No 24 (2017)
The article considers trends in modern technologies for processing and transmitting information, as well as the current threats to information security caused by this. There are presented specifics of the implementation of computer attacks on corporate networks, there are grounded features of business processes of information processing that generate information leakage channels. Also there are determined the most effective ways to prevent information leakage, through the control of data flows, using DLP-systems and technologies. There are given the information of practical experience of counteraction to information leakage channels, which allowed to formulate the basic principles of combating this phenomenon, and also to formulate basic groups of criteria for evaluating their effectiveness. At the same time, the one of the main factors for choosing a DLP solution is the quantitative detection of information leakage channels. This article gives the statistics of distribution of probabilities of realizations of the most actual threats of information security for the last period. Conclusions are made about the characteristic changes in statistical data. It gives a brief description of the simplex method used as the basis for constructing the model representation. The problem of constructing a mathematical model is formulated. Based on statistical data, using a simplex method, has been developed a mathematical model that describes the change in the probability of the implementation of information leaks through various channels. At the same time, the growth trends in the volume of information resources of corporate systems are taken into account. Based on the received data, two most relevant leakage channels were identified for the period under study, and projections of the situation development were given. In this article was determined the possibility of DLP-systems for monitoring information leakage channels. The prerequisites are formulated for concretizing the research directions of DLP-systems, in order to prevent information leaks in corporate, automated systems for various purposes.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):7-19
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Laying of power cables with insulation from cross-linked polyethylene for 10 kV is carried out in the ground or cable channels, during the laying, there is a need to connect the two building lengths of cables. The connection is made by means of a coupling. The design of the coupling is similar to the cable design, but radially large, for the following reasons: bolted connection of cores and large insulation thickness. When the rated current flows through the core, heat is generated, according to the Joule-Lenz law. Since the coupling has a greater thermal resistance than the cable, the distribution of the temperature fields in it will be excellent. In this article, taking into account the assumptions made and the boundary conditions, a three-dimensional mathematical model of heat transfer processes in the cable line has been developed, taking into account the couplings laid in the ground and located in the air. Numerical realization of the supplied mathematical model was carried out using the finite element method in one of the Ansys software packages in the Fluent environment. The analysis of the operation of the cable line and a cable joint of PvP 1×400 type to a constant voltage of 10 kV is made. As a result of the numerical solution, the temperature and velocity fields in the coupler, power cable and the environment were determined. As a result of the analysis of the obtained results of the distribution of temperature fields, the optimum permissible current loads were determined. The comparison of the cable line capacity with the coupling in the conditions of air cooling and the cases when the environment is ground.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):20-31
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In this article topics of digital video camera identification using sensor pattern noise are concerned. Nowadays the problem of static images and video sequences inspection is one of the most significant. One of the most important tasks is to assign video for concrete camera (techniques using pattern noise). It is usually necessary in crime investigation concerned with child pornography. Image quality depends on lots of factors. Even if sensor has captured equally illuminated picture (for example white piece of paper), digital image will contain various pixel intense. This is partly because of the shot noise (also known as photonic noise), which is a random component, and partly because of the pattern noise - a deterministic component that stays approximately the same if multiple pictures of the exact same scene are taken. In this paper different approaches to identify camera only with video sequences are reviewed. In conclusion the method effectiveness is considered, some perspective areas are reviewed and some recommendations for further research are given.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):32-47
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Software products, currently under development, are complex and highly loaded system, covering various subject areas. To build complex software by using different methods, the choice of which depends on the final goals and also given set of resources. In the early stages of software development, in particular, the formation of the concept of the application, there are often problems associated with the complexity of the perception of the experts of the languages used for domain modeling, which hampers the development process. The paper discusses the issues related to the development of a module of the simulator of virtual reality for Assembly details. The virtual reality simulator is a hardware-software complex, consisting of points of virtual reality, the device Kinect, is designed to track the movements of the user in space and programs, containing a variety of Assembly parts, which are collected to the user. The module is designed to convert items from one format to another. Two approaches to development: using object-oriented approach and using methods of object-oriented programming. Are the module implementation in the programming environment Visual Studio and algorithm development based on object-oriented language. Also, the paper presents the architecture of the module developed on the basis of the object-oriented approach. The comparison of the considered approaches. The approach is based on DSL will enable you to easily add new formats for the presentation of parts in the module of conversion by small changes of the DSL. When using OOP you will need to rewrite algorithms to convert from one format to another.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):48-62
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The price of energy resources is the key indicator of economy worldwide. Process of pricing on energy difficult also depends on a set of factors including from model of the organization of branch. Any changes of form of relationship in branch affect the price for end users. Reform of power in the Russian Federation assumed that the prices of energy have to fall constantly since between producers there will be a competition. In practice increase in prices has remained, and for separate categories of consumers of the retail market its high speed is observed. In 2016 the Ministry of Energy has presented the main directions of reforming of the retail market of energy. The offered changes will have serious consequences for region economy which will be expressed in sharp increase in prices for energy for separate groups of consumers. Calculation of change of cost of energy for various groups at change of the working model of the retail market of energy is given in article. Negative consequences will concern first of all socially unprotected groups of consumers, such as population. The offered market model will allow to achieve the planned objectives and to recover the market, but at the same time will lead to very big problem for the guaranteeing suppliers which is caused by cross subsidizing and state regulation of tariffs for the population. Certain participants of economy, generally small industrial and nonindustrial consumers who considerably will be able to lower the costs of power supply will become the main beneficiaries from realization of new model. On these groups of consumers the main loading of loss of income from cross subsidizing falls today.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):63-78
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One of the scholastic capacious problems discrete mathematicians is a problem of the syntheses of the final automaton, for instance, automaton-recognizer. In she contains practically of all subject: theory of sets, elements of the general algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, coding. This task can be used as complex at estimation of the knowledges, skills and possessions. She good else and that that easy to form the sufficient amount a variant that allows to offer each student its variant. Are well scaled moreover reduction of the length recognized sequences creates the condition for decision of the task within the framework of 15-minute checking test, but when increase - a difficulty sufficient for term paper. Besides, results decisions can be used in discipline "Shemotehnika", under study in the same semester. It describes the procedure for the synthesis of synchronous machine-recognizer specified sequence with recurring symbols for course work on discipline "Circuitry" based on templates as a continuation of laboratory classes. It is shown that in such a pattern-forming unit key code can be implemented based on the encoder, and the logic transition and output - based decoders. Running simulation in NI Multisim 10 firm National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group circuit simulation system. It draws conclusions about the appropriateness of the proposed approach for a simple sequence in the laboratory work and complexity; versions of synchronous machine during the course work students.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):79-90
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In the problems of advance planning of quality of production of machine-building branch at her design determination of the key parameters influencing level of quality of products and their technical condition in use is of great importance. Therefore an important problem of management of quality of products of mechanical engineering is identification of information model of formation of quality as dynamic model. Increase in production the hi-tech products with constantly updated model range demands the organization of serial-parallel performance of stages of preparation of the production allowing to increase efficiency of a designing process. Due to the development of technological progress, the problem of development of the information maintenance of processes of management of quality allowing to perform operational work on elimination and prevention of defects, to define a condition of a control system of quality of design of products at any moment is relevant. Works of the following scientists are devoted to problems of identification of dynamic models of management: M.A. Arbib, R.E. Kalman, P. Falb, N.P. Buslenko, V. Streyts, V.V. Andreyev, E.V. Teslenko and others. These problems are rather studied, however modern high requirements to quality of products set a task of development of the existing researches of scientists in relation to the field of quality management of products. In article the sets of parameters characterizing level of quality of products in certain time points are described, the scheme of management of process of formation of parameters of quality of products of mechanical engineering is provided, the set-theoretic model describing behavior of a dynamic control system of quality at design of products of mechanical engineering is offered. Statements are formulated and proofs of correctness of these statements are described. The offered dynamic model is intended for adoption of design decisions at design of new products and modification of a design already to products.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):91-104
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One of important measurements are temperature measurements. Now, there is enough automated control systems of temperature. Many of the existing systems are intended for application in narrow data domain, have no instruments of flexible setup, do not assume integration with an information system for data storage about the performed measurements and working conditions. Besides the most part of such systems is developed abroad that superimposes serious restrictions regarding information and technological security for their use in certain areas. The operation purpose - creation of automated system for collection and data storage from the sensor of temperature monitoring of an object.Implementation of data collection was executed according to the CAN 2.0 standard. According to the protocol of datalogical exchange on the USART interface the data interchange between the sensor of temperature monitoring of an object and automated system, with a speed of 250 kbps was realized. The automated system is developed for collection and data storage in the environment of visual programming of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7. Work with the CAN 2.0 standard is carried out with the help of USBCAN2.dll library. During operation automated control systems of temperature of objects are analyzed and their merits and demerits are selected. In article technical aspects of implementation of system of collection and data transfer of the sensor of monitoring of heating of an object on the CAN 2.0 interface and also data storage in an information system explicitly are described. The proposed technical solutions allow to develop automated control systems of temperature of an object for collection and data storage and to obtain information on a current status of an object.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):105-120
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In this article, an overview is given of the traditional ways to reduce current surges when the capacitor bank is turned on. The main shortcomings of the presented methods are revealed and an alternative method is proposed - controlled switching. The considered method of controlled commutation allows to significantly reduce the amplitude of current surges when the capacitor battery is switched on due to sequential phase-by-phase switching of the switch phases according to a given algorithm when the current sinusoid passes through zero. Based on the electric network model 6 (10) kV of the power supply system developed in the MatLab / Simulink software package, which includes a source of infinite power, a line with distributed and lumped parameters, a vacuum switch and a reactive load in the form of a capacitor bank, as capacitive loads, The algorithm for controlled switching-on of the capacitor bank is chosen. With the algorithm selected, current surges do not exceed two times the rated current. This algorithm is designed for low voltage networks. For such networks, the use of a mode with isolated neutral is common, the appropriately chosen algorithm has its own peculiarities when capacitor banks is switching. The influence of various factors on the magnitude of current surges, such as network voltage, load power and cable line parameters, is considered. The factors presented are not so significant decreases in current surges and cannot always be applied from the point of view of economic considerations. The main factor affecting the amplitude of current surges when the capacitor bank is switched on is the residual charge on the capacitor, which causes the algorithm to change.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):121-133
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Wastewater treatment is one of the priority tasks of rational nature management. Concentration of pollutants and pathogens in wastewater has increased significantly in recent decades. As a result, existing wastewater treatment methods can't always provide the required purification degree. Maintaining a constant value of the inflow rate of wastewater, typically, requires significant financial costs for the construction and maintenance of special reservoirs. The article suggests further development of a compartmental mathematical model of the biological wastewater treatment process for the case of the piecewise constant hourly inflow rate of wastewater. The model is a system of nonlinear differential equations that takes into account the dynamics of two types of substrate, activated sludge and oxygen concentrations. Threshold functions are used to describe the switching of oxidation processes from organic to ammonium and competition for oxygen. Saturation of microorganisms of activated sludge by substrates and oxygen is accounted for by the Mono function. Original formulas for finding the values of input model concentrations are proposed. The program complex for computer modelling in the Python programming language was written. Parameter estimation is carried out in two stages. First, by using the scanning method, the values of the parameters that provide the minimum of the optimality criterion were found, and then the parameter values were further refined. The computer modelling results, graphs of the model concentrations dynamics and their values at the outlet from the compartments show the adequacy of the model developed for the biological treatment process of water. The proposed formulas and equations for finding the corresponding input and output values of model concentrations, the separation of the aeration tank into compartments, make it possible to find the values of model concentrations at the end of the aeration tank compartments at any time that is necessary for solving prediction and optimal control problems.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):134-149
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In this paper we consider a wall construction constructed using the technology of non-removable formwork. The wall consisting of a formwork, concrete and a layer of a heater is investigated. Formwork itself is needed to form a concrete mixture. This technology means that the formwork after casting of concrete remains as a part of the finished structure and can perform the functions of insulation, noise insulation, etc. The purpose of the work is to analyze the heat efficiency of various materials of such a wall, as well as to assess the influence of some of its elements on the thermal conductivity. In solving this problem, modeling methods and subsequent analysis were used. For modeling, the multifunctional computer program ANSYS, intended for solving problems of mechanics, heat transfer, electrodynamics and other fields of science, has been applied. The program is based on the finite element method. In the experimental part of the work, two formwork materials were compared, this is sawdust concrete and hyperpressed brick. The thermal insulation properties of three different heaters are compared: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam and a backfill insulation - expanded clay. Then, the influence on the thermal conductivity of the transverse walls of the formwork made of different materials is considered. An attempt was also made to reduce the thermal losses in the wall due to a certain arrangement of the elements. As a result of the work, temperature fields were obtained, temperature graphs and diagrams were constructed, thermal flows were calculated through constructions of various configurations, conclusions were drawn about how this or that material or part of the wall affects the thermal conductivity. This work can be useful in the design of more heat-efficient structures.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):150-160
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In this paper, a method of controlled switching for 6-10 kV networks was proposed, in connection with the inefficiency and diseconomy of the traditional ways to reduce inrush current in a power transformer. The connection to the mains of the power transformer can be accompanied by the appearance of a transient process, in which there are inrush currents exceeding in magnitude several times the rated currents of the transformer and several hundred times its idle current. The reasons for the appearance of transient processes are described, as well as the influence of inrush currents on equipment and the methods used to reduce them. The principle of controlled switching is presented and advantages and features of controlled switching are considered. The considered method of controlled commutation makes it possible to significantly reduce the amplitude of current surges when the power transformer is switched on by sequential phase-by-phase switching of the switch phases according to a given algorithm when the current sinusoid passes through zero. On the basis of the electric network model 6 (10) kV power supply system, the algorithm of controlled switching on of the transformer is chosen, in which the current surges do not exceed the rated current of the transformer. The model is developed in the MatLab / Simulink software package, which includes a three-phase power supply, two cable lines, a vacuum switch and a reactive load in the form of a power transformer, as inductive load. This algorithm is suitable for low voltage networks. For such networks, the use of a mode with isolated neutral is common, the appropriately chosen algorithm has its own peculiarities. The influence of various factors on the magnitude of current surges, such as network voltage, load power, the length and cross-section of the cable line, the number of pre-breakdowns in the circuit breaker, and the most important factor is the residual magnetic flux.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):161-177
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The article deals with mathematical model of a synchronous generator. The purpose of this article is to improve the mathematical model of a synchronous generator, described by the Park-Gorev equations for an electric idealized machine. The main methods used in this article are the methods for calculating the inductances of a synchronous machine using known relationships. In the modeling transients the received inductances are corrected at each step of the calculation according magnetization current change. The initial data is the dependence obtained by approximating the experimental data of the no-load test characteristic. In the modeling two models of a synchronous generator were compared, one of them on the basis of the Park-Gorev equations for an idealized electric machine, other model similar, but with the addition of the proposed submodel of saturation of the magnetic circuit. The synchronous generator model was obtained in the MatLab / Simulink simulation environment. The results of the simulation are correlated with the theoretical positions. The resulting transients are mismatched in either statics and dynamics. The proposed model can be useful in analyzing the operation of a synchronous generator automatic control system to obtain close to real experimental data transients.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):178-191
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Calculation or as it is customary to say, the implementation of logical functions since the invention of an electromagnetic relay is one of the most important tasks solved by digital equipment. This kind of macroscopic implementation of binary logic, including, as a variant, the use of even electronics lamps in a key mode was, in a number of cases, almost completely replaced by microrealization - after the invention of transistors in the late 40s of the twentieth century. Then there appeared integrated microcircuits (IC) of a small degree of integration, which allowed to build circuits on "hard" logic. However, in the 60s of the twentieth century, IMSs of medium degree of integration appeared, for example, multiplexers (MS), decoders (DC), which led to the emergence of the concept of "universal logic module". The development of the RAM, programmable read-only memory (PROM), programmable logic arrays (PLM) in the 70s of the twentieth century created the conditions for the appearance of "flexible" logic that the user can change not in the factory. Therefore, the creation of programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGAs) in the late 1980s was a logical continuation of this "flexible" direction of digital circuitry. FPGA type (field-programmable gate array) uses the so-called LUT (Look up Table), a logic function generator made in the form of a MOS transistor tree for implementing a selector multiplexer (one-bit permanent memory with n address inputs), configurable by data inputs for the calculation of only one logical function for a given configuration. The authors developed new logical elements that improve their characteristics. An element is proposed that implements logical system functions, an element that has fault tolerance. The article analyzes the results of modeling these elements in NI Multisim 10 firm National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group for power consumption and delay. It is concluded that they can be used in FPGAs.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(24):192-208
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