Vol 7, No 3 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/CG/issue/view/70
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/cg.v7i3
Slag-alkaline binders in road base
The development of new materials involves various problems. The article examines the use of slag binders in road foundations when changing various factors in the processes of hardening of the mixture. The use of slag reduces the cost of road construction due to primeneniya local resources and reduce transportation costs. In addition, reduced harmful impact on the environment. The use of slag also allows you to strengthen various soils in the road base. It is necessary to consider how the hardening slag binders depending on the temperature. Also, the hardening process is influenced by various chemical additives. In practice ustanovleno that perhaps the use of slag binders in road construction in winter conditions, it is necessary to consider that binders, semi shut not water, and aqueous solutions of compounds of alkali metals.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):5-10
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Selection of optimal roofing material in the climatic conditions of Perm region
Scientifical and technological progress doesn’t stand still, every year there is a wider choice of different construction materials and technologies. There is a huge number of roofing materials represented on the market that differ in price, composition and the method of installation. Therefore, the aim of our study is to observe the range of roofing materials and choose the most optimal option of roofing in terms of price - quality relationship for the residential building in Perm region. The article provides classification of roofing materials by physical properties. We have determined the advantages and disadvantages of both, the time-tested and the new, innovative materials. It’s impossible to embrace the entire range of roofing materials, that’s why the most common and the most diverse in their properties. Also, physical properties of all roofing materials that we’ve chosen had been analyzed. The most optimal option of roofing construction had been selected taking into consideration technical and economical properties of materials as well as wind and snow load in Perm region. The study analyzed and chose the most appropriate and optimal options of roofing materials. The minimum and maximum cost has been given for each of chosen materials for the construction of 1 sq. m. of the roof including the labor.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):11-24
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Training on a workplace as a basic element of training in safe methods of operation of working professions in construction
Object of research is training on a workplace of again accepted workers in construction. The reasons of accidents in construction are analysed. Considerable number of accidents in construction happen in connection with defects of organizational character. One of highlights of the organization of safety of work - existence of knowledge of each worker of safe receptions and methods of work. Training on a workplace of again accepted worker - the major obligatory element in system of training in safe receptions and methods of work. At the moment there are no official methodical recommendations about carrying out training on a workplace in construction therefore it is carried out at the enterprises formally and in any format. That training was carried out up to standard, it is necessary to develop and apply programs of training, and also diagnostic cards of passing of training and check of the acquired skills. The technique of check of safe receptions and methods of work at workers of working professions is necessary. Practice shows that bodies of the state control and supervision in the sphere of labor protection when checking pay attention to existence of the documents provided by the legislation on training in requirements of labor protection, but not to presence of the actual knowledge and abilities at workers of working professions. Bodies of the state supervision have to check existence of the actual knowledge and skills that will induce the employer to execution of the real functions on creation of healthy and safe working conditions on workplaces.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):25-33
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Features of deformation behavior, slow subsidence of loess soils in the foundations of engineering structures in the man-made flooding
Loess soils are widespread on the territory of the Precarpathians, Caucasus, Volgograd and other regions of Russia. Currently, the scheme of the test under normative documents do not fully correspond to the real operating conditions of bases and foundations, especially in flooding areas. The article considers the issues related to the changing perceptions of subsidence and methods of combating it the example of the city of Chisinau. The analysis of the results of the studies of loess soils and the main reasons of deformations of buildings constructed on such soils. Consider additional measures for the fight against subsidence depending on type of subsidence of the soil. Based on experimental data is characterized by the features of changes in the composition and properties of loess rocks with prolonged contact with water. The study of the deformation behavior of loess rocks was carried out in the compression devices of the system N.N. Maslova, allowing to measure subsidence deformation in capillary water saturation and the filtration of water through the soil specimen. Testing of loess rocks in the conditions of soaking and filtration for 90 days showed that prolonged contact with water leads to their complete degradation. Posleprodazhnoe seal associated with long-term filtration of water through the loess breed, due to the destruction of water-resistant structural bonds between colloidal particles and it is manifested in the form of creep strain of the skeleton. The technique of prediction seal after drawdown re-results of compression tests based on the use of probabilistic method of analogies.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):34-45
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The estimation of subsidence properties of loess rocks in the design of bases and foundations in Central Moldova
The prosadochnost the subaerelnykh of the integumentary clay deposits widespread in peripheral part of the Central Moldavian height in the territory of Northern Black Sea Coast was studied. Convergence of data on the size of a relative prosadochnost and initial collapsible pressure, received by various laboratory and dusty methods of researches was analyzed. The regression equations and adjustment coefficients of interrelation of laboratory and field methods are offered.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):46-53
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Justification of application of snow melting installations in Perm
Relevance of utilization of snow from the urbanized territories is considered. Ecological advantages of snow melting installations in comparison with export of snow on grounds are given. On the example of Perm comparison of monetary costs of export of full daily volume of snow is made and on the combined snow utilization which represents export 1/4 volumes of snow and melting 3/4 volumes of snow with use of various heat carrier Calculations economic feasibility of application of snow melting installations is proved. It is established that the combined utilization of snow with a melting method on gas fuel is 3,1 times cheaper in comparison with export of full volume of snow. The analysis of a condition of a problem of utilization of snow and condition of the stormwater drainage system in Perm is made. It is established that operation of snow grounds and dumping of storm sewage in Perm don't conform to requirements of the nature protection legislation. It is shown that ecologically safe installation and operation of snow melting installations depends on several factors: diameters and routes of the city storm collectors capable to provide removal of thawed snow, a condition of the stormwater drainage system, existence on her treatment facilities, existence of free territories. The action program is developed for formation of offers on an arrangement of snow melting installations in left-bank part of Perm. The program includes: studying of a position of the city authorities of rather full ecological safety of utilization of snow, with consideration of two scenarios of placement of snow melting installations. Definition depending on the chosen scenario of productivity, quantity and concrete locations of snow melting installations. Studying of an alternative possibility of placement of stationary “wet” grounds of utilization of snow, with use of snow melting installation of big power, and the obligatory device of treatment facilities.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):54-65
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The evolution of the concept of engineering education in Russia in the context of international historical experience
In this article the author traces the emergence of engineering education in Russia, referring to the international historical experience. Discusses the origin of the term “engineer”, analyzes the development of the profession of the Builder in Russia and Europe; influence of the ancient canons in the system of training craftsmen and construction business. The author sketches the chronological sequence of the opening of the key Russian and foreign specialized institutions of higher education involved in the preparation of ingineer-builders. The article details the education system, which formed the basis of professional competence, analyses the scope of activities of the civil engineer in Russia in the mid XIX - early XX centuries. On the basis of the examined material, the author makes a conclusion about the peculiarities of training in Russian engineering schools on the basis of historical stages. The article provides details about the education system in construction in the Soviet era, where, along with great achievements in mass training required for construction industry of the national economy in the number of engineering personnel and good quality scientific and technical training, has received less attention General knowledge and knowledge of foreign languages, in contrast to the engineers of pre-revolutionary Russia. Continuing his analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that during its existence, the system of engineering education in Russia has undergone several reforms, which have resulted in the present-moment relationship to the engineer as technical specialist performing a specific, narrow function in the construction industry. In practice, in the new Russian economic conditions, particularly in the small construction companies that are dominant in number over large enterprises, a civil engineer is both a researcher and organizer of the work of a team of other professionals, and head of various scale and purpose of the projects. Modern Russian universities, as a rule, not prepared for this. However, as a possible solution of the given problem, the author proposes to apply to the Western experience and try to reverse this trend in higher engineering education, using practice-proven model from Finland and Germany that would achieve deep cooperation in modern Russian higher education system with the production of construction industry, it is necessary for the decision of problems of the breakthrough development of the entire construction industry in Russia.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):66-77
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Main preconditions and constraints when developing underground space of the Perm city
The development of cities, which Perm refers, is impossible without an integrated development of underground space. The article analyses existing problems of development of the city of Perm related primarily to the increase in the number of car owners and a deficiency of free territories for building in the existing urban development. There are the ways of solving these problems through the development of underground space. Classification of underground structures is presented according to various criteria. There are the main factors, which negatively affects the overall amount of underground construction. Special attention is paid to the methods of execution of works during construction and reconstruction in cramped conditions when producing operations of a zero cycle. It is shown that construction of underground structures may be performed in difficult geotechnical conditions with proper choice of the production technology of works. There is the example of the geotechnical simulation of the excavation and construction of buried 2-3-storey building erected in the historic part of the city of Perm in immediate proximity to existing buildings. The calculations were performed using program complex PLAXIS 2D v.9.0 in the planar problem statement using the model of hardening soil (hardening soil model). The promising directions in the development of underground space are given for the city of Perm, in particular, the construction of multilevel underground parking spaces with a depth of 10 m. There are the main factors of the increased cost of underground construction associated with work producrion and further exploitation of underground structures. The positive aspects and the method of calculation of economic efficiency of underground construction are given.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):78-90
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Technical and economic comparison of methods of creating a ground water cutoff during the pit excavation
In difficult ground conditions, example of which is a water-saturated sandy soil, where it is impossible to arrange an excavation pit with natural slopes, create ground water cutoff. Ground water cutoff prevents the penetration of groundwater and strengthens the walls of the ground and the bottom of the excavation pit before its excavation. The aim of this article is technical and economic comparison of methods for creating waterproof curtain to select the most viable option create ground water cutoff of the excavation pit in a sand saturated soils. As objects of study are considered three special ways to creating ground water cutoff to prevent the inflow of groundwater into the excavation pit: metal sheet piling, jet grouting and artificial freezing of soil. For each of this method the estimated cost of construction and mounting was calculated according to the depth of the excavating excavation pit. The data obtained are analyzed the main reasons for a general increase in the estimated cost of construction and installation work on increasing the depth of the excavation pit. A feasibility comparison of these technologies has allowed to identify the most efficient method of stabilization of water-saturated sandy soil in order to create a waterproof curtain.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):91-101
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Research the local area and homes to conform to the rules of designing an accessible environment for people with limited mobility
Creating an accessible environment for people with limited mobility is a relevant issue currently. Persons with disabilities, older people, young children, people in wheelchairs have the same right of use of the territory and a residential home, so it is important to provide them with all necessary conditions to ensure that they did not feel uncomfortable. All movement in the local area must be accessible and not require the support of third parties. For the analysis of compliance SP 59.13330.2011 “Accessibility of buildings for people with limited mobility” was investigated residential complex, which is located in the city of Perm, motovilikhinskiy area, micro district Dams. This residential complex consists of six apartment, one of which was commissioned. This study confirmed that to date there is the problem of creating an accessible environment for MH. The violations in the absence of ramps or lifting devices, wheelchair ramp near the entrance has no barriers, lift does not correspond to standard dimensions and so on. There are several ways and technologies which allow to provide observance of all norms and rules on accessibility to the site and buildings for MH. Equipment, by which people with health problems will be able to overcome the barrier is ramps, automatic lifting devices of different areas, handrails, tactile-audio diagrams, tactile signs. Given the wide variety of types of materials, we have chosen the most effective and inexpensive methods to eliminate all revealed violations of the residential house and its local area.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):102-117
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The calculation of intradistrict sewage pipelines on SNIP 2.04.01-85 and SP 30.13330.2012
When calculating the intradistrict section of sewage system, experts prefer the normative documents regulating the internal design, not the street networks since these areas on the quantity of sewage, and the drainage mode is closer to the inner systems. The main regulatory document in the calculation of the internal systems has been and is currently a SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and Sewerage of buildings”. Additionally, from January 1, 2013 by order of the Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation enacted a set of rules SP 30.13330.2012 “Internal water supply and Sewerage of buildings” - the updated edition of the same name of the current document. In determining the estimated flows of sewage, the two documents have differences of principle. First, with the introduction of the SP 30.13330.2012 for many urban infrastructure norms of water consumption and wastewater has changed significantly in the smaller side. Secondly, the mode of discharge in these documents are characterized by different parameters: in SNiP 2.04.01-85 - the probability of actions of sanitary appliances, in SP 30.13330.2012 - coefficient of irregularity of discharge, and coefficient lengths of sewer. The method of calculation of the considered objects according to SNiP 2.04.01-85 for a long time. The authors of this article developed an algorithm for determining the estimated flows of sewage in block sewage networks SP 30.13330.2012. Algorithms and examples for the calculation of both regulatory documents; comparative analysis of calculation results. The magnitude of the second maximum of the expenses of wastewater in sections of the network obtained by SP 30.13330.2012 there are less than expenses received by the calculation according to SNiP 2.04.01-85, 1,7-2,6 times that associated with a reduction of water consumption norms and regulatory requirement account the span of the sewer. On the constructive parameters of the intradistrict network, this difference in expenses is not reflected. Necessary and sufficient is the diameter of 150 mm the characteristic values of the gradients are of 0,008 to 0,01.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):118-126
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Engineering protection of trestle support on landslide slopes of the city of Sochi (Krasnodar region)
The need for construction at arduous mountainous areas with difficult engineering-geological conditions on landslide slopes has appeared due to the expansion and increase in transport infrastructure of the city of Sochi in the course of preparation for the 2014 Olympic Games and also with the development of new land sites. The construction of transport trestles is often only possible option of highways building at the mountain areas. However, ensuring their safe operation at landslide slopes requires building the protective constructions. At the same time, the measures of active protection against landslide deformations (which are completely bearing the landslide mass) often are very costly. The known methods determine considerable errors when designing landslide protection constructions owing to the simplifications and assumptions accepted in them. Safety and reliability of work for such designs at the same time is provided by acceptance of high coefficients of an inventory. It leads to increase in a material capacity, labor input of building the protective constructions and decrease in their cost efficiency. The settlement scheme for streamline construction is implemented in the geotechnical program complex Plaxis is developed for building cost-efficient protective constructions on the pile basis and also the methods of their calculation is optimized. The optimal constructive solution of streamline protective constructions on landslide slopes is developed from such conditions: not occurring breakdowns of soil in interpile space, an identical load of all pile elements among the row; the decrease of pressure applied to the construction. Results of numerical experiments for soil interaction with streamline pile constructions have been used in designing protective constructions for essential geotechnical objects of Krasnodar region. Researches results have received display in industry road documents IRD 218.2.050-2015 и IRD 218.2.033-2013.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2016;7(3):127-143
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