No 5 (2023)

Vatulyan А.О., Nesterov S.А.


The stress-strain state of layered electroelastic bodies is studied taking into account largescale effects. To account for the scale effects, a gradient model of electroelasticity with one mechanical and one electrostatic parameters is used. As examples, the problem of deformation of a composite electroelastic rod, the antiplane problem of deformation of an electroelastic strip with a coating, the problem of deformation of a solid piezocylinder with a coating are considered. On the basis of the variational principle of gradient electroelasticity, refined equations of equilibrium and electrostatics are obtained, as well as an expanded list of boundary conditions and interface conditions for the tasks set. Several simplified formulations of gradient electroelasticity problems for composite bodies are considered, when only one of the gradient effects, mechanical or electrostatic, is taken into account. The dimensionalization was carried out and analytical solutions of simplified problems were obtained. Calculations of displacements and stresses of composite electroelastic bodies are carried out on specific examples. Solutions of problems in classical and gradient formulations are graphically presented; a comparative analysis of the solutions obtained is carried out. It is found out that if the scale parameters are taken into account in the vicinity of the conjugation of layers, the following is observed: 1) a smoother distribution of displacements and electric potential compared to classical theory; 2) a jump of components of the Cauchy stress tensor and components of the electric induction vector; 3) a continuity of some components of the moment stress tensor and quadrupole moment; 4) a continuity of total stresses. The jump of the components of the Cauchy stress tensor and the components of the electric induction vector is explained by the continuity of the displacements, the electric potential and their first derivatives. The dependence of displacements and electric potential on the magnitude of mechanical and electrostatic scale parameters is investigated. It was found out that with an increase in the scale parameters both the displacement and electric potential decrease.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):5-16
Akhmetshin L.R., Smolin I.Y.


Metamaterials are artificially created materials which unusual properties are due to their geometric structure, not the chemical composition of the base material. The control of physical and mechanical properties through the structure is fundamental for metamate-rials. The tools of the numerical analysis used in this work overweigh experimental tests due to the automation of research, reduced material and financial costs. Here, a tetrachi-ral metamaterial is investigated under uniaxial compression conditions. The base materi-al is described as an elastic medium. An analysis of the influence of the metamaterial's structural organization on its mechanical response is carried out. To do this, two meth-ods of connecting unit cells are considered: "joining" and "overlapping". The following are selected for the analysis: (1) the tension – torsion coupling effect; (2) effective elastic properties (Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus); (3) porosity; and (4) the state of stress and strain. The porosity of the samples obtained by the "joining" method was 80 % and the "overlapping" method resulted in 84 %, the volume of the base material in the second case was 1.6 times larger. It was found that the tension – torsion coupling effect is affect-ed not only by the volume of the base material but also by the internal organization of the structure, namely, the versatile chirality of the touching faces of the unit cells. Analysis of the numerical experiment results showed that the three – dimensional samples have a zero value for the effective Poisson's ratio. The Young's modulus of the sample in which the cells were connected by the "joining" method turns out to be almost 2.7 times higher. Both samples can be described as an anisotropic medium with a lattice in the cubic sys-tem medium, which is shown by studying the properties of metamaterial samples when loaded along three orthogonal axes. The construction created by the "joining" method is characterized by a more heterogeneous pattern of stress distribution and presence of stronger stress concentrators.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):17–25
Erofeev V.I., Leonteva A.V., Shekoyan A.V.


The paper investigates the propagation of harmonic waves in materials with point defects. The problem is described by a system of differential equations, which includes a dynamic equation of the theory of elasticity and kinetic equations of defect densities tak-ing into account the mutual influence of defects and a propagating wave, as well as mutu-al recombination of defects. We consider both limit cases, materials with one type of point defects (vacancies, interstitials), and the general case if the material contains both types of point defects (vacancies and interstitials). We analyzed the effect on the ampli-tude and velocity of the harmonic wave of the parameters of point defects characterizing the diffusion of defects, the rate of their recombination on drains and the change in the volume of the material when one point defect is formed in it. It has been shown that in media with vacancies, longitudinal waves of low frequency have a higher amplitude and velocity than in media with interstitials. At the same time, in media with vacancies, the velocities of low-frequency perturbations reach large values, and in media with intersti-tials they reach smaller values, compared to high-frequency perturbations. A frequency range has been identified in which the dispersion of longitudinal waves is significant, in media with vacancies it is normal, and in media with interstitials it is abnormal. The in-creasing diffusion coefficient or the decreasing dilation parameter contributes to a weak-er dispersion. It is noted that the diffusion coefficients of defects do not affect the exist-ence of an additional low-frequency wave. For high frequency waves, media with vacan-cies and interstitials are practically indistinguishable; the presence of any point defects almost does not affect the propagation rate of high-frequency perturbations and their amplitude.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):26-35
Belov P.A., Lurie S.A.


This work proposes the elaboration of the variational principle of L.I. Sedov for modeling dissipative processes. The formulated variational principle makes it possible to propose the dissipative models using the known model of a reversible process (the known Lagrangian), adding the required number of dissipation channels. Dissipation channels are non-integrable variational forms that are linear in the variations of the ar-guments. The arguments of the dissipation channels are the generalized variables of the corresponding bilinear terms of the Lagrangian. Variational models of heat transfer pro-cesses are considered as examples. The paper introduces the thermal potential, which is taken as the main kinematic variable. The temperature and heat flux are determined from the expression of the possible work done on variations of the first derivatives of the thermal potential, by analogy with continuum mechanics, where internal forces do the possible work on the strain variations. The equations of heat conduction laws of the considered heat transfer models are obtained as compatibility equations by eliminating the thermal potential from the equations of constitutive relations for temperature and heat flow. It is shown that the proposed procedure for elaboration of the dissipative models makes it possible to obtain the laws of thermal conductivity of Fourier, Maxwell – Catta-neo, Gaer – Krumhaksl, Jeffrey and more general laws of thermal conductivity. For the simplest heat transfer model, a single dissipation channel was introduced, which made it possible to obtain a heat transfer equation containing the second and first time deriva-tives. This model takes into account the wave properties and dissipation by the diffusion mechanism. In a particular case, it is reduced to the classical model of heat conduction. For more general gradient models of heat transfer, additional dissipation channels are sequentially introduced. In accordance with the differential order of the heat balance equation, the variational method makes it possible to formulate a consistent spectrum of boundary conditions at each non-singular point of the surface. In addition, for a bounda-ry value problem in time, the variational principle determines pairs of alternative condi-tions at the initial and final times of the process under consideration.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):36-44
Molchanov E.K., Vakhrushev A.V.


The article describes a mathematical model and the results of a numerical study of electrochemical, diffuse and kinetic processes of co-deposition of metallic copper and micro- and nanoparticles of electrocorundum on the surface of a metal electrode. A math-ematical apparatus for complex physical and chemical mathematical modeling of the processes accompanying the formation of nanocomposite coatings from copper sul-phate electrolytes is presented, i.e. the electrochemical deposition of metallic copper on the cathode surface, physical adsorption of micro- and nanoparticles on the cathode surface and growth of the coating layer. To describe the movement of the electrolyte, the k-ε model based on the averaged Reynolds equations with damping functions according to the Abe – Kondoh – Nagano model (k-ε AKN) was used. The modelling results are compared with the experimental data. The mathematical modeling results of the electro-chemical deposition of metallic copper Cu on a rotating cylindrical electrode are pre-sented. The mass transfer of the electroactive electrolyte ions occurs due to three main mechanisms: diffusion, migration and convection. Ion and particle mass transfer is de-scribed by the equations of convective diffusion and studied in the entire volume of the electrolytic bath. The cathodic and anodic processes are described on the basis of the tertiary current distribution. The mathematical modeling results of the joint electrochemi-cal deposition of Cu-Al2O3 composite coatings on a rotating cylindrical electrode are presented taking into account the hydrodynamics of the electrolyte flow. The simulation is carried out in the entire volume of the electrochemical cell, and not only within the diffusion layer, which allows taking into account the transfer of electrolyte particles and ions by convection and migration. The current numerical study made it possible to inves-tigate in detail the kinetics of these processes and showed good agreement with the experimental results.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):45-56
Romanova V.A., Balokhonov R..., Borodina A., Shakhidzhanov V.S., Lychagin D.V., Emelianova E.S., Pisarev M.


Crystal plasticity models combined with an explicit consideration of a polycrystalline structure are an effective tool for studying the deformation phenomena throughout length scales. A numerical solution to the boundary-value problems with an explicit account for misrostructural features requires extensive computational resources. The use of explicit time integration schemes effectively reduces computational costs yet providing a qua-sistatic solution with a high degree of accuracy. In this paper, we discuss the numerical aspects of crystal plasticity finite element simulations of quasistatic deformation phe-nomena in terms of explicit dynamics. The equations for plastic strain rate are formulated in a way to minimize strain rate sensitivity, which is the necessary condition for simulat-ing quasistatic deformation at artificially high strain rates. The problems of model verifi-cation and testing at the micro, meso, and macroscales are discussed using the example of aluminum single- and polycrystals.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):57-73
Rubinova R.V., Loboda O.S., Krivtsov A.M.


Non-stationary thermal processes in low-dimensional structures are considered. A previously developed analytical model of ballistic heat transfer is used. The paper focuses on a one-dimensional harmonic crystal with non-nearest neighbour interactions. The coupling forces correspond to the case of a crystal with dipole interactions between the particles. The number of interacting neighbour varies. The dependence of thermal processes on the number of interacting particles has been studied. To describe the evolution of the initial thermal disturbance, an analysis of the dispersion characteristics and group velocities was carried out. It is shown that if only the nearest neighbors are considered, the maximum group velocity will be 78% of the maximum group velocity achieved when considering an infinite number of neighbors. The fundamental solution to the heat propagation problem has been constructed. A solution is obtained for the case of an initial disturbance in the form of a rectangular pulse. An assessment of the influence of neighbours on the rate of heat propagation and on the shape of the heat front was made. The dynamics of changes in wave intensity coefficients depending on the number of neighbors has been revealed. The thermal front is shown to propagate with a finite velocity equal to the maximum group velocity, which increases as more interactions are taken into account. However, the wave intensity factor decreases when the considered neighbours increase. The results obtained in this article aim to describe the heat transfer process in high-purity long-range crystals, such as dipole crystals. The results also help to estimate the error of computer modelling of such processes, since for numerical calculations it is necessary to limit the number of interacting particles.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):74-80
Semenova A.А., Grishchenko A.I., Semenov A.S.


Single-crystal superalloys, used in production of gas turbine blades, have a pro-nounced anisotropy of mechanical properties and high short-term, long-term and ther-mal fatigue strength. Based on a microstructural model of elastoplastic deformation, which takes into account the presence of octahedral and cubic slip systems, a study was carried out of the influence of the crystallographic orientation of single-crystal samples on the level of plastic strain under uniaxial tension and on the range of plastic strain under intense thermal cycling. Anisotropy of the plastic properties of single crystals manifests itself in the dependence of the level of plastic strain on the direction of load-ing. The contribution of octahedral and cubic slip systems under uniaxial loading in dif-ferent directions with respect to the crystal lattice has been evaluated. The evolution of the spatial orientation of plastic strain with a monotonic increasing of loading has been studied; the initiation and competing growth of local maxima have been analyzed. The angular coordinates of all possible 7 local maxima within the stereographic triangle are found and the load ranges of their dominance are indicated. The results of studying the influence of temperature and hardening on the orientation distribution of plastic strain are presented. The influence of the sample crystallographic orientation on the plastic strain level under symmetric and nonsymmetric cyclic loading has been studied. The results of modeling the cycle-by-cycle kinetics of plastic strains and their orientation distribution are presented. The results of the computational experiments for corset sam-ples for thermal fatigue tests showed a significant sensitivity of the plastic strain range to the deviation of the sample axis from the [001] orientation even by a few degrees, which indicates the need to revise the accepted tolerance of 10 degrees.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):81-98
Trusov P.V., Chechulina Е.А.


Discovered in the first half of the 19th century by F. Savard and A. Masson (and re-discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by A. Portevin and F. Le Chatelier), the effect of discontinuous plasticity remains the subject of intensive experimental and theo-retical research to this day. To a large extent, the interest in this problem is due to its significance. It is known that intermittent plasticity (the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect), especially at the final stages of processing metals and alloys by plastic deformation, leads to a decrease in viscosity, a significant increase in roughness of product surfaces. The latter reduces static and fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, weakens aerodynam-ic characteristics, and wear resistance. On the other hand, with the development of ex-perimental technology and theoretical methods, more and more new mechanisms are revealed that cause discontinuous plasticity, the study and description of which is a huge area in breadth and depth for fundamental research by experts in mechanics, phys-ics, and metallurgy. The paper contains two main parts. The first of them provides an overview of nu-merous experimental studies of alloys’ behavior in the temperature and strain rate ranges characteristic of the manifestation of PLC effect. The features and main mechanisms of the effect realization for various alloys are considered. The second part of the paper con-tains a description of phenomenological constitutive models based mainly on experi-mental studies of the behavior of macrosamples (as a rule, under uniaxial loading). In a number of these models, considerations of a physical nature were used for the formula-tion. In conclusion, a brief summary of the review papers is given. Constitutive models based on the consideration of physical mechanisms and their carriers (dislocations, impurity atoms) are contained in a separate review prepared by the authors.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):99-131
Trusov P.V., Gerasimov R.M.


The effects of intermittent plasticity, despite almost 200 years of history since its dis-covery, are still intensively studied by mechanics, materials scientists, and technologists processing metals and alloys by plastic deformation. With the development of experi-mental methods and instrumentation, more and more new mechanisms are being discov-ered that are responsible for the violation of the monotonicity of the response (stresses) under monotonic effects (growth of strains). To describe these effects, constitutive mod-els (constitutive relations) based on various (macrophenomenological, thermodynamic, structural-mechanical, physical) approaches have been proposed and continue to be developed. Despite the variety of reasons for the emergence of discontinuous plasticity, it is generally recognized that in order to build correct constitutive models, it is necessary to analyze the processes that occur during inelastic deformation at the meso- and microlev-els, and to describe the evolving structure of materials at various scale levels. Thus the use of physically oriented models is the most promising area of studies for the formula-tion of constitutive relations. The proposed article provides a brief overview of works constructing physically-oriented constitutive models suitable for studying the effects of discontinuous plasticity. The first part of the review presents models based mainly on the phenomenological ap-proach to the formulation of a set of equations for studying the evolution of the defect structure of single- and polycrystalline alloys, most of which use the continuum descrip-tion. When creating physically-oriented models, special attention is paid to the consid-eration of the mutual influence of defects of various natures, including the interaction of impurity atoms with dislocations. The second part of the review considers works based on the introduction of internal variables, a multilevel physically-oriented approach. Un-fortunately, second-class models are currently very limited; nevertheless, the authors consider them the most promising for constructing constitutive models that adequately describe the effects of discontinuous plasticity.

PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):132-158
Ustinov K.B., Gandilyan D.V.


The paper deals with the problem of a coating section delaminated from a cylindrical base due to compressive stresses. It has been studied using the theory of cylindrical shells with boundary conditions of the type of generalized elastic clumping. We obtained distributions of the components of the coating displacements and the energy release rate for the delamination growth along the rectilinear and curvilinear boundaries. We compared the values of the energy release rate and components of the dis-placement calculated with and without the influence of transverse forces. The depend-ences of the energy release rate, mode I of the stress intensity factor, the angle of rota-tion at the clamping point, and the coating displacement components on the relative compliance of the substrate and its curvature have been studied. It is shown that with an increase in the compliance of the substrate, the magnitude of the delamination buckling and the energy release rate increase significantly. The positive curvature also leads to an increase in the energy release rate. Several reasons have been identified, according to which the delamination stops developing along its rectilinear boundary and the tunneling effect occurs. It is shown that for sufficiently compliant substrates there is a certain critical width of a delamination, at which the development in the axial direction becomes ener-getically more favorable. Besides, it follows from the presented data, that positive curva-ture and an increase in the compliance of the substrate lead to a decrease in this critical width. According to the analysis of the results for the angle of rotation at the clamping point and the separation mode of the stress intensity factor, the observed effect of tunnel-ing can be caused not only by the difference in the energy release rates during the prop-agation of delamination due to expansion and elongation (tunneling), but also by the prohibition of overlapping of the coating and substrate faces

PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2023;(5):159-172

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