Vol 20, No 4 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/269
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v20i4
An overview of methods for producing ceramic-metal composites (cermets), based on titanium carbide and iron, which are also called carbide-steels and ferrotics. It is shown that the traditional methods of powder metallurgy and foundry technology are long-term and energy-intensive. The results obtained earlier are presented to use the process of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) for obtaining TiC-Fe and Al2O3-TiC-Fe cermets both from elemental powders and from oxides by aluminothermic reduction. Own results on coupling of reactions of SHS of titanium carbide and reduction of iron from oxide by aluminum (aluminothermic reduction) and carbon (carbothermic reduction) are described in more detail. It is shown that in the case of aluminothermic reduction, it is advisable to use as a charge (Ti+C)+x(Fe2O3+2Al) a mixture of thermite (Fe2O3+2Al) and carbide (Ti+C) granules, separately prepared from the original powders. In the case of carbothermic reduction, there is no need to granulate the charge from a total mixture of powders (Ti+C)+x(Fe2O3+3C). The combustion of these SHS charges proceeds quietly in a simple open-type reactor in an air atmosphere, without ejections of the initial reactants and products of SHS. Combustion products are highly porous, easy-to-grind cakes of Fe(Al)-Fe3Al-Al2O3-TiC or Fe-TiC cermet powders. Presented applications of the coupled combustion process are distinguished by energy saving, simple technology and equipment, cheap source components, good properties of the synthesized cermet powders, that determines the prospects of the organization of their competitive industrial production for use as abrasive materials, wear-resistant coatings, the initial powders for fabrication of compacted wear-resistant components and billets by powder metallurgy.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):5-14
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The object of the study are powder steels with different forms of carbon. The aim of the work was to study the possibilities of obtaining powder steels with enhanced operational and mechanical properties through the use of various carbon components in the powder mixture. The properties and structure of powdered steels with different carbon nature are considered: colloidal and thermally expanded graphite, carbon nanotubes. The steels were obtained in two ways: 1) pressing in a mold at a pressure of 600 MPa, followed by sintering in vacuum at 1000 °C for 2 hours; 2) spark plasma sintering (IPA) at 950 °C, 5 minutes, under a pressure of 30 MPa. Powders of graphite was introduced in the amount of 1 wt. %, powder taunite - 0.3 wt. % The structure and properties were investigated by standard methods for powder steels. The microstructure, grain sizes, microhardness were investigated using X-ray diffraction, microdurometric analyzes, optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy; determined hardness, strength, coefficient of friction. It was established that with the addition of carbon powders of various modifications, after sintering, a different structural-phase composition with a pearlite base is formed, which affects the physical and mechanical and tribological properties. It is shown that spark plasma sintering ensures the formation of a practically non-porous structure of powder steels and a higher level of physical and mechanical properties as compared to sintering without the application of pressure. It has been established that a short time of isothermal exposure during spark plasma sintering contributes to the formation of an anomalous microstructure containing some carbon nanotubes in free form, which improve the tribological characteristics of steels.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):15-23
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Features of Formation of Gradient Porous and Compact Porous Powder Structures by Selective Laser Sintering of Titanium Grade VT1-0 Spherical Powder
The possibility of using selective laser sintering (SLS) to obtain gradient porous and compact porous powder structures by surface melting of powder particles while maintaining a solid core is shown. In order to study the kinetics of contact formation, it was proposed to assume the minimum energy value of a single laser pulse as the value at which a certain structural element having a diameter equal to the diameter of the laser beam focal spot and the thickness equal to the powder particle average diameter, is obtained. The temperature distribution on the surface of the VT1-0 titanium powder structural element of the fractional composition (-0.315+0.2) mm and (-0.4+0.315) mm was investigated when exposed to a single laser pulse of various power and duration. It is shown that the powder particles in the central zone of the focal spot are heated to temperatures of 1900-2000 K, while particles outside this zone are heated to temperatures of only 900-1000 K and do not participate in the process of contact formation. Established the ranges of SLS technological modes, under which stable contact formation of titanium powder particles of the studied fractional compositions takes place. The possibility of forming gradient porous and compact porous powder structures by controlling the parameters of pulsed laser exposure was experimentally shown. It has been found that accurate dosing of energy and the number of pulses of laser radiation results in minimal shrinkage of powder layers within the absence of particle conglomeration, control the structural characteristics and properties of products, microstructure and phase composition preservation of the original materials. The technology allows providing intralayer and interlayer powder sintering of different fractional compositions with a given structure gradient with minimal disruption of the initial geometry of the particles.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):24-33
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Seals condition monitoring from thermal-extended graphite based on optical fiber technologies
The research work is devoted to current-day problem critical nodes diagnostics of modern industrial factories. The leakproofness of releasable joints is an important condition of equipment performance in oil and gas, processing and chemical industries. Nowadays viscoelastic seals are commonly used to ensure the leakproofness of releasable joints. Thermal-extended graphite is relating to viscoelastic material and it described in this article. Timely diagnostics of releasable joints allows to increase turnaround interval. Authors come up with a technical decision of monitoring condition of releasable joints during the exploitation. Decision is based on fiber - optic technologies. The research has an interdisciplinary nature, it is based on the junction of materials science and integrated optics. Thermally expanded graphite seal design with embedded fiber-optic sensors is revealed in the article. The informative parameters of the experiment were determined, these parameters allow to accurately monitor the state of releasable joints.Technical specifications of integrable fiber Bragg gratings that allow to use fiber Bragg gratings at the experiment without signal loss passing trough fiber optic. The gasket was exposed to compression on a special stand to 150 N·m - 400 N·m - 750 N·m. Then leak test is carried out by applying pressure to the system from 0 to 40 MPa with a step 10 MPa. The dependences of the selected informative parameters on external loads (bolt torque and pressure in the system) are considered. Theoretical calculations the stress-strain condition of seals were associated with data from fiber - optic sensors during bolt tightening and pressure supply. The efficiency of the developed technical decision for the diagnostics of the seal condition was experimentally proved.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):34-42
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The work is devoted to the study of the mechanism of shock-abrasive wear (AIM) as one of the poorly studied types of mechanical wear. Machines and mechanisms of the oil, mining, construction and road sectors are more susceptible to abrasive wear. One of the ways to improve the wear resistance of materials subjected to AIM is the introduction of alloying elements into their composition. The influence of the chemical composition of the powder material on impact-abrasive wear resistance was determined and the effectiveness of the introduction of carbon, nickel and chromium into the powder materials was substantiated. The analysis of existing works and conducted studies have shown that increasing the wear resistance of compact and powder steels by known methods does not provide them with the necessary combination of properties. The paper shows the possibility of increasing the shock-abrasive wear resistance of compact and powder materials due to the damping of impact energy in composite samples consisting of layers of wear-resistant steel and an elastic-dissipative substrate. It has been established that the use of elastic substrates reduces the wear of a composite material due to the absorption and dissipation of the impact energy. A feature of the AIM mechanism of a composite material with the use of an elastic-dissipative substrate and the influence of its properties on the wear rate are disclosed. To study the impact-abrasive wear resistance of a composite material, samples were made consisting of a layer of wear-resistant steel and an elastic damping layer. The elastic damping layer was attached to the wear-resistant layer using hot and cold vulcanization technology. Testing of composite samples on AIM was carried out on a special installation. Further research directions are identified.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):43-50
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The paper presents research results of the consolidation of mechanically activated mixture of Ti-SiC-C. Mechanical activation of the powder system is an effective pre-treatment of mixtures, providing they are non-equilibrium state and activation of the processes of phase formation, shrinkage during sintering. The consolidation of the mechanoactivated powder mixture Ti-17SiC-17C (wt.%) was studied using the thermomechanical analyzer SETSYS Evolution 24 in the temperature range of 20-1500 °C. The curves of compaction and shrinkage rate in the temperature function are obtained. Temperature ranges for active processes of shrinkage and phase transformations are determined. The temperature points corresponding to the transformations in the mixture during heating are about 650, 850, 1050, 1175, 1200, 1250 and 1300 °C. Active diffusion processes are reflected in a significant change in the shrinkage rate from 18 to 5 µm/min in the range of 750-850 °C. At T > 850 °C, the change in shrinkage rate is due to polymorphic transformation in titanium. In the range of 1050-1300 °C shell structures of Ti5Si3 and TiC on the surfaces of titanium particles are formed. Here, the shrinkage rate slowed down and oscillate in the range 0-9 µm/min. At T > 1300 °C cessation of shrinkage due to the formation of intermediate phases TixSix formed ternary carbide Ti3SiC2 due to the interaction with Ti5Si3 TiC. The final product of the sintering mixture is a composite material TiC/SiC/Ti3SiC2. The activation energy of sintering from the usual exponential Arrhenius equation was calculated from the graphical dependences ln (Δ L / L 0) = f (1/ T ) for the characteristic temperature ranges 300-650, 650-850, 850-1000, 1000-1200 °C. Low values of the activation energy during sintering are due to a large number of active grain boundaries and other defects in the crystal structure of the powders formed as a result of intense deformation during mechanical activation.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):51-56
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In this work the structure, elemental and phase composition of the diamond-matrix transition zone of a diamond tool for dressing abrasive wheels, fabricated using a new hybrid technology were studied. The hybrid technology consists in combining processes of diamond thermal diffusion metallization with carbide-forming metals and sintering of diamond containing matrix based on carbide powder mixture with copper impregnation in one operation cycle (heating and cooling) of a vacuum furnace. In the hybrid technology, each diamond grain is tightly wrapped in a thin copper foil with carbide-forming metal powder distributed around diamond grains. Due to compact arrangement of carbide-forming metal powder particles around the diamond grains and the shielding effect of copper foil favorable conditions are created that ensure the effective thermal diffusion metallization of the diamond during the sintering of the matrix. It was established by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy, that a metallized coating chemically bonded to diamond is formed on the diamond surface, which provides durable diamond retention in copper-impregnated carbide matrix at given temperature-time regimes and the sintering conditions specified in the experiment. In this case, the structure and microhardness of the matrix, with the exception of the areas immedi- ately adjacent to the diamond-matrix transition zone, remain the same as the matrix of the carbide powder mixture sintered in the absence of chromium. Comparative tests of the same type of ruling pencils were carried out, which showed the high efficiency of the hybrid technology for obtaining diamond-containing composites for instrumental purposes. An increase in the value of the specific productivity of the diamond pencil produced by the hybrid technology was achieved by 44.66 % compared to the same indicator of the same type diamond pencil obtained according to the traditional sintering scheme without the metallization of diamond grains.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):57-66
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Optimization of gel-casting parameters in aquatic “Titania - PVA” solutions for 3d-printing
The research object in this article is 3D-printing as the most prospect branch among additive technologies. The purpose was to investigate if gel-casting slurries would be applicable to 3d-printig of ceramics and to define methods of control for the most important properties of slurries. Gel-casting is a process of ceramics creating with the usage of powder materials and polymer solutions (gelation agents) that form structuring grid (gelation process), and the process was used due to it’s prospects in acquiring durable samples. The “TiO2 - aquatic solution of PVA” slurries that had been tested previously were used in this work. As the means of viscosity control four additions to gelation agent were used, that are glycerol, propylene glycol, Tween 80 and polymethacrylate ammonium; 10 % (vol.) of each were used. During the research it was found out that there’s a property that affects 3D-printing the most - slurry drying rate. After multiple test it was found out that some suspensions can demonstrate “relaxing” effect after the delay by showing different viscosity at different delay times. Such result may tell us about the effect of gel-casting process, which is proved by further research. In this paper the importance of controlling methods combination for acquiring the best result is shown. The usage of a simple 3D-printer in this research allows us to tell about possibility to project the developed technology onto more complex systems of additive manufacturing. Slurries with Tween 80 and propylene glycol showed adequate fluidity, however further control of drying rate is required.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):67-71
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Technological recommendations about laser heat threatmens of powder pseudo-alloy FeC1Cu15
The purpose of the study is to improve the performance characteristics of powder pseudo-alloy materials using surface heat treatment. Such materials have unique properties, for example, self-lubrication under dry friction conditions, high thermal conductivity coefficient, and high electro-erosion resistance. The disadvantage of powder pseudo-alloys is their relatively low strength. The paper considers the method of surface hardening by high-energy treatment - laser radiation. The paper describes the method of experimental research, describes the method of obtaining powder material, its chemical composition, shows the equipment used. The results of studies of the microstructure and microhardness of the surface layer of steel-copper powder pseudo-alloy after laser heat treatment (LHT) of a continuous-wave fiber laser with a maximum power of 1 kW are given, LHT modes are indicated, the influence of LHT parameters on the characteristics of the hardened layer is evaluated, a nomogram is given for selection technological regimes of LHT (laser radiation power, beam diameter and speed of movement), allowing to obtain the required microhardness and depth of the hardened layer by specifying a certain power density value. The correctness of the appointment of technological regimes using nomograms verified by experimental studies. The distribution of microhardness over the depth of the hardened layer, as well as the dependence of the microhardness on the depth of the hardened zone in various LHT modes, is shown. It has been established that the microhardness of the surface layer after LHT reaches 900-1000 HV (67-69 HRC), which significantly exceeds the hardness values obtained by classical volumetric heat treatment (43-45 HRC), which is associated with higher heating and cooling rates when using laser radiation as a heat source.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):72-77
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In the course of the study, the modes of obtaining composite powders of multiphase intermetallic compounds based on compositions were experimentally tested Ni-14wt.%Al + Fe-57wt.%Al and Ni-14wt.%Al + Ti-57.5wt.%Al in a planetary ball mill and their subsequent mixing on the process of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. It is shown that the optimal mode of mechanoactivation in the systems under consideration, which ensures the maximum completeness of the transformations to obtain the desired phase composition in composite powders, depends on the type of base and the aluminum content. It was established that the SHS compositions obtained during the synthesis process either almost completely inherit the structure after their mechanical activation in a planetary ball mill (Ni-14wt.%Al + Fe-57wt.%Al) or undergoing recrystallization in the synthesis process (Ni-14wt.%Al + Ti-57.5wt.%Al) form the TiNiAl2 ternary phase. Separate chemical elements were not detected in the synthesis product. The average particle size after grinding SVS powders in a planetary mill was 0.5-3.0 microns. The specific surface area of the SHS powder is 6.1 m2/g for the SHS composition by Ni-14wt.%Al + Fe-57wt.%Al and 4.0 m2/g - Ni-14wt.%Al + Ti-57,5wt.%Al; bulk density - 1131.9 kg/m3 and 1333.2 kg/m3, respectively.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):78-87
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This paper presents the experience of developing the production technology of copper-chromium composite material, which is used for the manufacture of electrodes of high-voltage vacuum switching devices. The difficulties in creating such composites are related to the need to meet various and often mutually contradictory requirements for materials of contacts for switching current in vacuum. These materials must have high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity; have high mechanical strength and hardness, both at room temperature and at elevated temperatures; to have a minimum tendency to welding and sticking in contact during the passage of a strong electric current; to contribute to the rapid recovery of the electrical strength of the vacuum gap after breaking the contact and quenching the vacuum arc. A comparison of the materials obtained by different technologies, in particular those obtained by sintering in a vacuum, in a reducing atmosphere and by electric arc melting, is presented. The specific resistance of composites was evaluated using a model of a two-component mixture of randomly distributed grains of components. Methods of powder metallurgy allow to obtain composite materials from such non-forming alloys of metals as copper and chromium, which best meet the requirements for electrical contacts of high-current vacuum equipment. Composites are produced by cold pressing of powder mixtures of electrolytic copper and aluminothermic chromium followed by sintering in vacuum. It have better electrical conductivity compared to the materials produced by electric arc melting. Developed in the Centre of Powder Material Science (Perm National Research Polytechnic University) copper-chromium composite Cu65Cr35 is used as billets for the contacts arc chambers series KDVK, KDVN etc.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):88-94
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Study of the use of high alumina cement in the production of proppants for hydraulic fracturing
In connection with a sharp decline in demand for alumina cements with a high content of binders produced by the Pashysky Metallurgical and Cement Plant, the possibility of using the product for the production of proppants for hydraulic fracturing was investigated in order to preserve the existing production volumes. Using a method of mechanical granulation of pre-modified and plasticized alumina raw materials with a high content of binders, a proppant with a low bulk density and a set of functional properties that meet the requirements of GOST R51761-2013 for medium and large depth wells was obtained. The modifier was selected and the optimal technological parameters were experimentally determined (modifier amount, granulation modes, roasting temperature) to obtain proppant based on alumina raw materials. In accordance with the requirements of GOST R51761-2013, the main functional properties of the obtained proppant were determined: bulk density, particle shape, crush resistance, chemical resistance and phase composition of the material obtained. Bulk density was determined by the gravimetric method. The parameters of the shape and size of the particles were examined on an optical microscope using the VideoTest-Structure image analysis program. The crush resistance was determined after loading and holding the sample on a hydraulic press with the subsequent determination of the number of destroyed particles. Chemical stability was determined by the change in mass after etching in standard etchants. The phase composition was determined using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray phase analysis. It has been established that after modifying and plasticizing the raw materials, it is possible to granulate the resulting mixture to obtain the desired shape and size, and to bake the obtained granules at lower temperatures to obtain the desired set of functional properties.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):95-107
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Research of the effect of rare-earth elements on ceramic materials based on ZrB2 - SiC (20 vol. %), obtained by spark plasma sinter
The distinctive ability of ultra-high-temperature ceramics (UVTK) is its ability to be exposed to prolonged exposure to oxidizing environments at temperatures up to 2000 °C, without losing its strength characteristics. It is this property that makes this type of material promising for use in the aerospace and energy industries. One of the most well-known ultra-high-temperature materials are borides based on zirconium and hafnium, dispersion strengthened by particles of silicon carbide and refractory compounds (silicides, carbides, nitrides). At the moment, zirconium diboride is one of the most well-known materials among ultrahigh-temperature ceramics due to its high melting point (3245 °C), high thermal conductivity, good heat resistance, low thermal expansion coefficient, retention of strength at elevated temperatures and stability in extreme environments. In this work, the effect of rare-earth elements on the sintering processes of materials based on ZrB2 - SiC (20 vol.%) Obtained by the method of plasma spark sintering is investigated. Composite ceramic materials based on ZrB2 - 20 vol.% Were obtained at the plasma spark sintering unit at a temperature of 1700 °C. % SiC with the addition of oxides of rare earth elements, the content of which ranged from 0 to 5 vol. %. The isothermal holding time was 3-5 min, the pressing pressure was 30 MPa. It is established that an increase in the time of isothermal exposure leads to a decrease in porosity. The influence of the content of oxides of rare-earth elements on the compaction processes during sintering of ultra-high-temperature ZrB2-SiC-based ceramics, the microstructure and the phase composition is investigated.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(4):108-116
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