Vol 16, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/107
Data of experimental core study for a number of fields of Bashkirian dome is analyzed. Dependencies between parameters of porosity, bulk density and permeability of rocks are established. A representative series of core samples of Visean sandstone are divided into classes of tight formations (non-reservoirs), porous (granular) and super permeable reservoirs by linear discriminant analysis. Application of rock density parameter as an additional criterion to predict permeability values is justified. Each class of reservoirs was statistically analyzed. It is determined that permeability of tight formations (1st class) and super-permeable reservoirs (3rd class) is much less controlled by rock porosity and density than for porous reservoirs (2nd class), that is characterized by stable relationships between permeability coefficients with both porosity and density of rocks. A suggested permeability prediction technique is implemented in construction of a fluid flow model of Visean formation at one of Bashkirian dome deposits where for each reservoir class, multidimensional regression equations were constructed to determine permeability based on integrated effect of porosity and density. A comparison of two calculations of fluid flow models is given. During first calculation permeability is determined by a conventional method. Second calculation is performed by a proposed method where permeability is a function of porosity and density of rocks. Calculations showed a significant improvement in adaptation of a modified model in comparison with conventional approach. Proposed permeability modeling technique is recommended as an initial step in permeability tuning and adaptation of fluid flow model, which consider identified relationships between petrophysical characteristics of a formation.
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Modern level of study of structure of Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field is characterized by implementation of 3D seismic survey, carried out using a rich azimuth seismic survey system with a fold of 240. Complex seismic and geological conditions within this part of Eastern Siberia dictate high requirements to quality of field 3D seismic operations. A geological section of an area of operations is characterized by Lower Proterozoic formations of crystalline basement and Vendian, Cambrian, Jurassic, Quaternary deposits of the sedimentary cover. The main role in structure of the sedimentary cover is played by clastic and carbonate deposits of Vendian and halogen-carbonate formations of Cambrian Period. Productive part of a section refers to Botuobinsk, Khamakin and Talakh suits and is characterized by a very complex structure of natural reservoirs. Study of productive section structure is caused by need to prepare a field for production drilling and its subsequent development. In order to reveal features of structure of productive part of a section in a region with complex seismic and geological conditions, migration is used up to the summation in the deep region. Wide-azimuth observation system is aimed to study the most important challenges of medium structure such as direction and nature of change in fracture, study of azimuthal anisotropy of velocity characteristics of section and identification of characteristics of elastic properties change. Base technologies to study anisotropy of geological section properties are adapted and introduced into seismic exploration technique. They are as follows: 1) a method based on study of geometric attributes; 2) azimuthal analysis of velocities; 3) azimuth AVO-analysis (AVAZ); 4) anisotropic inversion. Based on results of processing and complex interpretation of seismic data of MOGT-3D works at the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field the most important information about geological structure of sedimentary cover deposits and productive section was obtained. That allowed to significantly clarifying concept of structure of productive formations and geological development of this area. It also allowed determining distribution of reservoirs and evaluating reserves with considered new built structural and tectonic model.
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Regularities on how drilling cuttings block pores and fractures of oil-bearing formation are studied. There are complex physical and chemical processes at well bottomhole occur during entering oil-bearing formation by rotary or rope drilling. That is caused by quality of drilling fluid, intensity of washing, rotation of a drill string, presence of cuttings at bottomhole and a drilling technique. There are hydraulic impulse effects with alternating signs in bottomhole formation zone appear during rope drilling that have a significant impact on quality of work. Underestimation of mentioned factors during entering oil-bearing reservoirs leads to decrease in permeability of oil rocks and well production rate. A clear understanding of physical and chemical processes at bottomhole while entering oil-bearing reservoirs and management of these processes allow to avoid reduce in conductivity of reservoir rocks to a large extent and intensify it in some cases. The main conditions to increase efficiency of oil wells drilling are application of such methods of entering and development of an oil-bearing reservoir that ensure preservation of its natural porosity and permeability or contribute to their increase in bottomhole part of a well. Physical and chemical parameters of oil-bearing formation are the governing factor while choosing its entering and development technology. In recent years, great attention has been paid to issues of entering and development oil reservoirs. Parameters such as geological and physical properties of a reservoir, physical and chemical properties of reservoir oil, rocks and washing liquid, hydrodynamic interaction in an "oil reservoir-well" system are not considered enough in a number of cases during entering and development of a formation. That often leads to incorrect conclusions about a possibility to use actual reserves for needs of national economy. Drilling of oil-bearing formations is a technological process, which create a bore hole in a productive oil-bearing formation for equipment of oil part of a well. Bringing a well on production include technological operations that provide installation of equipment into an oil part of a well and restoration of natural oil permeability of a formation or its artificial increase to achieve maximum production rate of a well.
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One of the relevant challenges in development of oil fields is a challenge to increase efficiency of oilfield treatment of hydrocarbons. Solution for that challenge can significantly improve level of oil treatment, reduce hydrocarbon losses with drainage water and thereby improve ecology of the environment and make additional profit for an enterprise. A system of gathering and treatment of water and oil of Karazhanbas field, influence of surface active agents (surfactants) on water-oil emulsions under conditions of the field are studied in the paper. In addition, a chemical demulsifier which has the most efficient properties for field treatment of well production at Karazhanbas field is chosen. Results of laboratory studies of water-oil emulsion, physical and chemical analysis of water composition and new chemical demulsifiers, recommended for pilot tests at Karazhanbas field, are presented. Analisys of results of laboratory studies shows that all test chemicals are inferior to a base demulsifier Randem-2208 by a degree of dehydration. Base demilsifier is inferior to demulsifiers Victory-2, 3 and Rauan-2050 by a degree of desaltation. It is established that demulsifier Victory-1 in comparison with base and other demulsifiers does not show a high demulsifying ability. In coparison with base Randem-2208 demulsifier Victory-2 showed the lowest demulsifying ability with degree of dehydration equal to 60.67 %. In comparison with the base product Randem-2208 demulsifier Victory-3 provides quite good dehydration. Compared to base demulsifier Randem-2208 demulsifier Rauan-2050 has a good demulsifying ability, consumption of demulsifier decreases with increase in water saturation in oil. At the same time, goal-based increase in water saturation of prepeared rheologically complex oil to its ultimate value allows to reduce consumption of demulsifier in several times with no reduce in efficiency oil dehydrationl.
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The paper review efficiency of geological and technological methods (GTM) of bottomhole formation zone (BHFZ) treatment that increase productivity of production wells. Today, according to directional documents, value of skin-effect ( S ) which is determined by calculations based on well-test is the main information to screen a GTM. The greater positive value of S -effect at the same production rates, the earlier it is planned to carry out a GTM on a well. Wells with negative value of S take the last place. The larger value, the less probability of GTM application. There is no relation between S value and parameters of a particular GTM technology. That is caused by physical nature of this dimensionless coefficient. According to directional documents, S gives a generalized virtual assessment of BHFZ state through the principles of good-bad and more-less. Thus, BHFZ characteristics needed to select parameters for a particular technology of GTM application in each well remain unknown. An analysis of real physical objects that constitute structural basis of BHFZ whose properties determine value of S is performed. A historical review of development of this parameter since 1949 is given. It is established that generalized unified characteristic of BHFZ basically reflects its two properties, that are diriment in structural feature that are specific surface of a well drainage system and hydrodynamic resistance of its formation fluid. A technique for determination numerical values of these parameters is proposed. There are examples of application of proposed BHFZ characteristics for analysis of reasons of change in productivity of a production well of Perm region during 4 years of operation and reasons for change in productivity of five more wells after the GTM application are given in conclusion.
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One of the actual challenges in fluid (oil, water and gas) transportation from wells to oil treatment installation is determination of a law of temperature distribution along the length of a pipeline at low ambient temperature. That temperature leads to increase in viscosity and deposition of wax on inner surface of a pipe. To overcome that challenge it is needed to consider several defining characteristics of formation fluid (FF) flow. Complexity of a solution is caused by two factors. From the one hand, in most cases (especially on a late stage of field development) FF is an oil emulsion (OE) that contains gas bubbles. From the other hand, temperature gradient between fluid flow and the environment has significant value (especially in the winter period of the year). At the same time, the higher content of emulsified water droplets (EWD) in OE and lower flow temperature, the higher FF viscosity, and consequently productivity (efficiency) of oil pumping system is reduced. Performed research and analysis of field experimental data showed that a function of oil viscosity versus temperature has a hyperbolic law; a function of OE viscosity versus concentration of EWD has a parabolic one. A heat balance for a certain section of a pipeline in steady state of fluid motion using a method of separation of variables was established taking into account above mentioned factors, Fourier's empirical laws on heat conductivity and Newton's law on heat transfer. As a result, unlike existing works, an exponential law of distribution of temperature along the length of a pipeline is obtained. A law takes into account nonlinear nature of change in viscosity of OE from change in temperature of flow and concentration of water in an emulsion.
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Oil of most of domestic and abroad fields is produced by a flooding of oil-bearing formations method. That leads to intensive mixing of oil and formation water and unavoidable formation of persistent water-oil emulsions. Demulsifiers are used to destroy water-oil emulsions and obtain commercial oil in gathering, transportation and treatment systems. In case of high water cut and certain modes of transportation demulsifiers can be a reason of free water formation. Due to its aggressive behavior water can lead to corrosion of a lower part of pipeline system. Therefore, along with demulsifiers a corrosion inhibitor is injected into systems of well fluid transportation. But some demulsifiers, having good washing properties, wash off from internal walls of pipes both an oil film and protective film of corrosion inhibitor adsorbed on them. In turn, some corrosion inhibitors can be emulsifiers, and adding them to a system of intratubular demulsification can have a negative effect on the processes of separation of water from oil. In this regard, compatibility of demulsifiers and corrosion inhibitors is very relevant question. A solution for such problems needs to screen agents that will not reduce demulsifying and protective properties of each other. Oil of South-Khylchuiu field has high paraffin content and positive pour point. So, during transpiration it is needed to take into account that at low temperatures oil reveals non-Newtonian properties. Stop in transportation will possibly show formation of paraffin structures. That can lead to decrease in rate capacity of pipeline and significantly complicate operation. Studies, carried out in the field of transportation of oil with high paraffin content, revealed that in order to improve transportation of high-hardening oil and heavy oil products it is possible to use substances such as flow stimulators (depressant additives). This method does not require large additional capital costs. With a sufficiently wide development of production of additives it can be economically more profitable compared to other methods of transportation.
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During the last years of development of Verkhnekamsk potassium salt field (VKPSF) activities that aimed to prevent harmful impact of underground mines on earth's surface and industrial, civil and natural objects located on it and water breakthrough into mines became relevant. One of the main methods to control these phenomena is to backfill empty space with solid wastes of potassium ore processing. Growing volume of backfill works leads to an increase in survey service of mining enterprises, which does instrumental control over fulfillment of design parameters of backfilling mines. In this regard, there are questions raised on automation of processing of results of instrumental measurements of backfill volumes and compiling graphic and text reporting documentation. In order to solve this problem the authors of the article developed a software module that allows to solve in automated mode most of the tasks that are faced by staff of survey departments of VKPSF mines who monitor compliance with design parameters of volume of backfilling operations. The article provides information on functional possibilities and technical architecture of a software module. Examples of interface solutions and information on volumes of reporting documents being created are given. A developed software module is integrated into created mining and geological information system of Uralkali PJSC. A system is created with direct participation of the authors and provides 21 automated workplaces for various mining specialists (miners, geologists, mine surveyors, geophysicists, geomechanics, environmentalists etc.) starting from the primary link in mines and ending with the management of Uralkali PJSC.
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Increase in complexity and speed of production processes puts forward strong requirements for accuracy of operators' actions, quick decision-making in performance of management functions. Statistical analysis of data on the oil refining industry showed that a refinery with a capacity of 10 million tons of oil per year loses in average $ 4 million only from accidents caused by operator's errors. Around 40 % of accidents and incidents occur due to operator's errors. Reasons for such errors are related to personal qualities, lack of education, training, as well as to factors of low intensity of production environment. A complex of factors of low intensity can lead to hidden up to a certain time “compensated” homeostatic disturbances or modify harmful effect with demonstration of inadequate reactions. The article presents results of study of operators of central control room of two technological departments of high-tech and hazard production (oil and gas) complex to assess combined influence of factors of low intensity of production environment and labor process on work ability and error of actions during labor process. Studies have showed that a long intense functional load on body's systems with influence of factors of low intensity of production environment and labor process lead to development of fatigue and increased tension that operators suffer during day and night shifts. Significant tension of sensory and intellectual systems of the organism with fatigue determines high physiological cost of labor of high-tech production operators. That indicates a need to develop preventive innovative methods to correct a physiological state of operators to improve their performance and take errors off labor, which reduce risk of physical illness.
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Nowadays, active human economic activity leads to significant man-made pollution. In a number of cases geological environment is polluted with hydrocarbons by an accident. That leads to change in physical and mechanical properties of grounds and has negative impact on entire an ecosystem. This work is devoted to identification of regularities and construction of mathematical models for distribution of hydrocarbons along a section on territories of oil refineries, which allow predicting the level of pollution in case of accidental hydrocarbon spills. Obtained information allows estimating changes and predicting bearing capacity of grounds during accidental oil spills. Study of hydrocarbon distribution in ground massif is based on identification of natural and artificial regularities, which are described by math body. This gives a methodological approach to study these regularities depending on geological conditions of territories that are subject to risk of accidental oil spills. Three models of distribution of hydrocarbons along a section are revealed. They are controlled by geological conditions (lithology and depth of occurrence of an aquifer). Based on revealed regularities, mathematical models are developed. They allow to predict degree of ground contamination with hydrocarbons in terms of geological indexes (thickness of loam and crushed rock and depth of occurrence of sandstones). As a result of statistical processing, influence of geological structure on depths of hydrocarbon penetration and content of hydrocarbons is established. It is confirmed that distribution of hydrocarbons is significantly influenced by type of rocks and their sorption ability for hydrocarbons, penetration properties (porosity and permeability) and water saturation. In case near-surface zone of the earth is composed of sands that have low sorption ability for hydrocarbons, high open porosity and high penetration properties, a hydrocarbon contamination zone will be small in comparison with zone composed of clays or loam.
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