Vol 20, No 2 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/271
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v20i2
The influence of different types and conditions of deformation on the structure, the character of the fracture and the properties of the triple Heusler alloy Ni47Mn42In11 was studied. The annealed alloy was deformed by rolling at room temperature and upsetted at temperatures of 77, 300 and 873 K. Strain was varied from 4 to 90%. The structure of the alloy in the annealed condition and after deformation was studied by optical metallography method. The features of the fracture surfaces were revealed with the help of scanning electron microscopy. After annealing the alloy was in polycrystalline condition with an average grain size of ≈200-500 μm. The structure of the annealed alloy at room temperature is two-phase consisting of a high-temperature L21-phase and martensite crystals. On the brittle fracture surfaces martensite packets are detected located at some angle relative to each other. Martensite packets contain predominantly parallel martensitic crystals. After all types of deformation traces of brittle fracture of material with deformed or destroyed martensite crystals are seen on the fracture surfaces. After rolling and upsetting with strain of up to 10 % there are macrocracks passing through the martensite packets on the fracture surfaces. After the upsetting at T = 300 K with the strain up to 90 % microcracks were found within crystals of martensite. After the upsetting at T = 873 K there were not cracks on the fracture surface but a deformed martensite structure was observed. The deformation by rolling resulted in the grain size refinement of the investigated alloy up to 60 μm. After deformation by different methods the microhardness was increased reaching its maximum values after deformation by rolling. As a result of deformation by rolling the average value of the microhardness was increased more than 1,5 times.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):5-11
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The occurrence and propagation of cracks in products made of heat-resistant nickel alloys during surfacing, welding and additive technologies associated with the use of highly concentrated energy sources is a significant problem that reduces the quality of products. The tendency to form hot cracks in welding and surfacing is determined by the composition and quality of the alloys, structural factors - grain size and structural heterogeneity, composition of filler materials and welding and surfacing technology. When surfacing at low speeds, the rate of crystallization of the weld metal decreases, its area, width and the high-temperature weld zone increase, which causes a decrease in the intensity of the build-up of the welding stresses, which relax in a large volume of the weld and near-shock zone. The paper presents the results of the investigation of the influence of the parameters of the argon-arc and laser surfacing regime on the structure formation, properties and propensity of high-temperature nickel alloys to crack formation under different methods of surfacing. Alloys with a large structural heterogeneity, especially due to dendritic liquation and predominantly with larger grains, have an increased tendency to form hot cracks. The structure of nickel alloys, given a balanced chemical composition, is not always a guarantee of good crack resistance. As practice and results of research show, the choice of technology and parameters of the surfacing regime is often crucial. It has been established that the argon-arc surfacing of a nickel alloy in combination with an additional ultrasonic action creates a modifying effect of increasing the phase dispersion. The combination of favorable structural parameters - fine-grained g-solid solution and increased dispersion of g¢-phase, which is realized under argon-arc surfacing with additional ultrasonic action at optimal conditions, leads to an increase in the microhardness and heat resistance of nickel alloys. Cracks and porosity under the optimal surfacing regime are not fixed.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):12-19
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Research of the multifactorial dependences of the dimensions of microholes on the basic parameters of the electrical discharge machining
The article presents the results of investigations of the dependences of the diameter of micro-holes on the main parameters of the process of electrical discharge drilling in a hard alloy, including deep microholes with a length-to-diameter ratio of more than 15-20. Based on the results of the multifactorial experiment conducted on the electrical discharge machine model 04EP-10MF2, mathematical models of four-factor dependences of diameters at the inlet and outlet in the form of power and linear functions were obtained. For the mathematical models received, a statistical evaluation of the results of the experiment on the indicator of model adequacy was made. A comparative evaluation of the degree of accuracy of the received models was made by comparing the relative errors at each point in the experimental planning matrix. It is established that the accuracy for linear functions is higher than for power functions, both in terms of the average relative error and the maximum relative error. From the received mathematical models and graphs constructed in accordance with them, it is evident that with an increase in the diameter of an electrode-tool, the depth of a hole, and the electrical processing modes (energy and frequency of a pulses), with other constant parameters of the process, a hole diameter increases. The most significant parameter, influencing the hole sizes in electrical discharge drilling, besides the diameter of an electrode-tool, is the energy of electrical pulses. The received mathematical models allow selecting the optimal diameter of an electrode-tool and assigning optimal processing modes (pulse energy and pulse frequency) depending on the necessary diameter of the hole being treated.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):20-26
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How elastic response affects dimensional geometric characteristics of an extended compact that is been obtained from a waxy material by mouthpiece extrusion
The production of cast billets of high accuracy, the surface of which does not require additional machining, is one of the priority production tasks. Investment casting is a method that solve this problem. In the production of melted models by cold pressing of powders of waxy compositions, high dimensional geometric parameters of molded articles are achieved, characterized by the absence of shrinkage defects. However, the elastic response of the compacted material is a disadvantage of this method of forming extended sections of the melted models. This, in some cases, leads to an increase in the dimensions of the compact in the longitudinal pressing direction by 0.7-1.2 %, and in the transverse direction by 0.4-0.5 %. This effect is difficult to predict due to the uneven distribution of density in the volume of the resulting compacts. To design a tools, we need to manage the dimensions of extended compacts, including those with a variable cross-section and complex configuration. The purpose of our experiment is that we want to establish the possibility of controlling the magnitude of the elastic response of an extended section of a melted model obtained by extruding a waxy powder powder through the mouthpiece without preheating it. In this paper we present the results of a series of experiments on the regulation of the magnitude of the elastic response of a material during the simulation of the process of obtaining extended compacts obtained by extrusion through a mouthpiece. The extrusion velocity was a variable parameter in the experiment. The parameters recorded are: the load created in a cylindrical piston filled with a waxy material fraction, the temperature of the extruded material, the density and the magnitude of its elastic response along the length of the resulting compact. The unevenness of the distribution of properties is reduced due to a change in the rate of formation of compacts, this allowed us to predict the final dimensions of the molding, which are important for the design of press tools.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):27-34
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The article is devoted to the comparative study of the resistance of the cutting part of the tool (high-speed steel P18, hard alloy VK8, diamond CVD) at turning different grades of plastics (F-4, PA-6, F-4K20), for determination of machinability by cutting for each brand of plastic. In the laboratory, the optimal cutting conditions were selected in terms of maximum durability and processing capacity. The cutting depth was chosen equal to the allowance for processing, reducing the processing time as much as possible. Feed was selected from the conditions to ensure the required roughness of the surface of the part: to ensure Ra 3.2 microns required feed 0.3 mm / rev, Ra 1.25 microns-0.2 mm/rev, Ra 0.63 microns - 0.1 mm / rev. The cutting speed was chosen for reasons of ensuring a rational ratio of tool life and machining performance: for F-4 cutter from R18 the optimal range of cutting speeds 150-200 m/min, PA-6 cutter from VK8 - 250-300 m/min, for F-4K20 cutter from CVD - 500-600 m / min. The durability comparative tests were carried out under production conditions LLC "Kedron" in turning parts of type "Ring" of three different grades of plastics: F-4, PA-6, F-4К20. When processing F-4 tool life of R18 amounted to T = 250 min, the tool life of the VK8 amounted to T = 300 min. Use water-based coolant has no impact on durability. When processing a PA-6 without coolant tool life of R18 amounted to T = 20 min, tool life of the VK8 amounted to T = 150 min; when turning with a water-based coolant on tool life of R18 amounted to T = 25 min, the tool life made of VK8 T = 200 min. In processing F-4К20 tool life from VK8 amounted to T = 25 min, tool life of chemically deposited diamond CVD amounted to T = 500 min. Use water-based coolant has no impact on durability. It is shown that different grades of plastics, despite the apparent similarity (as in the case of the material F-4 and its composition F-4K20), may differ significantly from each other on the criterion of machinability cutting, due to their abrasive properties, which are manifested in machining.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):35-42
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Low-flow rate centrifugal compressor stages primary design specificity
Gas-dynamic design of the centrifugal compressor stage begins with the selection of the basic dimensions based on certain rules - the rules of primary design. The Universal modeling method is developed at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and is successfully used in design practice. Its recommendation for the impeller entrance dimensions focuses on the relative velocity minimization. The blades’ inlet angle is selected from the condition of non-incidence entrance. Recommendations are justified when designing stages with medium and large flow rates. The comparison of primary design principles by universal modeling Method (minimizing the speed at the entrance to the impeller and providing a no incidence entrance on the design mode, while the inlet blade angles are small, long inter-blade channels, the loss coefficient is increased) and Clark firms (optimizing the shape of the inter-blade channels by increasing the inlet angle of the blades and increasing the flow coefficient by reducing the height of the blades on the design mode, while there is a positive incidence angle and large kinetic energy at the entrance) was made. The analysis is based on the example of a stage with a design flow rate coefficient 0.015 and a loading factor 0.70. The results of stages calculations by the program inviscid quasi-three-dimensional calculation of 3 DM.023 and the program of the Method of universal simulation was compared. Analysis of velocity diagrams and calculations of the characteristics of low-flow stages showed that, due to small blade angles, the impeller loss factor is large, but can be reduced when the proposed new recommendations for primary design are fulfilled.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):43-54
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Designing CAD-models for calculating thermal stresses
The paper describes the technique of designing computer (CAD) casting models with an internal adjustable cellular structure of the Wigner-Seitz type and the sequence of their preparation for the numerical calculation of the stress state in the system of the casting model-the ceramic shell mold. The advantage of this type of cell in front of the standard square and triangular cellular structures is the appearance of moments in the nodes of the cell design, which significantly reduces the expansion of the design of the molding model during heating. To build a CAD-model, the AutoDesk Inventor Professional software is used. During the design, to create a unit cell Wigner-Seitz, as the cell design used beam cylindrical and semi cylindrical elements. The result of the construction is a sample of a molding model system - a ceramic shell mold. To carry out numerical calculation of stresses in the molding model - ceramic shell mold system, the software complex Ansys Workbench 16.0 is used for heating. The task of the calculation is to determine the maximum stresses in the ceramic shell mold as the temperature rises at a certain rate. To solve the problem, a finite element grid with the required size is created in the design sample. After construction of the grid and its optimization, boundary conditions are set. In this case, the boundary conditions are the thermal load, the standard earth gravity, the restriction of displacement. To increase the calculation speed, the geometry is simplified as much as possible and represents the segment of the calculated sample of the molding model system - ceramic shell mold. The analysis of the calculated data obtained can be represented as the dependence of the stresses in the ceramic shell mold on the heating rate. This method of calculation allows predicting the destruction of the ceramic shell when burning the material of the molding model and adjusting the geometric parameters of the internal controlled cellular structure to reduce the shape rejection and increase the yield of suitable metal castings.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):55-61
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Influence of the thermal mode at joint arc and aluminothermic impact on formation of structure and properties of built-up metal
The enterprises applying technologies with low consumption of resources when receiving metalwares designs most of which important criterion for evaluation of quality is nonvolatile operational durability have considerable competitive advantages The developed technology is directed to recovery of operational characteristics of steel details, including extended, having signs of wear, a metal building-up on their surface. Process is realized as a result of local heating of a steel detail by combined use of powers of arc and aluminothermic influences. The lack of information on such process, structures and properties of the received buiding-up and its connection with parts material defines relevance and demand of results of researches. The main purpose of work is definition of the thermal mode of such impact on a zone of metal building-up of steel elements design at which the required geometrical, structural and strength characteristics received product are reached. Local heating in the considered process can be provided by means supply to a surface of product of heat resulting from joint arc and aluminothermic influence from the extended core electrode (CE), that consists from steel lengthy cover in which thermite filler is concluded. The last represents mix of fractions of oxide of iron, reducer and additives These materials - waste of the machine-building enterprises and metallurgical complex, its utilization is difficult. Process allows to provide return of these materials to production. The main purpose of using the termite material, that fills the cavity of the extended core is to regulate the temperature and supply metal to the building-up zone of the resulting material on the surface of the part - the basis. Slag, formed as a result of the aluminothermic component of the thermal effect on the fusion tub, slows the rate of heat removal from the last. Temperature influence in a zone of contact of the build-up metal with basis is regulated by the current, tension and time of their stay in a zone of thermal influence. After crystallization the chemical analysis of build-up material zone is carried out, the structure, strength and dimensional and geometrical parameters of received product are defined. During the experiment is established. compliance of chemical composition of build-up metal of a zone of thermal influence to the material of basis executed from St3 defined in accordance with GOST 380-2005. Comparison of traditional structures with the structures received in the experimental way has established a number of insignificant distinctions. The parameters of the thermal effect on the joint area of the build-up metal with the basis are determined, at which it corresponds to the required strength and dimensional-geometric characteristics.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):62-74
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Kinetics of atomic ordering by L10-type in non-stoichiometric copper-gold alloy: X-Ray analysis
The ordered equiatomic CuAu (Cu-75 wt. % Au) alloy has been used in practice as a contact material in aerospace control systems. The formation of a superstructure of the L1o type in this alloy leads to a decrease in the resistivity approximately by a factor of 2.5, and resulting in c-domain boundaries increase the strength properties. At present, the technology requires new alloys, with higher strength properties. In this paper are consider a non-stoichiometric gold-copper alloy containing a higher gold content: Cu-80 mass% Au. The physical and mechanical properties of this alloy have not been studied, the kinetics of its atomic ordering has not been discovered, the thermal stability of the ordered CuAuI and CuAuII phases is unknown. The aim of this work is to study the kinetics of atomic ordering in the Cu-80 mass. % Au alloy using the X-ray diffraction analysis method. It is researched that the rate of atomic ordering of the alloy Cu-80 mass. % Au is much lower compared to the well-studied equiatomic CuAu alloy. In this paper, a technique for estimating the degree of long-range order is described, specific examples of calculations based on the obtained X-ray diffraction patterns are given. It is shown that aging of the quenched alloy for 1 month at a temperature of 200 °C does not lead to the formation of a well-ordered state in it. The degree of long-range order after a similar heat treatment of the previously deformed alloy is even lower. It is concluded that the preliminary deformation of the investigated alloy does not lead to an acceleration of the phase transformation, which is not typical for the majority of ordering systems. The work also revealed a high thermal stability of the ordered orthorhombic phase CuAuII. Such a superstructure is characterized by a large number of boundaries of various types, which can be used to harden the material. The obtained results represent both scientific and practical interest.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):75-85
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Improving the quality of the surfaces of products obtained by electrical discharge machining using electrolytic-plasma polishing technology
The actual task is to develop a technology that allows the finishing of surfaces of difficult-to-profile parts made of hard-to-work materials obtained by electro erosion treatment. The purpose of the work is an experimental study of the application of electrolyte-plasma polishing technology for finishing surface of parts obtained by the method of copying and piercing erosion processing. As the processed material, structural alloyed steel 38Х2Н2МА in accordance with GOST 4543-71 was chosen. Electrical discharge machining processing of the sample was carried out on an Electronica smart CNC echo sander. Experiments on electrolyte-plasma polishing of experimental samples after Electrical discharge machining were carried out on a laboratory installation "Polytech-15" with a power of 15 kW. The method of electrolytic-plasma polishing is based on electro-discharge phenomena in the "metal-electrolyte" system, while the workpiece is an anode. Polishing of metals occurs in the stress range 200-350 (V) and current density of 0.2..0.5 (A/cm2). At a voltage of more than 200 (V) around the anode, a stable thin (50-100 μm) vapor-gas shell forms during the transition from bubble boiling to film anode. The electric field strength in the gas-vapor cladding reaches 104-105 (V/cm). Near the microprotrusions, the electric field strength increases, and in these areas microplasma discharges migrating over the surface arise, which provide a complex chemical and physical effect on the surface material of the article. In the course of the study, the change in the roughness of the treated surface was studied. The paper shows the possibility of applying electrolyte-plasma polishing technology to improve the quality of the machined surface of 38Х2Н2МА steel after Electrical discharge machining . It is established that the use of electrolyte-plasma polishing technology within 5 minutes of operation allowed to reduce the roughness of the surface processed by the Electrical discharge machining surface by an average of 5 times. It is shown that in order to obtain a roughness of the machined part surface with a value of Ra 1.6 μm, it is more efficient to use a combination of Electrical discharge machining technologies at regimes No. 2 and electrolytic-plasma polishing.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):86-93
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Method for calculating the stress-strain state of the profiles of the globoid chord and the rotor of the positive displacement motor in the zone of their working contact
The globoid gearing of the abrasive tool and the rotor of positive displacement motor has a number of features: a significant length of the contact line, simultaneous coverage of several rotor teeth, and inhomogeneity of the interaction of the profiles at different sections of the contact line. The nature of the interaction of the profiles should provide the necessary cutting forces in the contact zone. It depends not only on the analytical calculation, which gives numerical values of the intersection of profiles along the normal to the surface of the rotor teeth, but also on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the abrasive layer of globoid chon, which in turn is determined by the type of abrasive material, type of bond, size and spacing of abrasive grains and etc. The intersection of the profiles of the globoidal chon and the rotor is calculated by the methods of the theory of gearing along the normal to the profiles. The actual deformations and stresses in the contact zone depend on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the abrasive layer. Conducting numerical experiments requires the determination of the physical and mechanical characteristics of all known abrasive and diamond tools. In this paper, we present a technique for calculating the physicomechanical parameters of the abrasive layer (Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus) and then calculating the stresses and strains in the contact zone of the globoid chon and the rotor profile of the positive displacement motor. The intersection of the profiles of the rotor and the globoid hone depends on the setting of the tool relative to the part along the normal to the profile (Δ n ). Numerical experiments on changes in stresses and strains, depending on the parameters of the installation of the globoid hone relative to the rotor, made it possible to calculate the numerical values of stresses and strains at different sections of the contact line (φд), as well as a complex of combinations of the parameters of the globoid hone installation (Δ A , Δγ, Δ Z ). The resulting graphs allow to determine the influence of each parameter separately and the influence of a combination of all parameters simultaneously.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2018;20(2):94-103
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