Vol 22, No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/154
Probabilistic and Statistical Assessment of Zonal Oil and Gas Potential of the Perm Arch based on Geochemical Criteria
A zonal probabilistic-statistical assessment of the generation potential of deposits that form the oil and gas potential of the territory of the Perm arch was carried out. To assess the oil and gas content, databases were used on the geochemical and bituminological characteristics of dispersed organic matter in the Upper Devonian-Tournaisian carbonate, Lower Visean terrigenous and Middle Carboniferous (Oka-Bashkirian) carbonate deposits. Statistical models were built on the basis of the following parameters: organic carbon content (CORG, %); organic matter (OM, %); composition of dispersed organic matter (content of bitumoids, %: chloroform (BCL), petroleum (BPE), alcohol-benzene (BAB), humic acids (HumA, %), insoluble residue (IR, %) and DOM conversion characteristics (ratio of concentrations of chloroform bitumoid to alcohol-benzene (BCL/BAB), bitumoid coefficient (β). To determine the information content of these characteristics in relation to oil and gas potential, Student's statistical criteria - t and Pearson's - c2 were used, which made it possible to develop one-dimensional and multidimensional linear regression models. With the help of step-by-step multidimensional regression analysis, a complex criterion was developed that took into account the influence of both each geochemical indicator separately and their combinations. This made it possible to construct a distribution scheme for the probability of oil and gas content for the Perm arch territory. The analysis of the constructed scheme showed that the most favorable geochemical conditions for the formation of oil and gas potential due to the dispersed organic matter of the studied deposits were observed in the northeastern part of the Perm arch, which limited the isoprobability to more than 0.5.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):2-8
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Influence Evaluation of Geological and Physical Characteristics of Reservoirs with a Complex Geological Structure on the Conditions of Hydrocarbons Inflow
The relevance of research was due to the predominance of deposits with a complex geological structure in the total volume of hydrocarbon assets put into commercial development. The use of standard approaches in such conditions often does not allow to reliably describe the fluid inflow to wells and, as a result, to choose effective tools to control their productivity. The complexity of the implementation of technological processes for the development of reserves determined the expediency of using probabilistic-statistical methods for their modeling. It should be noted that the construction of multidimensional statistical models was supplemented by studies on the dimensionless assessment of the impact of each of the indicators on the well flow rate and subsequent comparison of these effects. Mathematically substantiated the differences in the patterns of fluid inflow to wells with different wellbore designs (conditionally vertical and horizontal), identified factors that affect the formation of flow rates. It was established that one of the key factors determining the value of the flow rate of both horizontal and vertical wells was the radius of the drainage zone. To determine it, it was advisable to use the van Pullen formula, as the permeability in determining the radius of the drainage zone, it was necessary to use the value obtained by processing the pressure recovery curve using the tangent method. Individual (linear) probabilistic models were obtained for each of the indicators used, characterizing the probability of classifying a well as a high- or low-rate well. A series of multivariate statistical models were built that allow determining the flow rates of horizontal and vertical wells in difficult geological and technological conditions with a high degree of reliability.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):9-14
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Study of the Influence of Geological and Production Characteristics of the Tourneisian Formation on Well Production Watering
When performing research, a main indicators analysis for development of the Perm region field Tournaisian reservoir was made. It was established that the development object under consideration hads a high heterogeneity and fracturing, which was determined by interpreting the data of hydrodynamic studies. Wells of the central part of the main uplift with high values of water cut were used for the analysis. The study considered the main geological characteristics of the reservoir: porosity, permeability, oil saturation, net-to-gross ratio and reservoir thickness; technological indicators of development: oil, liquid rates and depression, as well as fracture parameters: openness, fracture permeability and proportion of fractured reservoir, calculated using the Warren-Root method. With the help of statistical methods, the relationships between the reservoir characteristics and the main development parameters were studied. In order to determine the parameters that had the maximum effect on the process of watering, regression equations were constructed, the analysis of which made it possible to establish that, depending on the value of watering, there were two groups of indicators that formed it. The obtained division was confirmed by comparing the average values of all indicators using Student's t-test and constructing a linear discriminant function. This made it possible to substantiate the need to build three multidimensional models. The first model was built for all studied wells, the second and third models - according to well data, depending on the degree of their water cut. As a result, the main parameters that affect the water cut index in each of the models were determined, in particular, the role of formation fracturing was determined. By comparing the actual and predicted water cut values, it was determined that the best forecast results were obtained using differentiated models.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):15-20
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Determination of the Optimum Scheme for the Development of the Tolumskoye Field using CO2 Injection
The main goal of modern field development is the most complete recovery of the recoverable share of reserves with maximum economic efficiency. The growth in the share of unconventional reserves, associated with the depletion and watering of most of the mature fields, leads to the need to use complex methods of oil recovery. The most important component of the process is definitely computer modeling of development conditions, which requires adaptation of the model to the historical data array and the possibility of invariant calculations in order to determine the most effective development methods. Due to the high cost of implementing modern approaches to increase the oil recovery factor under conditions of a degraded structure of residual oil reserves, conditioned input data and dependencies are required to improve the accuracy of modeling. The results of updating the hydrodynamic model according to laboratory studies of the enhanced oil recovery technology at the Tolumskoye field by injection of associated petroleum gas with a high content of CO2, the source of which was the Semividovskaya group of fields, were presented, as well as various schemes for the implementation of the injection of associated petroleum gas with the determination of the most cost-effective implementation option.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):21-30
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Research of the Sandy Rocks Stability
Factors influencing the stability of rocks were identified, taking into account changes in saturation and physical and mechanical properties of the reservoir. Existing methods for modeling sandy rocks were considered: empirical, numerical and analytical methods, as well as laboratory modeling. It was concluded that in order to obtain the most accurate prediction of the destruction of the bottomhole formation zone with the subsequent removal of mechanical particles, it was necessary to use a combination of methods, since none of them separately allowed obtaining comprehensive data for the prediction. The input parameters for modeling sandy rocks were considered. The model should take into account a combination of geological, physical-mechanical and filtration methods, which would make it possible to create the most accurate model of sand reservoirs. The physical model of sandstone can be represented as a set of four components: sand grains, cementing clay substance, water and cracks. Within the framework of this work, geological properties were analyzed: structure, texture, mineralogical composition and type of void space. The analysis of these properties made it possible to find and determine the relationship between the properties of rocks and their strength characteristics. The mechanical properties of rocks were considered. These included strength, deformation and rheological properties. To determine the deformation properties of the rock, deformation diagrams were constructed that took into account pre-limit, limit, and beyond limits. The ability of the massif to resist destruction under long-term loading depended on the rheological properties of the rock. These included: long-term strength, creep, stress relaxation. Within the framework of this work, the prerequisites and causes of sand manifestations in wells were presented. The main ones included: non-consolidation of rocks, excess of compression forces and migration of small particles. An important role in the sanding process was played by the well completion method. Criteria for the formation of studies on natural and artificial cores were identified. The results obtained can be used to improve the efficiency of wells in sandy rocks and predict their trouble-free operation.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):31-36
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Forecast of the Geothermal and Geochemical Conditions of the Mrakovskaya Depression and the Adjacent Territories of the Shikhano-Ishimbayskaya Saddle
The actual problem of analyzing the conditions of oil and gas formation in poorly studied areas, such as the Mrakovskaya depression and the adjacent territory of the Shikhano-Ishimbai saddle (the southern part of the Pre-Ural trough and the West Ural outer folding zone) is considered. These territories, which have a complex heterogeneous geological structure and low exploration, are of undoubted interest from the point of view of potential oil and gas potential. The paper considers the main geological factors that determine the geothermal regime of the subsoil of the southern part of the Pre-Ural trough and the West Ural outer folding zone. An extremely low and uneven density of geothermal observation points was noted in the wells of the Mrakovskaya depression and the Shikhano-Ishimbai saddle. Maps of predicted modern temperatures on deep sections of the study area, as well as geothermal gradients of various parts of the Ural region, were constructed and analyzed. Materials on paleotemperature-catagenetic studies of the sedimentary cover were presented. Predictive maps of changes in the catagenesis of sedimentary substances in Paleozoic deposits within the stratigraphic units of the territory under consideration were constructed. To restore the geotemperature regime of the subsoil and predict the catagenetic zoning of the section, one-dimensional basin modeling of three wells located in the southern and northern promising areas was performed. Prediction of geothermal and geochemical conditions with a complex heterogeneous structure is a difficult task associated with insufficient information on the structure and composition of deposits, lack of information about the geothermal conditions of sections, inconsistency of geophysical data, etc. The conducted studies showed the effectiveness of combining actual data with calculation methods in predicting geothermal and geochemical conditions. The results obtained by the authors made it possible to conclude that there were rather high prospects for the discovery of petroleum hydrocarbons in a wide range of the Paleozoic part of the section.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):37-44
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Drying of Potassium Mine Workings Using Automatic Air Control Systems
In the conditions of potash mines, the problem of excess moisture loss from the air entering the mine during the warm period of the year is known. Physically, the process is related to the fact that warm air saturated with moisture enters the mine workings and cools down in the process of heat exchange with relatively cold rocks. When the air is cooled, its relative humidity rises until it reaches the dew point. Further cooling of the air leads to the loss of excess moisture while maintaining the maximum relative humidity. Moisture precipitation together with salt rocks creates a corrosive-aggressive environment, worsens the stability of workings and leads to soil erosion with the ensuing difficulties for the passage of mining vehicles. The introduction of heat engineering means of air drying is an extremely costly undertaking. At the same time, heat and mass transfer processes in mine workings depend on air distribution, which is controlled by modern automatic ventilation control systems. In this regard, the study considers the option of using the means of automatic ventilation control systems, along with their traditional use, for the purpose of draining mine workings. The paper shows that the amount of condensing moisture is determined primarily by the air flow. Therefore, the elimination of excess air supply to the mine and workings, implemented by automatic ventilation control systems, makes it possible to reduce moisture loss in mine workings. In addition, moving the recirculation ventilation systems, which are part of the automatic ventilation control systems, as close as possible to the shafts allows you to include a larger volume of air supply workings and service chambers in the recirculation circuit, which also makes it possible to drain them in conditions of hygroscopic rocks.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(1):45-50
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