three types: 1) dislocation-free grains - the smallest grains without substructure (they have practically no dislocations), 2) larger grains containing chaotically distributed dislocations or a net substructure, and 3) the largest grains with a cellular or fragmented substructure. All grains are anisotropic. For each type of grain, as well as for the material as a whole, distributions for longitudinal and transverse grain sizes are constructed. The average value of the scalar dislocation density was calculated for each type of grain and for the material as a whole. The highest value of scalar dislocation density was found in the grains of the second type. It was found that equal-channel angular pressing resulted in the formation of stable (NiO and Ni2O3) and metastable (Ni4N and Ni3C) second phases in ultrafine grained nickel. It has been proved that the particles of the second phases have nanometer size and are localized inside (Ni2O3), at the boundaries of (Ni4N, Ni3C) grains, as well as in their junctions (NiO). Located on the boundaries and at the joints of the grains, they prevent the movement of the boundaries and thus stabilize the structure of ultrafine-grained nickel.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):77-84
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The article presents the results of the market research of applied simulation programs from the point of view of the possibility and expediency of using the latter in the development or optimization of technological processes at domestic machine-building enterprises. The features of technological processes of mechanical engineering and aircraft construction at domestic enterprises are analyzed. The main stages of the development of simulation modeling programs and the features of modifying application programs at these stages are studied. The features of the production of metal-intensive products and semi-finished products are studied from the point of view of the feasibility of simulation modeling of these processes. The expediency of conducting simulation modeling of machine-building industries is determined, which provides adequate analysis results at minimal cost compared to other modeling methods. The main criteria for selecting a specific simulation software are defined. It is noted that the most important advantage of software systems is not the ability to visualize the results of mathematical modeling of technological processes, but the ability of the program to apply various available analysis mechanisms, such as sensitivity analysis, optimization of the production environment, the use of the Monte Carlo method, the possibility of scenario analysis. It is determined that an extensive set of analytical tools of software environments (bottleneck analysis, statistical data and graphs) helps to evaluate various production scenarios. Various simulation modeling programs are considered, representing both domestic and foreign developments that are advisable to use in the design and optimization of mechanical engineering processes. It is established that all the analyzed programs provide production planning, design of production facilities and productivity planning, process improvement, analysis of weak points, optimization of the production cycle, optimization of resources: personnel and equipment, provide planning of stocks (in particular, work-in-progress and raw materials). In this article, the ranges of application of these programs are defined. The price range of simulation software environments suitable for modeling production processes of mechanical engineering has been established.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):85-92
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The brand-new friction clutch for mechanical engineering, with the complex relative movement of the effective area points on the friction pairs has the following advantages: higher smoothness of turning on and off, lower noise and vibration levels, as well as lower uniform wearout of the effective areas on the friction pairs. This requires reducing the contact temperatures in the zone of the frictional interaction. The in-depth research of the thermal and wearout processes is required. Objective: the development of the complex mathematical model for the thermal and wearout processes of the brand-new friction clutch for mechanical engineering (with the complex relative movement of the effective area points on the friction pairs) by improving the existing mathematical models, considering the kinematic and constructional features of the brand-new friction clutch. Methods Applied: the mathematical modeling of the thermal and wearout processes, the experimental design technique, the laboratory experimentation, the comparative and statistical data analysis of the experimental results. The complex mathematical model, which describes the regularities of the energy release, the heat transfer, and the wearout of the friction clutch with the complex relative movement of the effective areas on the friction pairs, is proposed. The new analytic dependences were obtained: the dependence between the coefficient of sliding friction (for the effective areas on the friction pairs of the friction clutch), the wearout of friction materials, the temperature and the relative speed of the effective area points; the dependence between the thermophysical parameters of friction materials and the temperature. The universal correlation expression for the dependence between the relative speed of the effective area points on the friction pairs of the friction clutch and the heat transfer coefficients for the internal and external convection is proposed. It was found that the results of the mathematical modeling cognate with the experimental results. The developed complex mathematical model stand by the numerical experimentation for the brand-new friction clutches of various designs. The experimental results can be used to obtain the optimal parameters for the friction clutches of various designs.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2021;23(4):93-101
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