Vol 11, No 3 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/CG/issue/view/81
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/cg.v11i3
The result of any shear tests, which are the most popular laboratory methods for determination the strength characteristics of soils, is a set of values of the ultimate shear resistance and the corresponding normal pressure along the shear section. The theoretical background for the analysis of the soil shear tests results is the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. At the same time, we have questions about the determination of the calculation values of soil strength parameters. So, during the processing of shear tests results according to a consolidated-drained scheme for sandy soils the calculation values of soil specific cohesion are often negative, which is incorrect. The article considers an example of processing of shear tests data of sandy loam for various normal pressures, and analyzes the results of statistical processing of soil tests. The normative methods for probabilistic assessment of soil strength characteristics are based on using of normal distribution law of a random variable. It is assumed that the valuesof a random variable can vary from -¥ to +¥, while the soil strength parameters can vary in a limited range, i.e. accept only positive valuesfrom 0 to +¥. This circumstance does not matter for the majority of clayed soils, which strength parameters are far enough from zero. However, it has a significant effect on the result for small sought-for values, particularly, in assessing of specific cohesion for sandy soils. Therefore, for such cases, the article presents a variant of the statistical processing of the shear tests results with using the reduced normal distribution law of a random variable.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):8-17
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The article discusses the results of research in the field of developing a system that in real time allows you to display and remotely transmit the main technological parameters of indentation of factory-made piles (values of indentation forces, number and depth of immersed piles, their displacement relative to the design position). Unlike existing analogues, it allows you to additionally guide the installation of the indentation on the dive points of piles without instrumental removal of their position on the ground. This is done by orienting the installation through a global satellite navigation system. And the position of the piles is set automatically by calculating their coordinates obtained from the project in dfx format, previously entered into the memory of the on-board computer. The constituent elements of such a system are presented, as well as the interface for setting up and displaying technological parameters. The main technological indicators of the process in remote mode can be displayed on the display of any mobile device. It is shown that the cost of such a system is 8 % of the cost of the installation of the indentation of piles. It has been established that it pays off by reducing costs with the subsequent strengthening of grillage structures. These additional works are eliminated due to the prompt elimination of identified deviations, as well as improving the accuracy of installation of piles in the design position. The article presents an algorithm for performing work when setting up the system, receiving and transmitting relevant information. It is shown which participants at different stages will be involved in these processes. In conclusion, various performance indicators for the implementation of such a system are presented. Based on the results of the timing, it is proved that its use allows to reduce the duration and labor costs of both the production of works and the preparation of executive documentation. In addition, the information obtained can be integrated into the building information model, which will allow analyzing the operational reliability indicators of pile foundations.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):18-28
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Numerous studies of road surfaces in the areas of deformation joints of bridges and overpasses have shown that the use of polymer composite materials can significantly reduce cracks and destruction. The cyclic durability of such materials prevents rutting in the zone of deformation seams, due to their damping properties. Effective building materials based on furfural acetone monomers (FAM) are used for the manufacture of tides that experience cyclic impacts of vehicle wheels. Therefore, tests were conducted on the endurance of FAM polymer concrete under the influence of cyclic application of load. Today cyclic and static durability of traditional FAM polymer concretes has been studied in detail. However, the carcass technology can improve the characteristics of polymer concrete, in particular, reduce shrinkage. These polymer concretes are produced in two stages. First, a carcass is created from the filler grains glued together, and then the voids are filled with a matrix composition. This article presents the results of endurance tests of polymer concrete made using carcass and traditional technologies, with the same set of raw materials. To determine the limit of endurance, we used the method of planning an experiment with the construction of an orthogonal-composite plan of the second order. The cycle asymmetry coefficient and loading level (as a percentage of the destruction load) were selected as variable factors affecting the cyclic durability. Lines of fatigue strength of traditional polymer concrete FAM and obtained by carcass manufacturing technology at different values of the cycle asymmetry coefficient are also constructed. The results of endurance tests under the influence of repeated application of load showed that the polymer composite material based on furfural acetone monomer, obtained by carcass technology, has an increased cyclic durability compared to traditional polymer concrete.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):29-40
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In this article, by studying the market for BIM solutions, we analyze the capabilities of the building information model for its compliance with the modern BIM ideology. Development in the direction of supporting the process of building construction: from the moment of the idea of its construction to complete dismantling, the BIM concept also included economic and planned components. At the present stage, the information model should develop and live with the building, even after putting it into operation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the maturity level of BIM solutions in accordance with the current development of BIM technologies at all stages of the building's life cycle. The stages of creating a model are distinguished: drawing up technical specifications for designing, performing engineering surveys, compiling 3 types of information models in accordance with the requirements for the development of the relevant sections of project documentation. The stages of the BIM-model life cycle that need to be improved are identified: operation, dismantling of buildings. The features of compiling information models, existing BIM solutions from various software manufacturers are considered. The comparison of existing BIM-solutions at all stages of creating an information model. For the analysis of BIM solutions, an expert assessment method will be used. A list of indicators and their rating weight for the methodology of expert evaluations is compiled. An assessment of the maturity of BIM-solutions. As a result of the analysis, a graph was compiled that clearly demonstrates the degree of maturity of the information model for the life cycle. The average percentage of development as a result of the assessment is determined. Some BIM solutions raise the question of the appropriateness of their use in the field of BIM technologies.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):41-53
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When storing fruits and vegetables, vital processes (respiration, heat and carbon dioxide) are actively proceeding. These processes lead to loss of production, significantly affect the temperature, humidity and gas composition of the air in the storage. The optimal storage conditions for fruits and vegetables are rather low positive temperatures and rather high humidity with a sufficient oxygen content in the air. Achieving this difficult task is most effectively accomplished by using active ventilation systems in the storage. The article provides a comparative assessment of setting up air exchange by energy-efficient microclimate systems in potato storages. The results of field studies of air conditions during operation of active air distribution systems in a potato storage are presented. Studies have shown that intensive flow ventilation of products close to the supply duct leads to an increase in losses (shrinkage) of vegetables up to 15 %. Since a number of containers with products are adjacent to large supply air holes thus subjected to the most severe blowing, the quality of potatoes is bound to deteriorate. The use in the active ventilation system of a highly efficient regenerative rotary heat exchanger ( E ≥ 85-90 %) and electronically-switched EC fans allows saving heat and electric energy, as well as reducing the mass loss of products by 21-26 % with directional supply of treated air to the inter-container space and containers with products.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):54-63
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The article provides information on research in the field of improving weak clay bases by installing vertical soil piles in a shell of geosynthetic materials (geotextile encased stone columns). This method has proven to be effective for strengthening the foundations of large areal objects in certain soil conditions, but has not become widespread as a method for improving the foundations of building foundations, which, among other things, is due to the lack of simple engineering methods for calculating the improvement parameters. The article presents an engineering technique for determining the settlement of shallow foundations on a weak clay base which is improved by the geotextile encased stone columns. The technique is based on considering the elementary cell of the improved foundation for which the pressure distribution in the weak soil and the improvement element is determined by the iterative enumeration process. This distribution should ensure equality of the vertical deformations of the improvement element and the soft soil, which should be the same due to the stiffness of the foundation of the building or structure. The calculation of the deformations of a geotextile encased stone columns is carried out by solving the Lamé problem and the deformations of soft soil by standard methods presented in the regulatory literature. Comparison of the calculation results by the proposed method with the data of numerical modeling in an axisymmetric setting is presented. In the numerical modeling of the soil, the Mohr-Coulomb elastic-plastic model was used. Geosynthetic reinforcement was modeled using a special element that only accepts tensile stresses. The rigidity of the foundation of the base is taken to be infinitely large. The analysis of the presented simulation results showed good convergence of the calculations with the data of experimental studies and the data of numerical simulation using the finite element method.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):64-76
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The results of calculating the stability of a landslide-prone slope located on the river bank are presented. Additional stability studies were carried out due to the fact that, according to the results of slope calculations using various “compartments” methods, based on the construction of circular cylindrical sliding surfaces, the slope is in a stable state (tables are given containing the numerical values of the safety factors). However, in the spring-autumn period, local landslides occur on the slope. Therefore, new calculations of slope stability were carried out using a method based on the analysis of the stress state of the soil massif, which allows one to take into account the "weighing" effect of groundwater when it rises and the decrease in the strength properties of the constituent soils when they are soaked. This method is formalized in a computer program developed with the participation of one of the authors; the program has a certificate of state registration. Calculations have established that an increase in the level of groundwater to the maximum possible value reduces the values of the safety factors along the considered sliding lines by 5.9-21 %. It is shown that if the numerical values of the safety factors obtained by the methods of circular cylindrical sliding surfaces are reduced by 21 %, then some of their values will be very close to unity or even less, which resolves the above contradiction. When calculating the stability of landslide-prone soil masses, in which seasonal fluctuations of groundwater are possible, one should take into account the "weighing" effect of groundwater at the maximum level of their rise, a decrease in the physical and mechanical (strength) characteristics of soils due to their soaking and, preferably, the destabilizing effect of hydraulic heads.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):77-88
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Geotechnical accidents often occur during road operation. To eliminate their consequences, various measures are required, taking into account the geological features of the site. Three cases of geotechnical accidents of road structures are considered: landslide damage to the bridge cone and the slope of the road embankment; the formation of a local landslide, plastic deformation and loss of stability of the roadbed, settlement of the culvert links; suffusion from the side of the railway cut under the cone of the bridge structure due to damage to the anti-filtration clay screen. In the first case, the reasons for the intensification of the landslide were periodic rises in the level of groundwater, the presence of areas not protected by vegetation, and areas of loose soil. The accident was eliminated by installing an anti-landslide structure made of bored piles, embedded with their lower ends into rocky ground. In the second case, the reasons were waterlogging due to heavy summer rains and melting snow next spring. To eliminate the accident, drainage was arranged in the adjacent territory; the soil was partially replaced, reinforcement with geotextiles was carried out, slopes with a berm were laid, the base of the subgrade was strengthened. In the third case, the removal of soil particles (suffusion) from the side of the railway excavation under the cone of the bridge structure occurred due to damage to the anti-filtration clay screen during the creation of the construction site. After the restoration of the screen and the drainage device, the suffusion was eliminated. The above examples show the importance of engineering and geological substantiation in the design of transport construction facilities.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):89-101
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In weak, structurally unstable soils, the use of the technology of high-frequency vibration immersion of sheet piles, in some cases, is obviously dangerous, and the issue of assessing the limits of applicability of this technology in certain conditions is relevant. The assessment of the dynamic impact on the soil foundation can be made by the level of vibrations. Regulatory documents impose requirements on the level of vibrations of the surrounding soil mass and buildings, however, it is not entirely correct to assess the influence of the technology of high-frequency vibration driving of sheet piles only by the values of vibration acceleration and vibration velocity. The object of the study is the values of deformations of foundations reinforced with piles. At the experimental construction site, we were carried out for the level of vibrations of foundations reinforced with piles 18 m length, from high-frequency vibration immersion of a pipe sheet pile with a diameter of 1200 mm and a length of 18 m. In the process of driving the sheet piles, we were making constant geodesic control over the deformations of adjoining buildings was carried out. The main results are: the example given in the article shows that when the foundations are strengthened, the deformations of the foundation (settlement) remain within the permissible values, despite the significant excess of the permissible level of vibrations of the building foundations. The proposed methodology for the numerical prediction of base deformations from vibration immersion of sheet piles gives satisfactory convergence with the results of field observations and makes it possible to assess qualitatively and quantitatively the settlements of buildings in the surrounding development from vibration immersion / extraction of sheet piles at the preliminary stages of construction.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):102-116
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Rational construction site planning is especially important when building in cramped urban environments. This requires good training of qualified professionals. Currently, the system of higher professional education imposes new requirements on the technologies of vocational training. The introduction of interactive teaching methods and the improvement of the scientific, methodological and material and technical base are the most important stages on the way to the transition to a new level of education. This process is facilitated by practical exercises using electronic reference books and electronic simulators. As an example, the organization of the interactive form of a practical lesson "Designing temporary warehouses for a construction site" is considered. The lesson is part of the course for training specialists in the development of building master plans. The structure and organization of the lesson is described. It includes such forms of interactive teaching methods as mini-lecture, case-method, discussion. During the lesson, students actively participate in the discussion of the issues under consideration. They offer their own options for solving the tasks assigned to them. Consolidation of the acquired skills for calculating warehouse areas is carried out using an electronic simulator. The simulator allows you to optimize the required warehouse area. To do this, the simulator enters the initial data on the materials required for the construction of the facility. The ability to vary various parameters is provided. The simulator makes it easier to assimilate the studied material. The proposed simulator can also be used for practical purposes, for example, for rational planning of a construction site.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2020;11(3):117-126
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